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Everything posted by Pawan

  1. Why is everyone talking about infinite gems, potato and cheese etc. They've all been taken out, gems have been transfered into player stock and so have everything in the cullinomancer's chest. The only things we benefit from are infinity vials and feathers and arrows/knifes and overpriced runes, the rest has been put into player stock and works the way it did before :wall:
  2. Idk, theres lots of 5 yr olds in Runescape :ohnoes:
  3. Wow great guide :) I'll definitely have a go at this, what is the approximate mage xp (an hr) if its over 30k and considering the drops I'm 100% sure im going to go :)?
  4. Attack + defence pots along with accomplishment capes would be a great f2p addition. Completely agree with those.
  5. Enjoy the ride until it dies, nothing lasts forever...
  6. You can try Ogres at King Lanthas training ground, however its mainly for range xp but you may get up to 10 an hour there :?
  7. I'd buy 99 mage and 99 range - the quickest ways to it :)
  8. Rofl, dh mage praying nice :P Classic!
  9. The guy was crazy, he was boasting about how people come up to him and say "nice vids", so then he skulls trying to jump this other guy, and i manage to get a fight with him ^^ luckiest thing that ever happened to me, im surprised he didn't bring a zerker ring with all the bonuses he wanted for such a risk :S
  10. Hit 2 34s on this guy for ko ^^ Dh no pl8 pk soon after :) Sorry, but no pile, forgot to screenshot before i ran :S too many pjers around :(
  11. Yes, if your already poisoned nothing you can do (except drinking anti) will stop its damaged, but melee protection prayer whilst getting dds'd may avoid getting poisoned.
  12. Very amazing guide, helped me get to Jad, but unfortunately whilst killing the healers i got koed by the mage attack :S For some reason you can put range prayer on faster and avoid damage than mage prayer :S
  13. Did you know that took me over 30 minutes to read and I managed to actually read it to the end with interest :) Thanks for the kc barrow hint though, it will be exceptionally helpful for me in the long run :)
  14. I noticed it on world 110, maybe its a huge new addition, whenever it comes it out i can't wait it will be awesome. And hopefully if they can rearrange the friendslist the bank is next :)
  15. The mlojinrs or whatever they're called are pretty pointless, so unless your really bored and desperately want to get rid of the key It would be better to save your time and buy it from other players and keep the shiny key in your invent ^^. Its up to you though , I wasted my time getting them unwillingly slowly...
  16. I reckon it would be best for everyone if the plague city series was left at ME2 :( The agility in that took a year :S especially with those pesky shadows attacking.
  17. I dont think it was meant to be used as a formal training weapon :S The spec looks cool though, so does the way you attack with it.
  18. Slayer is the more harder skill, but it is fun to level up :) especially if you are a low level seeking combat levels on the way..
  19. OMG? A level 99 mage who resorts to RC pking? I hope you try pking at W99 and get Owned by the Rc defenders :twisted:
  20. I saw a dharrocker get pwnt by swarm... it outrageously funny!
  21. I love it too :P made 1k steel arrows wihle PCing!
  22. Defence, because then id be invincible :P or Theiving lol :P
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