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Everything posted by Maxingmck

  1. Maxingmck


    I study comp sci and engineering. Still idk how people like gabe newell can be so good at marketing with no degree in marketing or comp sci
  2. Do you have a source on this? My guess they didn't use Bloom. Doesn't look very different to me. *looks at signature gif*
  3. People quit for OSRS because it is a better, more community friendly, less complicated game. Fixing PVP wont draw them back to the xp addicted, skill ruined, RWTscape. Those 3 are best because they actually understand the eoc and its intentions/limitations
  4. Not just for streaming: "Next few days are gonna be busy. Got some awesome players here to help us with designing legacy combat/PvP improvements/other stuff." "They'll be in the studio for 2 days. We've got a mixed bag of EOC/old school players to try to get balanced views on legacy." Streamers shouldn't determine the direction of the game. Feedback is one thing, but letting [generic insult]s with access to a webcam and viewbots do Jagex's job is not an idea I approve of. Chris Archie deserves absolutely no part of designing any content in either RS. His way to fame is very shady (not accusing him of anything here). Alisha and Erin can't contribute anything positive either. Glad I cant physically get twitch followers the same way they do. Though im glad jagex approves of women using the fact they are women for e-fame. :rolleyes: B0aty at least knows what is going on, but he still focuses on 07. EOC PVP should be designed by people like woox, trolld, and smokey. They understand how systems can be challenging and rewarding at once.
  5. It was an empty threat to highlight what could happen if this thread continues to be an agility obsessed cesspool. No point to a 200m thread if half the posts are RL vids or [bleep]ing about SOF. OT: Jagex recently invited the top streamers to HQ for a stream with all at once. Sad most of the streamers were 07ers, shows JaGeX values entertainment factor vs dedication and knowledge in who they reward
  6. You gotta buy one after you get a 99. Like run a marathon, or make a garden. My friend james is 99 fm he got his cape.
  7. What if i enjoy streaming something AFK like nightmare zone or fishing on one side, and a stream of another game like Bioshock or garrys mod on another
  8. I had a bit of a chat with a Mod yesterday, we should be getting new slayer masks this week and they also mentioned that names will be getting freed up soon, however people may not like how they will be made available... "ill give you this kids rsn for 40 runecoins"
  9. Its all about visually bragging about e-ccomplishments Also I wonder how Triquos feels about this
  10. Except everytime the discussion diverges onto something more relevant he seems to try bringing it back around to the 'agiles'
  11. Once again, agility is no longer a roadblock to 200m. Also accurate=/=relevant
  12. Actually a very huge minority of the rs population has 200m in thieving or fletching
  13. It wasnt a bug, it was shitty implementation. Also I like how they arent addressing crap like the fake wealth evaluator, wicked pouch, and malware for runecoins
  14. "we totally nerfed it so its not faster than current methods" =/= "it is no longer effecient and gamebreaking"
  15. Ive heard Muspahs are 5m ph but they need some time to stabilize for this to be accurate
  16. You say profit in your argument but this method will not profit JaGex. Their only goal now is to make RS as impossible to 100% complete without spins (ie 120 capes etc)
  17. Looks like you guys got Infinity-Warded again...
  18. GP/H estimates exist in EOC since droprates are known, however back in 07 they weren't. Also the new GWD means they could be different yet again, so it is probably too early to give a definite answer
  19. this is the thing why i dont like rs trackers >.> i would like to start month gains when i want not from 1st of that month -_- And what? abuse it to track gains from more than just a month? This way is atleast equal for every player abuse wut?l0l u can abuse only 6h +- same for rs official tracker u can start train 5h59min before it starts. Using a jagex definition, 1 month is meant to signify exactly a month not 6+ hrs extra etc. Its not in the spirit of a 1 month tracker to let educated people have extra time
  20. Conquest to me seems a lot faster and also its more fun tho
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