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Everything posted by Maxingmck

  1. Worlds largest sinkholes guide
  2. What makes me angry: No dedicated servers yet, no snd, 15 sec snd wait time, guard dogs hp. thats honestly it
  3. Liek can i have ur steam
  4. On PC i seem to not be lagging as bad as I did on the other games on console. Also my K/D is .5 lower but thats probably just the learning curve as ive dropped 60-10 games. The biggest problem is the shitty optimization for graphics and the fact the spawns suck as usual IW
  5. We have royal, however if balancing seriously needed it, they could add it to frosts drop table
  6. Like they did with dg? If so, dont expect it to be as viable in any way
  7. Apparently there are new shinies that are albino
  8. Runes spawn for free no matter what I thought
  9. Event pokemon are dumb. Maybe its just the rs player in me
  10. They just need to make upgrade kits for nex armor so we dont have to deal with this mechanic anymore
  11. I guess but you will have to deal with the people you may have not paid out to fully in your dicing days
  12. Its all about the RL GP at jagex
  13. I'm not sure, I know a couple people looking forward to resetting their favorite skills, and at least 1 other that was going to reset everything. You're probably right that most wouldn't, but I don't think its fair to say no one. I think its fair to say not nearly enough people who enjoy rs for its 200m cap, rather than this new 'limitless' system, will ever plan to vote yes
  14. If they are trying to increase the games longevity this is the wrong way. No one plays runescape to get max stats and then resets to do it all again, we are all playing to reach objectives. I voted no because I feel this is a bad move in attempting to revive rs.
  15. Unless Gemeos wants to do the updates maybe he shouldnt feel the need for any criticism
  16. How about for maging, because since runes are free. Except its best to mage with 3 others and a booster because then more monsters spawn to be barraged
  17. You are forgetting: - DIYers who hit the 99 milestone - End game all-around players (like me) - Players who are passionate and love training particular one skill. Nice generalization though. SUOMI like players fit into that passionate player category. They love going for the sake of total xp... In this case they will just have to be mindful of prestiging to maximize their overall prestige rank. If i were a DIYer I would hate this because I only would get skills up high for the benefits, not the xp Im an endgame player and since 99 all skills is my endgame I still dont think I would use this concept
  18. Not to mention I could reset def but have atk and str at 99 and go wreck pvp or get it up super quick
  19. I think this is completely dumb, however it probably is because i play RS in an objective manor therefor I just want to reach the highest possible goals. This is like taking my bar I set and making it infinitely high, therefore ruining the point. Thats probably everyone else high level's view too
  20. Wrong, the scrimshaw does effect it work, it can disturb implings as well as increase the chances of geode drops :twisted: VICTORY IS MINE Reference to the "good" scrimshaw being the one that provides more exp vs the one that increases the drops. Good is subjective, I consider the drop increase one to b e better. Except it's not
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