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Everything posted by IeatWindex

  1. I will go along with the slipping grades and whole beneficial to my knowledge think. But I gotta learn how to find and use a workpoint of hers... This is going to be hard. If she has a weak spot, shes good as hell hiding it...
  2. I want to subscribe to members. Anyways, I cracked it on my dad. That was easy. He agreed with no hesitation, but then he said "Ask your mom and if she thinks the game is age appropiate, ill pay". But my parents are opposite, and divorced. My mom is strict and my dad is easy going. Im perfect in school, but that may not be enough, how should I go about convincing my very strict mom? Open to all advice.
  3. Not to sound rude, but do you just keep posting stuff like "Woah creepy, keep it up guys" to bump the thread? BTW my story is towards the end of pg. 1
  4. What's up, people. We will skip the intorduction because those are vastly over-rated :thumbsup: A little history first! Mario, noted as the most recognizable video game character of all time, first appeared in the arcade game Donkey Kong as "Jumpman". He's been in over 200 games! Including.... SUPER MARIO GALAXY! The latest installment to the Mario franchise! This is the thread to discuss this game, its pro's & con's, and your overall rating!
  5. fishy the spam you see must be the spam you just posted ;) Hope your assistance goes well :)
  6. Hmmm...NO. Your logic is incorrect beyond compare. Smoother graphics make no difference. NO advantage. Im happy RWT is gond. I didn't care that That the wilderness was gone, I never PK'ed anyways. Im bummed that there is a trade limit, but its all for the right cause.
  7. 12+ Aless people cheat the censor and cyber ;)
  8. I had a best friend which I met at level 30, his name was rougerihan, and a year later he's level 90 and im still level 62 :
  9. If you have time to post this question, you couldv'e checked the grandexchange database...
  10. Why compliments section? You mean rants? or no...? I was making the joke that you post on the compliments forum so you can mooch your way to being a pmod.
  11. If your a member, go to compliments on RSOF, post there, and there ya go. To be serious dont try to hard, and dont report small things.
  12. Erm...I agree with the 149's. Off-topic: This is totally random, but Zanaris is gonna be tight with graphics update, just came to mind :|
  13. 14k bones'? dang. Dude, to me, good randoms are rare :/ Took me like a year to get ladderhosen hat...my first ladderhosen random...Just hope you get the random, and bury...alot.
  14. I buried 550 B bones at G.E. straight. All I got was MoM
  15. I meant dont you mean THE world hates you back? Its a typo...I think.
  16. Like I said, skill capes. If we get a 99, we deserve to show it! And Dallas in your sig it sais "And i world hates you"...
  17. Woodcutting! Its not buyable, cool emote, profitable, and a little more respect. Go for one you think is fun and NEVER get a 99 to just have one.
  18. Hmmm...So hard to choose! I want 99 Woodcutting faster, but need the money for Big bones....
  19. Im F2p though, and do you think if I sell willows lowest price on G.E. do you think they'd sell?
  20. Im 65 WC. Im trieing to hit 99 WC, and Im wondering whats faster. Id like money as well, but I realize willows hardly sell. What should I go with?
  21. I will consider it. But I will see how the next episodes go first.
  22. Russell: Everyone called him RJ, so I will refer to him as that. RJ was obsessed with runescape, he never stopped talking about it. He got to the point where He'd beg people to make him a member. We called him runescape nerd, and his comeback was "Your talking to the guy with 10M". LOL? He then asked me how I get all the girls to like me, I told him be yourself. So he'd go up to them and would talk about Runescape, He'd be like "Wanna come to my house and watch me play RS?" He never got the message...
  23. 1. No one. 2. I dont have one. I don't prefer following some one, because I live my own life, and usually mess up big time in their life, making me mad I looked at that person as a role model.
  24. I just think it should be later at night, but Its actually funny. And elaborate how it's sarcastic.
  25. Thats considered spam... I have no source to decide whether those things are true or not.
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