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Everything posted by Cyco_Reborn

  1. What are you getting at? You do know cause and effect is real right? What would it be if it wasn't real???
  2. Indeed, it's probably the least physically harming drug there is. ...but probably the most mentally harmful I'd rather do LSD than weed. I'd rather do both at the same time. ;) but the heat from burning the pot would denaturize the LSD wouldn't it? [/hide] Well you either lace the weed with LSD or just smoke a bit after. A shroom/ganja combination is better though. I shall have to test your theory. ;)
  3. [wagon]-Ring Lollypop by SpermSwamp, I love this band at the moment, they're really good!!!
  4. Would really have been to hard to search in google? I found this. Also, screaming is the vocal art of sucking, literally. :lol:
  5. The Internet is for rule #34 NO EXCEPTIONS!!!
  6. Paranoid: Low Schizoid: Low Schizotypal: Low Antisocial: Low Borderline: Low Histrionic: Moderate Narcissistic: Low Avoidant: Low Dependent: Low Obsessive-Compulsive: Moderate Well... That was disapointing...
  7. Indeed, it's probably the least physically harming drug there is. ...but probably the most mentally harmful I'd rather do LSD than weed. I'd rather do both at the same time. ;)
  8. The album Are You Excrements? by Clotted Symmetrical Sexual Organ, a Stoner Grind band!!! They're actually really trippy sounding, mainly due to the Theremin I can hear in there!!!
  9. When did this thread appear and why didn't I see it??? Aaaaaaaanyway, it's more of a talent you're born with, but upon saying that, I managed to pick it up by randomly growling whenever I felt like it. You need a deep voice in the first place, that can help. If you're talking about Hardcore screams, though, you just have to inhale really quickly, through your vocal chords. Trial and error, mainly.
  10. Semi-Formal, eh? Gimp mask, Trenchcoat, odd Socks, Goth Boots and [bleep]e your hair up as much as possible. Then [bleep]e the punch with LSD.
  11. Fornicate I'm seriously going to follow you around and correct your grammar. Mixed up letters are alright, but the wrong word is just unacceptable. Poor Cyco :P I think i'll play the Chainsaw threat card, please. :twisted: And that's hardly a major spelling mistake.
  12. Spain. You can get cheap cigarettes there!!! Or, if you don't smoke then i'm sure you know someone who smokes, who would appretiate them.
  13. Surely there's no point whatsoever in doing this kind of thing. They say they're trying to protect people, but they're just monitoring them. Someone will have gotten through them in a matter of hours anyway.
  14. You should try One Man Army And The Undead Quartet, a really good Thrash/Death Metal band. Try anything from the album 21st Century Killing Machine.
  15. Ghoul by Ghoul, when they were good, and not some mediocre Thrash band ie. Splatterthrash.
  16. [bleep] yeah MERUTSUBAU Merzbow is also one person. Well... Yeah!!! I was listening to Merzbow today, and I was like: "Woah!!! This is awesome!!!" Also, dude, you been banned from Last.fm or something???
  17. Dudes, seriously!!! I just saw Bigfoot!!! He was like 6 foot tall and really hairy!!! Actually, on second thoughts... That could've been my dad...
  18. By Aliens do they, by any chance, mean foreign illegal immigrants? If so then it's quite likely they've been spotted in america. If they mean the little green men from Mars... Then they should get their coats...
  19. The meaning of life is to faunicate and produce offspring, or in some way ensure the survival of the species. Either that, or it changes for every individual. Basically, do what you want, when you want.
  20. They should seal them in a massive box, made of plexiglass and see how long it takes for them to die from oxygen starvation!!!
  21. Isn't that what it is? I thought so, just clarifying... The only Japanese bands I know are Bathtub Sh*tter, C.U.M., Masonna, Merzbow, Melt-Banana and probably a few more. The closest one to Pop are Melt-Banana, but they're more like noise rock. The other ones are just plain noise, or Grindcore.
  22. They're Tech Death... And Suffocation aren't that heavy either. I was listening to the album Slaughtercult by Exhumed and now i'm going to listen to some Fruity Bongo Grind!!!
  23. Sony are pretty good. You could have a look at this one. Also, I think the microphone advice is pretty good, getting some quality mics instead might be a better idea.
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