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Everything posted by dragon246665

  1. you could try barrows for something new? Tip it has a good guide
  2. hmm...interesting, well I think I have my plan then. One last thing, demon butler or butler?
  3. but what type of oak furniture would be the most useful? Also, should I use my butler, or just do what I did to get 50, teleport to varrock, bank, teleport to house, build and repeat?
  4. Alright so, I want 75 construction because when I got it to 50 from 30, I realized that it was a super awesome skill that was fun to train, and I want a guilded altar. So, I was wondering what should I build to get there, and how much would it cost. I'm willing to spend 15 million on this. Also, I'm looking into getting some SC hammers to make the whole thing a bit easier on my bank, is this a good idea or not? Any advice is appreciated.
  5. Would it be possible for me to solo rex with these stats? If so, could you link me to some good guides/give me some advice? Any help is appreciated!
  6. Do some digging on botting sites, anyone who thinks bots are good for runescape, what you see will suprise you. Pictures of bots running for days, weeks at a time, collecting millions of gold and experience. Ever go to varrock east bank on a quick chat world? I can almost guarentee you that 98% of those people are bots. Ever been to puro puro on almost any world and see a level 30 catch a kingly impling, maybe a pure who actually got hunter legit, but most likely a bot. Many runecrafters nowadays, bots. High level players might say "Well I'm glad of these bots because they keep raw material prices down" but think about it, think of the low level who can't make money as well as a maxed player, they could spend hours trying to train a gathering skill, only to end up with a pittance compared to what high level players could make. This situation could easily lead to new members getting frustrated and quitting, which hurts jagex in the long run. Also, lets consider a hypothetical bot-pocalypse. Say that every bot in the game was disabled, at first the market would probably come to a complete halt, prices of raw materials would skyrocket to their caps, for a while, players would have to become almost self sufficient. Eventually however, players would be lured away from certain activities for the allure of gathering skills that could compete with monster hunters. The market would be screwed up for a long time, but eventually people would adjust. Lastly, I have no faith in jagex if they don't have the balls to take charge of their own game and whip out the banhammer a bit more often, because after having seen things from the botting end of the spectrum, I can tell you that Jagex's detection systems are either completely outdated, or just plain broken. Not to mention the fact that it would seem that reports do next to nothing. Eventually Jagex is going to have to make a decision, take their game back, or give up and say "we tried".
  7. umm...bots are illegal, you do realize this, don't you?
  8. I hate to break it to you, but jagex taking down one bot site won't seriously effect the botting population. There are others, and they frequently charge money for the use of their bots. If you wanter down the "dark alleys" of Runescape you'll find some very disturbing facts. I poked my nose around a website called rsbots (the s makes all the difference), and I never looked at soulwars the same way again. There are people there who post pictures of their bots running for days on end, collecting hundreds of zeal and reaching 99's with ease. Its honestly horrible, but the thing is, jagex won't do anything about besides the occasional banning because the thing is, they're paying for membership one way or another, so getting rid of them would hurt jagex's bottom line.
  9. It would start just as sort of like a piece of paper, then anything I thought was there, WAS there, so like if I wanted say, have a chat with Abraham Lincon then an exact replica of Lincon would appear. Then when I decided I was done talking to him, I would just erase him.
  10. You could probly make money doing black demons, then switch between that and bursting, also I would reccomend unlocking dusties because they are good charm droppers and give good xp.
  11. I've heard that puro puro is great profit if you have a high hunter level. So I was just wondering, when you catch an impling, are you supposed to loot it, or sell then on the GE?
  12. Well wait, what if the robot was like sitting on your shoulder while playing Runescape? You could be in front of the computer like, taking a nap or something, while the robot does stuff for you
  13. Alright so I know that in the TOS of Runescape they say that you can't use 3rd party software to give you an unfair advantage and stuff, which basically translates into "no botting allowed", but say you had like, a robot, like a physical robot and you somehow told it to play Runescape, could you get reported for botting, or would that be allowed?
  14. What I mean by you don't need 60 ranged for D claws is that I think Jagex should cut down on the delay, because its just annoying how you can get killed by a mele weapon from several squares away. I guess it was just a failed attempt to be slightly funny. :oops: And for the record, I've played 3 levels of the new skill. While I'll admit, it is probly biased of me to condemn the entire skill from 3 rounds, but my opinion (thanks for the spell check, guess I missed the day we were supposed to learn that word) still stands.
