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Everything posted by Skeptical

  1. Resident Evil soundtrack; normally not at all a fan of this kind of music, but for some reason I'm hooked on it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zp75lEXheBk
  2. Did you even watch the same video that I watched!?!!!? Not intending to hurt anyone means raising the gun straight up then shooting.... Pointing a gun at someone and firing three times shows pretty clear intention. The fact that he missed doesn't change his intent, it just means he's a lousy shot. He pointed it lower than the guy, shooting only to scare, then shot it again in the air, before being shot by the guard. After being shot by the guard, he had a moment of panic where he did appear to point and shoot, but that was because he had been forced into a panic. You don't try to aggravate a mentally unstable man. I would also like to point out that the security guard was a trained professional, while the members of the audience were not. He was hired for the purpose. Do you have eyes? Watch the video again. He clearly raises the gun, lowers it and aims AT the superintendent, then shoots. Not above, not below, AT. I think he must have shot wide right, because the papers on the desk fly off after the bullet flies over. If he shot low originally, you'd see the table's front shatter into a million pieces. His second shot wasn't aimed at all, and it looks like it would have hit the floor. THEN the security guard shoots at him, and the perpetrator ducks and gets off three more shots (where he thinks the board members are) before the security guard shoots again. If the security guard had aim, he would've shot him in a vital spot (like the head or the chest) the first time to end the situation faster. In bold: that's stupid - a small caliber round fired into a soft surface. I'm certainly not by any means a firearms expert, but I think it's fairly obvious what happens then. I can't tell from the video exactly where he's aiming the first shot, but I agree that his second shot was just him pulling the trigger in their generally direction, and I'm fairly certain that one ended up bouncing off the floor.
  3. ^ Lol. I've so far gotten 3 different people addicted to it: this game is like a highly contagious disease, or possibly crack. Pick your simile. Does anyone have any strategies about the best way to get iron? So far, I've basically just been strip mining at 20 or more blocks below sea level, but I think that I may waste more iron on picks that I recover from the extraction operation. Next up: a huge library built in multiple massive trees on an island floating in the sky, with a glass skybridge from it to my main fortress.
  4. I don't really have so much of a playlist, but if I play music while in bed, I generally fall asleep listening to the BBC, or something by Otep. Last night: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D79peD6i-rw
  5. Get a lighted case. and a Kindle is still half the price of an Ipad, and about the same price as a touch (?), and try to tell me that it can be easily read out-doors, with a month of battery life. If you want a touch-screen computer (why, I have no clue) then the iPad/touch is fine. It completely fails as an ebook reader though.
  6. Skeptical


    I'm certainly not an expert, but my physiotherapist has told me that if I need to take painkillers to play more than once, then it's only going to make it worse. My knees are messed up from unbalancing from my hockey training, and the first thing the doctor wanted to do was put me on prescription painkillers... yeah, thank you, but I'd rather actually fix the problem than just hide it with drugs.
  7. **cough** Easy access to handguns is so wonderful **ahem** He's psychologically unstable, he's armed, and he has someone to be angry at. We've always had people like this, and we always will. Thankfully no one was hurt. What scares the crap out of me is the thousands of veterans coming home with PTSD and other psychological disorders from overseas wars. Combine that with easy access to weapons, and all they need is someone to be angry at.
  8. Wouldn't we all do this? Don't they [politicians] ALREADY do this? I never understand why Clinton's lies were worse than his affair. I recently heard an Italian political figure on the BBC talk about Berlusconi: essentially, what he said was that he supported his policies, if not Berlusconi himself. His example was Hitler's conservatism in his personal life (lack of drinking, smoking, womanizing, etc) - it's the policy that makes the political figure, even if it's the vices that make the man. (Although I personally consider Berlusconi's policy slimeball material anyway.) Lying to the public is certainly far different from "mere" womanizing. But it does make you wonder if you really want a man that has so little control over his sexual urges, and so readily abuses his power.
  9. I agree. Didn't Clinton also go out with the highest approval rating of any president? The fact, it seems, is that every President has their scandals. Singling Bill Clinton out seems unfair given other President's scandals as well. I'm not trying to single him out (believe me, you do not want to hear what I think about Bush) - I'm just making sure that people remember him for what he did: killed a mentally disabled man, molested women, cheated multiple times on his wife, lied while under oath, etc. EDIT: He does not just "like banging" - I would think less of him (since he cheated on his wife), but he also lied multiple times to the public in an attempt to cover it up.
  10. He will continue! I'm wary about donating cash through the post, but I really can't do it through money orders. Stupid PayPal.
  11. He was directly responsible for the execution of a black man that was essentially lobotomized by his suicide attempt in an attempt to distract the rest of the public from the Gennifer Flowers scandal. Ricky Ray Rector did not understand what was happening. He tried to save his desert "for after". - And guess what, it worked! Everyone just forgot that he lied under oath. Then, he pardoned terrorists. (And these guys weren't WikiLeaks, either: they were setting off bombs.) Then he went on to buy off some favors for friends and supporters. (See link) Then, there were all of the "smaller" violations of the law and public trust:
  12. Not intentionally, which is different than what they're doing. I fixed it, btw. I just plain don't like anon. If I don't log in again in 3 weeks, it'll be because anon DDOS'd me. Which aspect are you most displeased about? They support freedom of speech, and then take down Caribou Barbies when she says something that they don't like - she has as much right to freedom of speech as any other idiot.
  13. For some of my writing, I prefer to use a pencil, and absolutely love my Zebra M-402. I bought two for ~$10, and they're probably the best purchase I've ever made. Durable, feel great, and look good. Right now I'm using a Staples "Opti-Flow" rollerball pen, but I really need to upgrade to something better. Any recommendations?
  14. Skeptical


