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Everything posted by TheValeyard

  1. I've used the machine gun to take down helicopters before but apart from that its useless.
  2. I liked Lego Star Wars but making an MMO out of it is a joke.
  3. I can't agree with your criticisms of Arkham Asylum, it truly is an incredible game, perhaps you could say it was repetitive but the gameplay is far from boring. The production values are stellar. Also, from what I played of Metal Gear Online it seemed pretty bad, both in the gameplay and the way you had to buy pretty much everything as DLC. The whole Konami ID thing was total [cabbage]. I find it hard to see MGS4 as being worthy of being up there, without the cutscenes theres probably only around 5 hours of actual gameplay there. Sure the cutscenes were pretty amazing but after you've played through once and know whats going to happen its not nearly as good the second time through. Good to see RE4 up there though, I'd definately consider that top 25. I've had RDR for a couple of weeks and I'm about a 1/4 of the way through and its certainly impressive, not sure I'd put it in the tp 25 but then again I'm only 1/4 of the way through and haven't crossed the river into Mexico or anything yet.
  4. I finally got my 360 beta code through today, will see later if it really is this terrible.
  5. MW2s a massive target for hackers because it was pretty much the biggest game launch ever, and a lot of people are pissed off that it turned out so terrible and are hacking it in retaliation. Also some guys are actually trying to make money off it, like with the 10th prestige hack for MSP.
  6. I reckon they probably were planning a subscription for MW2, but when it got leaked the response was so negative they dropped it.
  7. It's inevitable. This thread is for trolling, not discussing game play. Moderators have better stuff to do than moderate a thread where people can't help but argue with each other about a game. This entire site is about a game.
  8. Yeah the speed lobbys are actually fun, don't know why anyone would want it in search though, I was in a Ground War Countdown one so it was just crazy action. I went 31-9 I think, the trick was to wait for people to reload because you were only super fast when sprinting. My air support wasn't worth [cabbage] though because people just ran from airtsrikes, and people were literally outrunning the bullets from the chopper lmao.
  9. At least one left. I left because the game caters to bad players. If you've benefitted from that then by all means stick with it.
  10. Well it was made with bad players in general in mind.
  11. I've seen 200-8 before, on Rundown. They did so awful because they couldn't cap flags because theyre spawns were constantly changing due to MW2's broken system, I was AC-130 spawnkilling them and they were spawning in crap places like the long grass area, getting 4 in 1 AC-130 shells all the time.
  12. The real call of duty thread. Dunno if this thread will stay alive though.
  13. Seems they spent too long on BC2 and this was just a rush job, possibly so they could get it out in October before CoD:Black Ops comes out in November.
  14. From what I've seen it looks pretty boring even if it worked, guns have no recoil and it looks very bland. I think I can say "I told you so" to the guys on the front page who were saying "omg DICE instant buy".
  15. Go and play it, seriously its still very active online and I'm sure you can find it cheap now. Then you'd understand why MW2 is considered so bad compared to it. Ended up in some speed hacked Countdown game last night, everyone was able to sprint at 10x normal speed. Pretty hilarious and fun actually. Is it just me, but before MW2 came out it was pretty rare to see someone with a hacked name with colours and buttons or whatever, but now its really common even on other games?
  16. Probably because its an awful game in its current state.
  17. You're obviously a guy who benefits from the imbalances and noob friendliness on MW2 whilst we don't, so lets just move on from this now. Made a guy ragequit on Overgrown, just completely dominating the other team, they were spawntrapped down near the petrol station thing and I had 4 airstrikes straight on top of them. I got Rival on this guy, xH0lyJebusx or something, then killed him up close with a P90 and he left the game, causing it to end. Sent him a message saying "nice ragequit", he sent one back saying "nice tryhard pants", then he rejoined my game on Broadcast where I did well and he went negative, then after the game was over I left the lobby to play no scopes on Shipment with friends, then he sent a message accusing me of ragequitting. You couldn't make up some of the stuff these kids do.
  18. If you think so kid, your opinion means nothing to me.
  19. I'll stick with SP and leave you to your spraying. Forgive me for valuing 1 hit kills.Don't complain then, its your choice to sacrifice your defense against thermal users to gain a bigger target. All you need to do is hit them in the chest for a 1 hit kill, i repeat a 1 hit kill. I still say thermal is fair and balanced. You just can't aim slightly higher. I don't care, I don't play MW2 anymore. On CoD4 I don't have to worry about bad kids like you running CB and Thermal M21 spraying.
  20. I'll stick with SP and leave you to your spraying. Forgive me for valuing 1 hit kills. Yeah this is probably true but personally I just prefer the bolt actions. Though its not quite true the Barrett is better in every way, because the Intervention reloads quite a lot faster. All the MW2 snipers pale in comparison to the CoD4 snipers though, as does the rest of the game.
  21. Yeah well all of the ARs apart from the F2000 are pretty damn overpowered, seen as they took out the sway and most of the recoil, and made them do their maximum damage to a much longer range. I wouldn't be that bothered but it leaves SMGs (apart from the UMP, 3 hit with no SP and a silencer lmao) really crappy and underpowered. I don't really understand why you're still playing MW2 though xxxgod if you're concerned with skill, go back to CoD4, I noticed a massive difference, how well I do actually depends on how good I am rather than crap like whether theres kids OMA DC tubing,or whether that guy gets a CG from his care package, running into a guy using painkiller, whether theres guys boosting for nukes in the corner etc. Just a ton more fun anyway in terms of the actual action, maps, perks and guns, and how its just a lot more simple, e.g everyone has the same streak setup and everyone has pistols, not crap like dual Glocks or 1887s.
  22. If you knew how the snipers worked you'd understand that its sensible to use SP on all the snipers apart from the Dragonuv/WA2000. Also sensible for your secondary, SP could make the difference between a 2/3 hit kill with your pistol and dying from the marathon UMP kid who constantly bullrushes you, which happens a lot on MW2. Perhaps this isn't an issue for you as you use Akimbo G18s w/extended mags and just spray like crazy, and use Hardline to get your Care Package quicker, but don't come on here raging like a bad kid. The argument wasn't over SP vs CB but how cheap thermal is.
  23. The thermal scope was intended for bad players who can't snipe, similar to no skill ARs like ACRs, HBS, MLC, OMA DC etc, in order for bad players to be able to be ok at the game, so they like the game, so they buy DLC, so Activision gets more $$$. The only time I can understand a thermal is on Underpass, because the map is awful and visibility is terrible. If you're using it in any other situation you're abusing it.
  24. You're bad kid. This is why I play CoD4, its just straight up scopes, none of the BS of giving bad players like riku who can't snipe advantages. An even playing field for everyone pretty much. God forbid someone actually play to have FUN right? You don't always have to have the "greatest setup" that everyone uses. Have some fun, use stuff you normally wouldn't. Put thermal on a P90 and run around with it. Have dual mini uzi's with lightweight and marathon on and just run around the map. WHO CARES. It's just a game ffs. Quit flaming people for doing stuff you don't. It's getting annoying and is just plain stupid. By your and riku's arguments there is nothing wrong with camping with 2 claymores set up OMA DC tubing from windows.
  25. You're bad kid. This is why I play CoD4, its just straight up scopes, none of the BS of giving bad players like riku who can't snipe advantages. An even playing field for everyone pretty much.
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