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Everything posted by duncdar2

  1. duncdar2


    Nice for a first try. ^.^
  2. Evil Mumm Ra may come in, as he's awesome.
  3. Epic Fail. Oh noes! :ohnoes: It's the 666 guy! On Topic: I have not done the quest, but from what I've heard, it's easier then what Jagex says.
  4. Only Wongtong's machette may come in. The door likes these sharp objects. All other words may not pass. And the door isn't dumb, it can't sallow it's self. :o
  5. Pretty much this is a word game in which you have to figure out what can and can't come through the door. The rules are: You may only post 2 items you wish to bring in at a time. Don't reveal the sercret. And, only Russian Door Keepers can approve the 2 items. Anyone breaking these rules with get a [inserts bad stuff here]. Russian Door Keepers Duncdar2 Examples: A chicken nugget and a puppy ~~~ Both may come in. ______ The U.S.S.R may come in, but the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics may not. The door only likes certain items.
  6. Noobs are inmature players, nothing to do with combat. I think what your thinking of is newb. But, the general population group of people on the internet have no idea what it means.
  7. No, they got stuff done by burning anyone they thought was a which on stakes... On Topic: Physical areas? Or like emotional, but yes, you'd have to gustier then you think to tell cops about being raped. BTW I mentioned rape once in my topic post and it somehow becomes the new topic, oh well. NO POST COUNT FOR YOU ~Duncdar Post Count Nazi
  8. I'm a middle class high school 43% are not virgins I have no clue about the STD stat. 68% admit to being involved with sexual activity (such as the "foreplay" stuff) The fresh man class that just came up has had 4 prgnancies resulting in 2 abortions, one miscarridge and one drop out. The sophmores this year are [bleep]s and man [bleep]. but I dn't think any of them are child bound. The Juniors had dozens of pregnancy scares, but all but one turned out to be a false alarm. That kid had to drop out The Seniors are the most STD laden, but I'm quite sure none were ever preggerz This further supports my previous stand. What does not kill us makes us stronger, 'cept AIDS.
  9. Yeah, I mean come on, being addicting to a game, pshhhh... sad bunch. Now! i'm going to tell to every friggen clan I'm in while mining some ore, and playing SWBFII telling other people online over a headset, and play Pong. Gah, stupid teens with their video games, pfft, I resent them.
  10. First reply FTW, I found this helpful, as I wanted to know a lot of the stuff he was doing, such as if there's a sequel.
  11. I was about to post that in a like 1 minute, but I like the timer, easier to fish without getting logged. Pee breaks FTW!
  12. duncdar2

    The OOC

    *cough LUEshi *cough* Anywho, I do still go to the Order's forums from time to time, and personaly, I don't see them on much, (world 7 Draynor patch right?) Or atleast is was. and yes, I know a few people who will flame the hell out of me still, some like Arthinis or something... :twss:
  13. Wow, I don't think I could hold out as long as Chi. I do make very good grades, and I have a British Accent in an American school, so I constantly bullied. I can only take so much, I don't hit them until they throw a third punch, yes I wait for them to hit me a third time before I hit them. Generally I just use smart comebacks. Which ends in them just repaeting what they said last, in a very inmature way.
  14. What are your views on bullying? At one time it was deemed normal for teens to do this. But now teachers are getting pissed at kids who do. An they're all like " It's inmature." And i'm like WTF? They're practically contradicting themselves. I don't care about it. I can fight back. Which general ends in me calling then a douche and kicking them on the ground after giving them a charlie-horse. I hate the scholl adminastration, as then think it's some senerio (sp?) and are like " Tell a teacher". Another WTF moment. Hey! If your getting raped (really, being serious.) you aren't going to tell someone. NO! Your most likely to punch them to holy hell. Ending up with you kicking them and calling them a douche. YAY, NAY, MAYBE, YEBNO?
  15. I support it, along with guns, abortion, aithiest, and Hitler, communism falls in there somewhere. I support because since the government has the power (I HAS THE P0W3R!) they can get more done, capitalism runs it through the public, which in most cases takes long, while in that period of time, a Communist can have already thought they're plans. Frankly, Communism gets stuff done. However, I don't support dictators. in most cases they get too powermad. Religion gets in the way too much in dictaorships. Look at Hitler, he was religous (sp?) caused him the war. f he wasn't, he would have attacked Europe right away and won, but since he help off it gave the Allies time to prepare. But I do support all the stuff I mentioned that I supported. (really?!??) Stalin FTW
  16. Yes, private servers are really fun, especially one that's free and has member skills for f2p. RSCAngel, you heard it from the grape.
  17. Well there's a few sites that allow you to still play, in a matter of fact *cough* *cough* I uh, know a few.
  18. What are you ugys talking about?!? RSHD is awesome! I'd have to say the trade limit though.
  19. That's [cabbage]. They reason to be proud of having all 99s in f2p skills and being f2p is that we aren't these people who take the easy around skills. We're stuck with the hard way of training. Making it much more memorible then a Member have a 99.
  20. As some of you that use HyperCams for you RS video screening might have noticedd that even on RS HD it gets pixelated. Do any fo you know how to stop this? I don't the lagg, just better graphics. Thanks in advance. Sorry if there's already threads like this.
  21. Jagex stated themself that they aren't putting RS on a council.
  22. Oh, but I still hope that they implant them into the game.
  23. Ah, I never realised that! I just throw on whatever looks cool.
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