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Everything posted by Robert_R

  1. I'm starting to have problems playing runescape on my laptop because sometimes when I'm playing java seems to start running twice and shuts down the runescape screen. I don't know if it's actually running twice but sometimes this: shows twice next to each other like this: . After that shows up the runescape screen goes black and the symbol goes away when I x out of the screen. Any ideas why it is doing this and how I can fix it?
  2. I've been slaying in the same thing for awile and was wondering should I change something in it? Any suggestions on a good alternative for anything in this. I'm currently on a budget of 5m cash because I lost about 16m in the last week so please don't tell me bandos because atm I only have a total of 22m and want to keep my other gear. This is what I wear for slaying most monsters: Normal combat: Mainly wondering what would be a good alternative to barrows legs? Mage defence gear: Should I use anything different here? Prayer gear: Should I use a shield with a prayer bonus? I have the falador shield 3, I don't have the unholy book with pages in it and don't really plan on getting it.
  3. Try searching on rs forums I guess. My friend told me a world when I was playing it but I forgot which one.
  4. You can change the color, you have to ask her to change it while wearing the ring of charos(e)
  5. I have no idea how many but I found that finding a clan that does stealing creation with no combat goes a lot faster.
  6. You don't have to have them noted but it saves a few clicks to get him to get planks from the bank. And ya sacred clay is worth it.
  7. The demon butler can bring a lot more items to you then the normal butler in one bank. The normal butler carries 20 and demon carries 26. This is actually a big difference because 10 trips to the bank with the normal butler is 60 less planks then 10 trips with the demon butler. And demon is slightly faster.
  8. Buy a lot of oak planks then note them and take them to your house in building mode. Build oak larders until you can make doors to level. Why note them? You can use them on the butler to ask him to take it to the bank and bring back planks, using this means you only have to go through like 2 options instead of like 4 to finally get to bring x amount of planks. Oh and ask him to bring more then you can hold in your inventory because as long as he is holding items he will follow you around until you take them. Using sacred clay hammers 66-75 cost me somewhere around 2-3m.
  9. HUH? :? My point was he should wear whatever cape he feels like wearing even if he has a skill cape because it isn't required to wear it... And I like how you took out one sentence instead of reading through it.......
  10. Just wear whatever cape you want to wear and don't listen to people who ask why you don't wear a skillcape.... People ask me all the time why I don't get a fire cape, some even call me a noob for not having one at my combat level, and it's because I like the look of the defence better then other capes not because of its stats. So, just wear whatever you want to. Honostly there are always going to be stupid people who think if you have something you need to wear it.
  11. This normally doesn't bother me, I just ask them to please change worlds(remember to say please it helps) and normally they are nice enough to change worlds. But, in some cases people are rude enough to say something like this "hop this is my world now" or "you hop I don't care if you were here first, I'm higher level then you" that's what makes me mad. I'm only talking about places where there are only a couple of monsters or it is multi combat and they purposely steal kills in an attempt to make you leave. Otherwise, i'll just share the world because they're are plenty of monsters.
  12. Kill the rats in varrock sewers west of the church. And for the color thing I think you have to shoo the hellcat and get a new one sadly :(
  13. Unless you plan on becoming a pure who does pvp or bounty hunter a lot you should just train defence now.
  14. Well since whenever things rise or fall insanely fast they always have a peak or low point then either go up a little or down a little and settle out. So, in that case i'd say it'll probably hit around 2m then go back to around 2.1m or 2.2m. If I were you i'd let the ge update a few more times then buy it for a few gp over lowest when it hits around 2.3m medium price which should be 2.1m lowest. Whatever you do you should try to buy it before it hits its low point or it will be hard to get for medium price. But, that's just what I would.
  15. [hide=] chest should be clue happened to me yesterday. like you click the chest and it gives you another chest That was quick :) [/hide] Maybe it's in two chests because it's 3rd age! :ohnoes:
  16. While I was questing I also got enough songs for air guitar because when you're questing you're constantly visiting new places, so questing would be a good way to unlock them. By the time I finished them all I was at like 580+ songs(I have them all now :D ).
  17. [hide=] Well as a source of income, doing slayer tasks is worse than killing the more profitable monsters off-task. [/hide] Well ya but slayer gives you a chance to kill a variety of monsters instead of killing just one for just profit.
  18. I agree but I still don't understand why people say "bought the skill" it should be "bought the supplies for the skill and trained it" because you still have to work for it even if it is fast and cheap. For example firemaking, contrary to popular belief this skill isn't all that easy it's just fast xp, you go ahead and click 200,000 times or more and then say it's easy... When was the last time you saw somebody or a shop selling levels/skills? Never. Oh and i'm no saying this because I wanted a fast skill and decided to get it, because that is not the case I actually enjoy it. Why else would I be going past the xp for 99 in it? :lol:
  19. Yay 127 combat and 96 hp \ No more stupid dogs at greater demons attacking me!
  20. What is "TC"? Ya I know that question was off topic.
  21. I'd have to say buying the supplies for a skill would be much more efficient then gathering them all yourself. For instance, if I were to of cut every single log for 99 firemaking I would have had to spend hours of training a skill I really don't like that much just to save 5m. But if you want to go ahead and gather every supply for every skill go for it, it would be quite an achievement. Sorta off topic: Why do people say "bought the skill"? It should be more like "bought the supplies for the skill" because technically you can't actually buy the levels you still have to work for them, even if it is a fast skill.
  22. Well I obviously like the skill because i'm 99 in it, but I don't see why you think some skills are useless because they don't make a lot of money. Here are a few reasons why it isn't useless: 1. vyrewatch burning- lots of money there... 2. pyre ship burning- if you're lucky there's some money there 3. hot air balloons- makes traveling easier 4. inferno adz- dragon axe/rune pickaxe all in one 5. without firemaking you wouldn't be able to relight lanterns and candles when they go out 6. you wouldn't be able to light house burners by alters in your house without firemakeing- less xp/bone offered=more expensive skill and longer skill? Well those are the reasons why I don't think it's "useless" as a skill but if you don't think any of that is important well then to you I guess it is useless.
  23. Slayer is a good way to make money even if your level isn't high so just keep slaying. These are my drops training slayer from 77-78(not including the close to 500k in cash from alcs): Now who says slayer is only good money past 78? :lol: So ya just keep slaying if you want a steady source of income.
  24. The whips and most other weapons all dropped a week or two ago because of the bounty and pvp world update that wouldn't allow you to use protect item in them. But when jagex added the new bounty +1 worlds everything started going back up and eventually settled down. Not sure why the whip is doing this again though maybe it's because of the new looks.
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