  15. Because I love tip.it and quitting Runescape was (as nerdy as this may sound) a difficult choice.
  16. dragon246665

    In general

    This topic isn't a complete rant, but it does have some rant like qualities so I figured I would just make the world a better place by putting it here. But before I start I want everyone to know that what I say here is just my opinnion. Okay so I recently left runescape, if not forever then for a while at least. Unlike many others who dropped because of school, real life issues, or one day decided to start hating the game, I left because I felt that I was going to start hating the game. Don't get me wrong, I love Runescape, I always have and I always will. It was and will forever be the game of my childhood. But as I got older my interests started to sway and I realized that soon I would no longer find Runescape fun, so I switched games. I'll admit, it was a hard descision and I still often think of Runescape. Either way, I started playing a new game (NOT WoW mind you) and I started to compare and contrast the two. I realized that while Runescape has some very good gameplay aspects, there were a number of others that were ruining my personal gameplay experience. For starters, and this is the big one in my mind, WE DO NOT LIVE IN SOVIET RUSSIA. By this I mean that the markets are so extremely controled that it was, in my mind, ridiculous. I mean sure the market fluctuates and all, but there are so many rules and regulations to the market that it was driving me insane. Take for example price caps. Many important f2p items have long since hit the cap. (I'm looking at you swordfish) Shouldn't it be up to the f2p population to decide how much their materials are worth? And whats this bull about restricting the number of trades we can have going? I mean does it really make the game more fun? 2. (I'm just going to start numbering these off now) Banks... Banks in general just confused me. Why would Jagex put a cap on bank space!?! I can slightly understand the f2p side of it, but I mean, WHAT IN THE WORLD IS FUN ABOUT HAVING AN ITEM CAP. 3. Grindy-ness. I know that this has been a core aspect of Runescape since its creation, but that was really one of the main reasons as to why I quit. You need to GRIND some skills to make money, spend the money GRINDING another skill. GRIND for some more money. Spend the money on equipment so that you can GRIND better. I mean, it goes on and on and on. I know that all games have a grid aspect to them, but in Runescape, it is very visible. 4. Cartoonish look. Alright, this one is an opinnion probly not shared by others, but in my eyes, Runescape keeps on edging towards a more cartoonish, anime style. Some people might like this, I am not one of them. 5. Excessively scripted feel. Games try to give the player as much freedom as possible, and Runescape is no exception. However, the fact that quests are all the same for each player (in 95% of the case at least) severly limits this feeling. The player has no option to change the course of history, they just do whatever the NPC tells them. 6. This is a big one for me. The ENTIRE PVP SYSTEM. I won't go into detail about every single solitary bit of the pvp system and spend days giving people my opinnion on some of the most hotly debated topics in all of Runescape, but I will only say a few things. For starters, D CLAWS ARE NOT A RANGED WEAPON, I DO NOT NEED 60 RANGED TO USE D CLAWS. Another thing I always found infuriating was the fact that Runescape had no buff or nerf system. In short, if you wanted to try fighting a different way you would have to start all the way from Tutorial island again (or whatever the hell they call it nowadays) I mean, that just boggles my mind, why do I have to stay in my class? Why can't I choose to fight the way I want? 7. The new skill. (yeah I just went there) This abomination of a skill (remember, all my opinnion, I'm not meaning to douse this thread in lighter fluid.) is just a mystery to me. Does this mean that my Pest control level is 70? Or that I'm 10,000 xp away from level 80 Castle wars. I mean, this "skill" is just an over hyped let down. Remember when Jagex built all that hype with the "mysterious forces" and crap, I was looking foreward to some epic quest on par with some of the cooler quests in the game, but instead I get to GRIND some more? (see "3") I could go on and on about why I despise this horrid update, but I feel that I've gotten my point across. And there you have it...the main reasons that I left Runescape. Keep in mind, If I had the choice of playing my entire Runescape experience over again or having all the money I spent on Runescape I would choose Runescape in a heartbeat. Either way, feel free to tear this thread to pieces or whatever you people do in the rants section.
