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Everything posted by Cyco_Reborn

  1. I don't plan on having children ever, but if I were to then: Boy: Dante or Horus. Girl: Diane or Venustopheles. Exactly, why I don't plan on having children (well, that and i'm gay)
  2. We have THIS forum for that, but Necromagus could put a link back to this forum for the people that don't normally use this board, so they can post here. Glad to see you signed up again, BTW.
  3. The album Razor Sharp Daggers by Agathocles. I really have been missing out!!! This is a total, utter masterpiece!!! And it's very long for a Grindcore album: 1 hour 15 minutes and that's without several minutes of silence on the end track!!!
  4. If you ask me, the first one was as funny as all of them, but its nothing compared to anything by the king of comedy gore: Peter Jackson. He did invent the exploding sheep phenomenon!!! :P Good review, once again!!! Could have done with more comentary on your behalf and less of a plot summary. Still good though!!! :thumbsup:
  5. Progressive, eh? You might want to check out Behold... The Arctopus, then. They're more experimental and a bit rubbish in my opinion, but they appeal to some people. Skip me if you want and suggest another for Ragen.
  6. ... wat Hardcore is not a heavier version of metalcore at all, it's a heavier version of punk, and it's not a 'typical screamo' sound at all, most hardcore songs don't even scream, post hardcore ones do though. Bring me the horizon is either metalcore or deathcore. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardcore_punk ^ all you need to know about hardcore. Screamo however, is a genre which comes from hardcore punk mixed with emo, i.e the blood brothers. (terrible btw) Newer screamo is things like the used or thursday, taking a more alternative rock approach. You don't need to put screamo down there I just thought I'd say all this because of where you said: 'typical screamo sound.' PLEASE EDIT THE HARDCORE PART OF THE FIRST POST OP. Something like this: Hardcore: A faster, heavier version of punk, not really related to metal but helped form metalcore. Usually clean vocals thus not to be confused with post-hardcore. You know, I don't particularly care. This was meant to be a metal dictionary, not punk, so I shall amend it by taking out the punkier stuff. Have a lovely day!!! :D
  7. You have freedom to say whatever you want, but you have to be prepared to face any possible consequences. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.
  8. Is that even possible? to spell all that out? Yes, your small intestine is actually like 7 miles long. They're more like 1 mile, at most, and the chances are they would be eaten by scavenging birds or over animals by the time the remains were found. I haven't heard any good Urban Legends in a while, although I went on a site a while ago with some really creepy ones. I'll try to remember them.
  9. The life sentence isn't long enough for him. I hope he gets maimed in prison, which usually happens to people like him.
  10. I Vomit On The Altar and Sh*t In The Offeratory Bag by Satan's Revenge on Mankind. I'm starting to wonder if this band uses just a Bass Guitar, or a very downtuned and distorted Electric Guitar...
  11. That was a pretty good review (lol, i'm reviewing a review), did you use a template or something? It seemed rather uniform: giving a plot summary then explaining the good and bad bits. Nice review. :thumbsup:
  12. My diagnosis: (I'm not really a doctor, you should go see one, NOW) 50% chance you're being a hypochondriac over some small problem. 49.999% chance you have a problem that could cause some concern, but nothing as bad as a brain tumour. 0.111% chance you have a brain tumour.
  13. Haha, thats pretty funny, but it's rather fair that she got arrested for hacking.
  14. That sounds pretty fun. Enjoy it!!! And we'll want to see pictures of your costume!!!
  15. I'm listening to the album Brutal by The Day Everything Became Nothing. The name of the album sums it up pretty well. :P
  16. Are you serious? This is about culture in general, not just music. Once again someone failed to read the whole post. Well done!!! #-o I never said it was just about music, I commented from a musical point of view, the one which applies to me the most. Once again someone failed to read my post carefully and decide an appropriate response. Well done!!! #-o Anyway, I think the OP made a valid point, a lot of people these days can hardly think for themselves.
  17. Black Metal is silly. If anyone argues that Black Metal is serious then just argue by saying: A load of men dressed all in black leather begin chased through the woods by trolls on a grimm frostbitten autumn morning... Yes, serious!!! The only kind of Black Metal that could be taken seriously is depressive/suicidal black metal. Ironically, i'm listening to the album New Obscurantis Order by Anorexia Nervosa, a symphonic black metal band. You really can't take this band seriously at all from how they look: [hide=Teh mostest kvltest grimmest frosty black metul band evar!!!][/hide]
  18. You might want to check out Anorexia Nervosa, a symphonic black metal band. They manage to make it work very well if you ask me.
  19. I just listened to the album Brain Corrosion by Dead Infection, overall it was amazing!!!
  20. Nice metaphor, it puts the music industry in a pretty good perspective, but once again someones failed to notice the Music, movies and tv board. Well done!!! #-o
  21. 100 way Splatter Fetish, a 100 way Compilation/Split album with a load of different Grind bands. It's awesome.
  22. Apparently, youtube isn't working and you missed the Music, Movies and TV sub forum at the top. Well Done!!!
  23. Haha, sounds like a brilliant idea!!! I'm in full support!!!
  24. Don't bring knives to a gunfight. Instead, bring the BEAR MOUNTED ROCKET CAVALRY!!!
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