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Everything posted by TheValeyard

  1. I'd say what holds back the older CoDs is that they have no storyline apart from "its WW2". CoD1 had some pretty awesome levels though, like the one where you had to cross the river to Stalingrad getting shot at all the time, and then be given a 5 round clip of ammo and be told to draw machine gun fire.
  2. In my opinion, all the guns in MW2 were over powered. Only way to fix that was to make all the weapons weaker... but thats just my opinion. If every gun was overpowered wouldn't that make them... Balanced? Don't even start that crap again.
  3. Intended for Black Ops thread? I seriously doubt there'll be dedicated servers on the consoles. If they improve the host migration to work properly though it shouldn't be too much of a problem.
  4. Hmm sounds pretty good then. I've never really considered Halo before as CoD was providing all my FPS needs, but I've played CoD4 to death and Black ops is looking as bad as MW2. I heard Reach was a prequel though? I imagine I'd understand the references or whatever better if I had played all 3, but frankly I'm unwilling to put the money or time into doing that.
  5. There should be either Stopping Power and Juggernaught or one of the two, because otherwise it upsets the balance of the other red perks, e.g. if there was no SP in MW2 everyone would be using either Hardline or Cold Blooded.
  6. Lol my list will probably include a few random ass movie games from when I was a kid, probably the kind of games that got like 3/10 when they were released. I played a lot of Crash Nitro Kart, but never CTR, also never played any PS1 Tekkens but plenty of Tekken 4. Man that game had some strange stuff on it like the panda. First list with no Nintendo games I think lol.
  7. I never bother with a dedicated AA class on CoD4, I just use the mounted guns. With only 5 slots I'm not wasting one just for Copters.
  8. I'd just wait till the beta really. Unless they don't have one, in which case the game will probably automatically fail. I doubt they'll keep TIs because they are never used legitimately.
  9. People were doing that stuff for MW2, this guy had printed out the box art and inserted it over a GoW2 box, without even taking out the GoW2 box art which you could see in the corner. Ok, I've never played Halo before. Ever. So tell me A. Why its so massively popular ? I hope its not relying on the kind of fanboyism that keeps MW2 up as the top XBL game. And what does this game do that Halo 3 didn't apart from these armour powers or whatever. B. How does matchmaking work online ? I.E. CoD crappy connections or proper servers. And do Bungie actually fix stuff like balance issues? C. How steep is the learning curve for a former CoD player ? (A pretty good one though I say it myself) Cos CoD Black ops looks like it might be a fail similar to MW2 and I need a new online FPS to sink my time in, as CoD4s starting to die in terms of player numbers.
  10. The game will probably succeed or fail based on the maps, because MW2's were terrible.
  11. Nah the free PSN will be fine, PS plus basically just gives you discounts and free stuff every month or so. Its purely optional and isn't going to replace free PSN at all.
  12. Meh theres not much to talk about without new information.
  13. AK47 w/no attachment, Bandolier, Stopping Power and Deep Impact is pretty much my go to beasting class.
  14. Pretty legitimate criticism actually. I think he means that theres no cross game chat, because I'm pretty sure theres a private chat function somewhere.
  15. All those setups look pretty damn bad to me.
  16. A CoD game with muskets and bayonets sounds really cool until you remember it takes about 30 seconds to reload. And there would probably be some stupid killstreaks like hot air baloons dropping bombs or something, knowing Activision.
  17. Actually there are those green faces on the WA2000 and Barret 50.cal which are a similar thing.
  18. I was playing Forza 3 last night and this guy had a pretty amazing car covered in MW2 decals, which looked exactly like the ones on the trailers and stuff.
  19. If the Stinger hits a building near to it you can do that, so its not total BS.
  20. I always preffered Zoo Tycoon personally. I absolutely loved the Dinosaur expansion.
  21. The character customisation is good, but if the core gameplay is as bad as MW2 then it means nothing.
  22. http://www.game.co.uk/Xbox360/Shooter/First-Person/~r350907/Call-of-Duty-Black-Ops-Limited-Prestige-Edition/ I lol'ed.
  23. Lol yeah. When I first played I put a sight on a sniper or something and the sight was just solid white.
  24. Better graphics than the Wii? Pretty sure Sony said the same thing about the PSP being as powerful as the PS2 or something. That turned out to be BS and this statement probably will be as well. The reason I wouldn't buy this straight away is that the DS has gone through so many hardware revisions that there would probably be a "3DS slim" or something out within 18 months.
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