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Princess Viola

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Everything posted by Princess Viola

  1. You would get the xp by building and repairing boats. Example: Building a Level 1 rowboat grants 8 xp.
  2. My new skill is: Boat Building and since it is a medium length suggestion. Please read the whole topic before flaming. [hide=Overview]Have you ever wanted to go to Karamja or Entrana without paying 30gp? With Boat Building you can! When you construct (no relation to construction) your boat the main items you will need are: Planks, Anchor (bought from Boat Supply store or smithed at level 25 smithing), and a mast with a sail (bought from Boat Supply Store). When you finish your boat, you can choose if only you can ride it, your friends can use it, or anyone can use it. You can also hire crewmen who are NPCs who can command your boat when you're not logged in.[/hide] [hide=Shops]The only new shop to be introduced is the Boat Supply Store in Port Sarim. In this shop you can buy: Anchors (200gp) and masts (500gp)[/hide] [hide=Random Events]Pirates: What happens is pirates will raid your ship in a effort to rob you. When the random happens you are presented a map of the ship and the map highlights where the pirates are. When you defeat the last pirate he will drop a key and a chest. When you open the chest you can get: a cutlass, 1/3 of a Pirate Sail, coins (100-5000), various gems, or 1/3 of a Treasure Map. The Pirate Mast can be used to make your ship more piratey, if you will. The cutlass is a weapon, mainly for show, but is a decent weapon for low-mid level players. The Treaure Map shows you the location of a secret treasure and what the reward is. Some of the treasures are: Diamonds, Half a Key (Members), coins (1000-50000), or Pirate Amulet (increases chances of getting a Treasure Map piece by 15%[/hide] [hide=Minigame]This skill will also introduce a new minigame: Ship Wars! In this game you can battle other people in a high seas adventure. When you go into the docks you have 3 options for what kind of battle you want to be in: [hide=Individual]If you choose to be an individual, that means you can only fight one other individual. With no help at all from ANYONE.[/hide][hide=Navy]If you choose Navy, you can join an armada of 2 or more ships to battle other Navies. You can even form your own Navy and let other people join![/hide][hide=Pirate]Arr, tiss a Pirate you want to be, matey? Well, if you choose to be one, you have access to any kind of battle. When you're a Pirate you can: Sabatoge other peoples battles, Board other ships and kill their crewmen, and rob their ship![/hide]Remember: This is a SAFE minigame meaning if a Pirate kills you, you will retain ALL your items and simply teleport back to the cabin of what ever ship you're on.[/hide] [hide=How does this tie in with other skills?]You can attack crewmen as a pirate for combat experience. You can smith anchors at level 25 smithing with 5 Iron bars (125xp). You gain 30 Crafting xp when sewing together the Pirate Sail. A small amount of Theiving xp (Members) when robbing crewmen as a Pirate. (Free-Plays can still rob but, won't get any xp). You can smith cannons at level 15 smithing for Ship Wars granting 100xp. You can also cut down trees to use the wood for planks. (xp depends on kind of tree)You also gain crafting experience when repairing a damaged sail after playing Ship Wars.[/hide] [hide=NPCs][hide=Captain Hickle]The owner of the Boat Supply store[/hide][hide=Crewmen]The crewmen are the crew of your ship. They can even steer your ship for you![/hide][/hide] [hide=Skill Cape]The Skill Cape can be bought for 99000gp from Captain Hickle. The cape which displays a picture of a boat is aqua. And for the trim is goldenrod. The cape emote is you build a small boat, sit in it, and a pool of water appears and you row your boat in the water.[/hide] This concludes my suggestion any ideas are welcome I am working on my pictures. Support Banners [url=http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=727864][img=http://img179.imageshack.us/img179/4104/supportjx2.png][/url] [url=http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=727864][b]I support Boat Building[/b][/url] I support Boat Building
  3. Who needs a PlayStation 3? You can have a MECHA-KING GHIDORAH!
  4. Remember they have to be items from RuneScape. So, no emo things or anything not related to RuneScape. (that includes December 10th things)
  5. Can Colonel Sanders take care of this?
  6. 3 men are on top of a mountain and a old chinese guy is there he tells them that what ever they say as the jump off they'll land in. The 1st gy jumps and says, "pillows", so he lands in pillows The 2nd guy jumps and says "hay" so, he lands in hay. The 3rd guy trips and says "Aww, [cabbage]" and as he falls he says "Whheeee! (Wee)" so he lands in [cabbage] and wee!
  7. Eat a spider (actually did once) Get grinded up into a hamburger or become a Nazi
  8. I get this guy to eat you and I get it!
  9. Godzilla mutates into this and lives!!!!11 (I know that's King Ghidorah) :P
  10. do nationalsozialismus (free cookie to anyone who guesses what it means)
  11. Abbysal Whip + DDS + Godsword + Rune Halberd + Full 3rd Age + All Barrows sets = FULL BRONZE!
  12. Godzilla pwns your tank! GO ME! \
  13. :twisted: :| =P~ :uhh: :thumbdown: :shame:
  14. TICKLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 World's Worst Game Show Host! [hide]Whose Line is it Anyway? FTW![/hide]
  15. ERROR- TOE NOT COIN [hide]please be a random noob![/hide]
  16. What you must do is take an item from RuneScape, say Dragon 2H and another item like a party hat and say what you get when you fuse them together e.g. Dragon 2H+Party Hat=Dragon Hat! Here's mine: Dharock's Great Axe + Bronze sword = Dharocks Great Bronze Axe! You can add more than to things.
  17. ##################################### ##_________________________77______## ##____??$$$$??___________#####_____## ##__??$$$$$___$_________########___## ##__?$$$$$$___$?________77_######__## ##_??$$$$$_____$_______77_____####_## ##_??$$$$$_____$______77________##_## ##??$$?$$$$$__$?_____77__________#_## ##$$$$$?$$$$$$$$$$$_77_____________## ##$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$?77______________## ##$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$77$?a____________## ##$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$77$$$$?6__________## ##$$$$$$$$$$$$??77$$$$$$?2_________## ##$$$$$$$$$$$$$77??$$$$$$?a________## ##$$$$$$$$$$$$77??$$$$$$$6_________## ##$$$$$$$$$$$111$$$$$$$$2__________## ##$$$$$$$$$111111$$$$$?a___________## ##?$$$$$$$$$1111$$$$$6_____________## ##?$$$$$$$$$$$$??????2_____________## ##$$$$$$*77$$$$$$$$$$______________## ##??$$$*77$$$$$$$$$$_______________## ##$??$*77$$$$$$$$$$$$______________## ##$$11111$$$$$$$$$$$$______________## ##11111111$$$$$$$$$$$$_____________## ##11111$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$_____________## ##77$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$____________## ##7$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$____________## ##$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$____________## ##?$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$___________## ##?$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$__________## ##??$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$__________## ##????$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$_________## ##????????????$$$$$$$$$$$$_________## ##?????????????????$$$$$$$_________## ##???????????????????????__________## ##?????????????????????____________## ##????$$______$$$$$________________## ##??$$$$______??$$$$_______________## ##_??$$_________?$$$_______________## ##_________________________________## ## _________ ______________ ________## ##_________________________________# DEATH!
  18. Ok, but your lack of a wish caused a rip in the space time continum destroying the universe. I wish for [hide]100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000bil[/hide]
  19. Why can't F2Ps have the ability to go 2 their friends houses????????????????????????????????????????/
  20. HE IS DEAD JUST EXCEPT THE FACT THAT YOU'RE WRONG! (I also used to live next to The Old Nite irl I was at the funeral!)
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