  17. A lot of you don't seem to understand the concept, NO money would enter the game from a Runescape PLEX, money would just go from the player buying the PLEX to the player selling the PLEX. In my mind, a Runescape PLEX would be an item in Runescape, when you activate a real life time-code you have the option of getting 30 days of membership, or getting an in-game item. If you decide to take the item, the next time you log in, there will be a little message, sort of like the "One or more of your grade exchange offers has been updated" except this one will be like "Talk to a banker to recieve your PLEX". After talking to a banker you would get an item in your inventory, it would be sort of like a tele-tab, once you click it a little window appears and it asks you to confirm wether or not you want to activate 30 days of membership. If you decide to take the membership, the tab will disappear and you will be a member. All in all no money would enter the game.
  18. Theres already a topic similar to this in debate club Here Dang, I guess thats what I get for not doing my research.
  19. First off, this is not a rant thread at all, sorry trolls if I lead you on by the thread title. Second, if this should be moved to the suggestions part of the forum I understand, but I would like it to stay here if possible. Alright onto the topic now. Recently I have taken a break from Runescape, as many others have before me. To fill the gap of Runescape I went over to Eve. For those of you who don't know, Eve is a MMO, except sci-fi. Now, I'm not going to go into detail about my thoughts on the gameplay of Eve versus Runescape, I'm just going to talk about one very clever RWT fighting aspect of Eve. Eve, just like almost all of the other MMOs out there, suffers from sites selling in game currency for real life cash. Needless to say, many MMO companies try and find solutions to this problem. Some do mass bannings, some restrict in-game freedoms, some do this that and the other thing, whatever, the bottom line is usually more rules and less fun for all of the "law abiding" players. Now, in Eve, to prevent RWTing, CCP (makers of Eve) have instituted a system called "PLEX trading". All in all its like RWTing, except through the company, I'll explain. Have you ever seen those prepaid Runescape time cards at Target or Walgreens? In some stores there are Eve cards. Now, if you have a Runescape card, you can only activate it then go and play members. In Eve however, you can use the timecard to create an in-game item, called a PLEX. When activated, a PLEX gives you 30 days of membership. Now, here is where Eve starts to battle RWT. Instead of using your PLEX, you can put it on the market for others to buy. By placing the PLEX on the market, you no longer have the ability to activate the 30 days of membership, but you have just recieved some in-game currency. So all in all you spent real money to get in-game currency, but all of the profits went to the game, and not some RWT website. I think that Runescape should impliment some sort of PLEX like system, because it would help fight RWT, bring more money to Jagex, and give membership to people who are either too lazy to buy membership in real life or against spending their money on Runescape. I just think that its an ingenious system overall. Okay there you have it, discuss.
  20. Ever get annoyed at how your targets run away? Or cry "safer" whenever you eat? Ever wish that you could finally have a nice deathmatch with all of the rules preset? Well what I suggest is have a "challenge" button whenever you log into pvp worlds. Basicly a player would challenge another player to a deathmatch if the other player accepted, a window would pop up, similar to the duel arena. You could set rules like no eating, no moving, no this or that, whatever. When both players agreed you would be transported to a duel arena like place with just you and the person you are fighting. Whoever dies first loses all of their items (except for one maybee, if its a +1 world). The winner would then have as long as they like to pick up the randomly generated drop. The drops would be the same as a normal kill in a pvp world, and your EP would be effected the same way as if you had gotten a kill outside the "deathmatch arena". I think this is a good idea because it would bring a reliable way to deathmatch into pvp, and (if you ask me) give mains a better shot at pvp. Thanks for reading, feedback would be appreciated.
  21. Did they ever explain what so-and-so the person they kidnapped had to do with their "blood pact"?
  22. Those little green army men, except I started out with just like 100 green but I ended up with 1000+ army men of verious sizes, colors, and positions. Although, it seems like they all had a "machine gun" guy, an "rocket guy" a "grenade guy" and the "sniper guy". Ahh good times, I still have them, and from time to time I take out one of the lame ones (like those dumb "lying down" ones, they're no fun because you couldn't knock them over.) and put them on the train tracks to make some plastic paper, or I attatch them to a nice firecracker. Oh and I had this really nice set of wooden blocks, I would make like entire fortresses for the army men to attack/defend. And of course there were the staples, Legos (thats right, legos), and some of my favorite childhood memories are building extensive racetracks with my cousin for our collections of hotwheels. Oh! and what about Brio? I havn't seen that mentioned here yet. God I loved those.
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