    Or you can just focus and eat oatmeal. I found that eating carbs raises my cholesterol level, while cutting carbs from my diet significantly reduced it. Weird, huh? I love seeing the slow switch. People are starting to actually pay attention! They weren't always idiots, but then along came Ancel Keys, cognitive dissonance went to work, and they are going to pay for participating in such blatant pseudo-science. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/01/27/opinion/27taubes.html PaleoNu
  15. I just finished Wee Free Men by Pratchet (I've read it before, but it's been a while).
  16. Skeptical


    [bleep] you, having anxiety/depression sucks and if medication is the only thing that makes it stop or minimizes it so I can function normally, then I'm going to take it and shouldn't have to hide it or anything (granted she said too much). It doesn't just magically go away on it's own, or last a short while like a cold. Anyone who says it does has never experienced it Nice to meet you, too. I didn't say I was against medication (or even more specifically medication for depression), I said that I was amazed at how people here provided a list of all their deficiencies and what they're taking to ease them. I understand that you shouldn't have to hide such information with those around you, but I don't see why you would share in the first place. People form opinions about you when they hear stuff like that. Do you also tell everyone about that weird looking mole on your back, or about how you had a strange bowel movement last week? And goddamnit I didn't want 'to go there' but you people have forced me to: I feel like almost everyone has gone through depression in these forums. I have also have a feeling that you're all just describing a period in your lives when you were sad teenagers. EVERYONE HAS HAD THAT. Shut the hell up about it, you can all write about you midlife crises in 40 years on your blogs and how you overcame it without anti-depressant drugs. Some people actually experienced stuff in life and need those drugs, just like a broken arm needs a cast. You can't will your ulna and radius back into shape. Well said. My deepest fear is to walk through life disconnected - I want to deal with my problems (and the world's) not to just to drown them with drugs.
  17. I thought that it was pretty much the classic hero portrait: staring above and beyond the comprehension of mere mortals.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gt5fEIkE_E8
  19. Nooby question: I'm going to have a minecart track that splits into two, and I want to be able to remotely change which direction the cart will take. Can anyone offer a link to a guide?
  20. Which happens to be the vast majority of drug dealers... I believe that it was the second book that went over names, and the unfortunate fact is that it is a fairly good predictor of the child's future success. What, exactly is your point?
  21. So true. That nobel prize was ridiculous. Well, he didn't start any new wars... but then again, he didn't really do anything to end the ones that they're fighting.
  22. Skeptical


    My apologies, I thought that the link would be sufficient: Further reading online: http://www.paleonu.com/ http://high-fat-nutrition.blogspot.com/ http://wholehealthsource.blogspot.com/ http://www.marksdailyapple.com/ (Very accessible, less grounded in actual research, academia).
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