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Everything posted by forestfrolic

  1. [hide=I failed.]Stranger: hey You: DZ,::,,8 ,~++++++O+IO O=++++++++8+++I+ =7+++++++++++++?O M+I++++++++++++++?7 $++$++++++++O+++???8 ?++?++++++++O++++??IN ++++?++++++++++++???ID ++++Z++++++++I+++????7 Z++++?+++++++8+++????IN 8++++7+++++++I+???????Z +++++$+++++++++??????I O++++=+++++++8+??????I? +++++O++++??Z???????ID I++??++?+??+?????????$ O????Z??????N???????I Z????7?????????????I ????I+?????I??????I7 I????N?????N??????IN I?????????+??????ID N?????????D?????I8 I????????7?????I$ +????????I????II +Z???????????III??78 D???????????????I??????IN N??+?????????????IZ???????IIIN 8~~~=N 8++++++?+??????????IO????????IIIIO I~~~~~~~:N ++=:~+++++?????????????????????II7777I D~~~~~~~~~~D +++:::~+++???????????????????????IIII7N7Z 8+?+ O~~~~~~~~~~~= +++::=+++++????????????????????I??IIIIZ77M?????? D~~~~~~~~~~~~~D +++++++++++?????????????????????$M?IIII77IIMII??$ N~~~~~~~~~~~===M $+++++++++??????????????????????N IM?I7I77III8IIIN O:~~~~~~~~=~===== IZO?+++++???????$..M?????????????NNDNIII777III7777IID ~~N:~~~~~~======I M??+++O+?????????O7INM????????????MZZMIII$77777777777IIO ~~~~:N~~~=~===+==7+???++?+8?????????NDON?????????????NO7I7I877777$7777777I8 +~~~~~~~8~==M~?D$M??????????????????MOZZ??????????????IIII7D777777777777$ N=~~~~~~~=~D~O+??????D7??????D???????$DN??????????????II7INM7777777777D ~~==~=~=====M+???????????????O??????????????????????II$O$7O7777II77$ +============Z+??????????????++???????????????????+O877$7N+$777D7777 8==========++8+???????????????MD7????????+++?7N87ID7$$7$8++M77$M7777 ==========+Z+????????????????+IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII$7$$++++$8 D D=====++=+++??????????????????OIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII??????D+++++N =+++==+==O?????????????II????MIIIIIIIII??+++=======+=++++M D+=+===+D??????????IIII7III77MIIIIII++++==========I++++8 =+++++Z==+???II7777777777777N+DII++============I++++N O+????N8NDNMNO$D+$II778D777IO++~M===========+D=++=N O???II??????ID???+?ID???IMZ++++++=OOI+IZD==++IN7777D 7M??I?I????7????7?I?????II7ZND++=======+DO??777777778 I????????+7?????O???????III77I7II?I?I?????D777777IIIIIM ??III??IMI????????O??????IIID??I????????N777777IIIIIIII?8 7I?????7I?????+??D+???????IOI?????????D7777777IIIIIIII?ID D?I???II?????NI?8?????????N??????+??ZN77777777IIIIIIIIZ I?I7IIIIIIIIDII+????????N???+?+?D +DM8ZZO8 I?OIIIIIIIII8Z$????????N???+D77 II77I7IIZ D????????NN777777 I7II7I7M 7???????D7777$8 OIIIIID I??????O ZM8 +INIZM $I???? $D? 8$INM _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / ____| (_) | | | | | (_) | | | | | (_) | (___ ___ _ | |__ ___ _ __ __| | _ _ | |_ ___| | __ _ __ ___ _ _ __| | | ___ _ __ ____ \___ \ / _ \ | | | '_ \ / _ \ '__/ _` | | | | | | | |/ _ \ |/ / | '_ ` _ \| | | |/ _` | |/ / | '_ \_ / ____) | (_) | | | | | | | __/ | | (_| | | |_| | | | | __/ < | | | | | | |_| | (_| | <| | |_) / / |_____/ \___/ |_| |_| |_|\___|_| \__,_| \__,_| |_|_|\___|_|\_\ |_| |_| |_|\__,_|\__,_|_|\_\_| .__/___| | | |_| Your conversational partner has disconnected.[/hide] You see, I found some ascii that had a mudkip and said, "So I heard you like mudkipz". Well, it didn't fit in Omegle.
  2. That's what I just said. XD Oh haha didn't notice. Great minds think alike? ;)
  3. Check to make sure your offer isn't out of range.
  4. Could have found out quicker if you just looked yourself. :) http://itemdb-rs.runescape.com/frontpage.ws
  5. Runescape is a browser based game. It will never compare to WoW.
  6. One smart dude. I know. I used to refuse to illegally download because I figured if I liked the music enough to own it, I should give the band something because I know that they're not swimming in money. But now I realise that buying the music doesn't support the band at all, unless they're on an independent label or not signed.
  7. I suggest selling to all of the people above me. :
  8. Well suplly does have a deal to do with it. They are purchasing it faster than it can be entered into the market creating a lack of supply. When supply goes down demand goes up. When supply goes down, demand does not go up. Supply may go down due to high demand, but supply could also go down due to less people making the product, because the demand is low. What I'm saying is that the price hike of prayer potions is not to be blamed on the lack of supply.. it's to be blamed on the people making an artificial demand in pyramid schemes to make quick mils.
  9. Merchanting clans create an artificial demand, this manipulating the economy. Don't blame it on lack of supply.
  10. Like rag and bone man 2, that was worth a week off, its was soooo awesome. Let's play the "think of 5 notable good updates this year" game. Or let's keep the thread on twitter updates, as my OP suggests, and not rants. ;). Haha.
  11. I used to get Newsweek magazine and I've been searching for an old issue about homosexuality and the bible. There were two articles: one explaining how homosexuality is condemned by the bible, and other that argues the bible supports homosexuality. It was really interesting, especially the second article. In my opinion, I highly support gay and lesbian rights. I don't care if you like the same or opposite sex, it doesn't make a difference.
  12. Eh, if I was Jagex I'd be too nervous to release updates so frequently anymore, because every time they do so, they get flamed for it. So which do you want? Forced updates with glitches, or less frequent better updates?
  13. I hate when people use gay as a negative adjective.
  14. The last few ones were great haha.
  15. The only real problem I have with HD is I can't read the chatbox half the time, especially for clan chat.
  16. I don't understand what you're asking..
  17. Getting 99s aren't the point of the game, to most people.
  18. Well all of my friends have 360.. but I don't plan on getting live at all. (I already spend too much time on Runescape, I'd like to ration my videogaming). The main game I want is Assassins Creed, then like FIFA and whatever. So Halo doesn't really sway me to the 360. I'm not sure what other console games there are though..
  19. Now that the PS3 is $299, I'm considering that instead of 360. What do you guys think?
  20. I think slayer is the slowest, but also the most entertaining out of the three.
  21. Oh, wow. What exactly did you do this for? Some sort of meeting?
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