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Everything posted by Gigajie

  1. mr grumpy here eh? its an achievement in work...and what do you care?
  2. My 99 Range Blog! my name is actually Gigajie2 but somehow that was already taken =P. Gigajie2's 99 Range Party! More Details Coming Soon! never tried growing a dragon so any help is appreciated. pm me to tell me what to do. EDIT: WTF? this thing is huge and its not too big?!?!?!?!
  3. wtf? sry that bank vids ive seen of 138's have a blue phat and stuff. i dont have anything better than that, mind that. i was just saying that ive seen better from a 138. i kinda expect them to be legends. gl anyway. maybe you will get that blue phat someday.
  4. id have to play the entire day from 11am-11pm to get 1k kills. idk why. yes...i have school and only have time on tuesdays fridays and on the weekend. this reduces the time a lot. 4k kills is around 11m but ill have a lot of time soon. mom and dad wont be home for a few days so i can get 1k kills on those days. i only get to play and hr a day, and i always have to do stuff around the house. ive made mroe than than 11m though too...idk what ive spent it all on though...
  5. if you have any suggestions for things i can do in my breaks...shoot. i dont like questing so dont mention that...only if its a fun quest...then you may. just please say something because i have nothing right now... :pray:
  6. wtf? why cant u do the bh trick? its not likes its illegal! and its not RWT. and second of all, its not like jagex is gonna watch bh like a hawk...how would they find out?
  7. idk. im buying full bandos so im just wearing that. and it has better def. also...i kinda fell in love with them the second i bought them so i couldnt sell them and get arma skirt =P.
  8. sell the stuff on your friends. then take all money and go to an empty world. (or almost empty) take 20 friends or so to help you so you dont die. then go into bh and kill him. take all the money and wait for pick-up penalty to be over. voila. its risky...but im gonna try it with my friends account. he might give me his. with like 2m and full v.
  9. good...but i kinda expect a little bit more from a 138...maybe a blue phat or something.
  10. a lot of people make suggestions that pretty much make ppl invincible, which would ruin the point of the game. this is one of them.
  11. not fully done yet, but its quite a goal. in 1.5 months ive gone from 83 to 87 range and also made around 12m. check out my blog for more details. [hide=][/hide] [hide=][/hide] [hide=][/hide] [hide=][/hide] [hide=][/hide]
  12. idk but for me it doesnt really look right.
  13. same here. enjoy the time while you have it. the memb skills wont be of any use once ur f2p again.
  14. My Party Will Take Place Estimatedly Around End Of Apr. ive planned: 99 range at my house get cape clan wars!!!! FTW!!!!!!! Big Happenings! [hide=dfs =D][/hide] Info i started at 82 and i am now 87. im doing it at aviensies which takes a whole crap longer but: a: doesnt lose money b: makes money! i didnt have enough money to go chinning so i just kinda decided to go for it. Calculations calculated money at the end: 85m if everything goes well. kills to go: 25.2 min; 29.6k max (the health of the avies range from 69 to 81 so the exact number can not be found.) Future what am i going to buy: full bandos; dfs; bgs; robin hood hat; ranger boots; dark bow; fury; berserker ring and anything else that tickles my fancy for which i still have enough money. ill be taking few breaks in between which will be marked by certain things i buy. first break: in this break i will finish a clue scroll (might get an extra mil or two from this =P), and do fremminik isles for the helm of neitzot. get 52 summoning (included getting the charms) bandos tassets (bought); dfs (bought) second break: get some def (idk till what lvl but ill just get some def) bandos plate third break: not decided bgs; (if enough money) the other stuff on my list Outfit [hide=My Aviansie Outfit][/hide] if you have any suggestions for what to do in the breaks, just say them. ill keep this updated for any questions just pm me in game, pm me here, or just post on this blog. Pictures [hide=83 range][/hide] [hide=84 range][/hide] [hide=85 range][/hide] [hide=86 range][/hide] [hide=87 range][/hide] [hide=88 range][/hide] [hide=89 range][/hide]
  15. lets see it taco. go do the quest son! nice story btw. it could use a little more work though =P.
  16. this thing kinda died didnt it?
  17. i dotn have my easter ring anymore :? and no its not in my POH. i cant get it back from diango either. so i was just asking...did you have to be a member for the easter ring? and if so...im a member now, can i get it in any way? im not sure if i was f2p or p2p back then but that i was f2p would probably answer my question, but anyway, what do you guys think about this?
  18. Gigajie

    A Pixel

    whys the guy with full bandos so big? which side of the lava is he on?
  19. its just seems kinda empty...anyway...i just tried pixeling so go for it and just see how it turns out.
  20. well...what if its so good that it looks like a filter but isnt? huh? ever think about taht?
  21. look on runescape and search in ge, dragon plate body! omg!
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