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Everything posted by GameSock

  1. Wendys A&W Subway nom nom nom that sheet :
  2. I never quoted that :? Also, "Likely to bring misfortune" was the second definition for unlucky
  3. Likely to bring misfortune means that there is a higher percentage of failures than success. Probabilities are not so, they have equal percentages (atleast with the dice situation).
  4. Not luck. Only Probabilities. The person playing the game has hit the random 1/x chance on getting y bad roles
  5. Take a probability course. Then pinch yourself for believing in such nonsense. :thumbup: Superstition is a terrible thing to base discisions on.
  6. http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/ebaumsworld Here it is :lol: (warning bad language)
  7. I know you meant Bastard ;) Has anyone seen the Ebaums video? Ill try to find it, it explains all.
  8. Lmao in first post: Sporting goods store :lol: thats classic. So heres my plan: Stock up on -1 kit of GI facepaint -1 pair of camo pants/shirt -1 cigar -1 of those big [wagon] belt fed automatics -2 belts of ammo for ^ -3 grenades -1 machete -100 pounds of TNT -100 pounds of rotting brains in a sealed container -1 Female And HERES what I do. I would put on my camo clothes, and apply green facepaint with black stripes under the eyes. Then I would strap on the belts of ammo onto my back and chest, and attach my machete, my grenades and my cigar to my belt. Next i would take the female, the TNT and the brains to a hill. Then I would open the container of brains, and throw container down the hill, where they would spill out all over the ground. I would wait a few minutes, and hordes of all the zombies in the area would begin to show up to feast on the brains. Next I would pull the pin on my grenades, and throw them into dense groups of zombies. The remaining zombies would then become enraged, and begin to climb the hill. At this point, I would put my cigar in my mouth and light that puppy. Then I would load up my machine gun, and spray down on the approaching zombies. Now one of two things could occur, think of it as an alternate ending. 1. I run out of ammo, and am forced to pull out my machete and slice some lunch meat ;). After this I would most likely get swarmed, or ingest some zombie blood, and begin to turn. In my constant need to go out with a bang, I would then slam down the switch on the TNT stockpile. 2. I manage to kill all the zombies, and free my area from the outbreak of evil zombies \ . Next I would take my female, and begin repopulating with world. THE END
  9. A speck of dust 999999999 trillion light years away could not kill you. Even if it somehow caused a chain reaction of explosions, you would never be effected before you died of old age.
  10. What is the fastest way to get 1-50 runecrafting in f2p. I dont want to do tiaras I will use rcing gloves. please post # of ess as well
  11. I still think that there are many threads in off-topic that are discussions, and not debates. However, I can see where your comming from and accept your denial :lol:
  12. Well... sorry for being a label junkie but Best drink ever: Grape Fanta. Soooo addicting, and soooo good. Healthiest drink: V8! (cant believe no one has said it!)
  13. yes you can with slayer dart. I didnt check the above guide but if its not in there you can certainly find a guide on how to do this on many websites.
  14. I suggest that a sub-forum is made in the debate forum for non-runescape related issues. I feel that there would be many serious topics that could be discussed, and would be different from the Off-Topic forum. I do realize that if TIF is trying to stay away from religeous, political, ect. matters being discussed, they have every right to do so and i accept that. Please post your opinions on my suggestion.
  15. ^Oh my mistake, didnt know about that #-o
  16. +1 to everything you said. This is a good idea, but try not to suggest things that are in pretty much every other rpg.
  17. scouting really only made sense before the removal of pvp wildy. Your scout would check for pkers, then log in. Now-a-days revs appear randomely so scouts are useless, ou can do the job yourself.
  18. indeed, only normal logs are used for the shafts
  19. ^That Cool Guy^ this guy is too cool for you but the cost of this, turned his brain to goo He is level one hundred eleven so hes gotta be serious twenty-four seven he wont talk to a player that is new and the reasons is: this guy is too cool for you Moral of my rhymes- Let's all be super serious and never have any fun. Then later we can all turn into robots. Sounds great.
  20. If you do your homework, you can make alching some things profitable.
  21. Lmao, everyone pulls a newb every once in a while, and in your case its not even that. Sometimes you have to walk around it a few times for Jagex's big brain to understand whats going on, and make sure you go in the right direction. Hope it helped :thumbup:
  22. guy you talk to is in lumby, in the church i believe.
  23. I hate you because you use bullet points (the guy on page one has a rick astley sig :?, kinda *flaming*)
  24. For the sake of workable numbers: (attack excluded) You can hit maximum 99 damage your str is 1 There is a 1% chance of you hitting any rnadom damage between 0-99. your max. hit is still 99 your str is 99 There is still a 1% chance of you hitting any random damage between 0-99. I hope this clears things up for you
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