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Everything posted by Miller7204

  1. Well if your mage att bonus isn't too bad then I'd say just to use that I guess.
  2. I usually mage in guthan's tbh so that's up to you.
  3. W00T Another goal complete!
  4. One more! 99 party probably Monday or Tuesday at fishing guild in W157. :thumbsup:
  5. Grats, but why rapier/cmaul/ags? Told you it would pay off lol! Gratz :thumbsup:
  6. Congratz! Have you gone crazy yet lol? :blink:
  7. Nice vid. I hope I can try it out someday. :thumbup:
  8. Just to give you an idea, raw monks: 380ea ; raw rocktails: 2,077ea
  9. I'm fishing rocktails at the moment myself and I find them to be very good profit and decent xp. So for my vote, I say rocktails. :mrgreen:
  10. Saving it always works. :thumbsup:
  11. If you didn't already, you might want to look at this to understand it even more. http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Rare_drop_table
  12. Hope this can answer your questions. :unsure: http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Ring_of_wealth
  13. This isn't the blogscape subforum, FYI. I started asking for advice though. That's why I put it in Help & Advice. If I should go about moving it, could you tell me exactly how to do that? Thank you
  14. I started fishing rocktails as soon as I could. The xp is great along with the profit so I suggest them. I am still there at the moment and still think that it's the way to go.
  15. Here's another lvl closer!
  16. Here's another level closer!
  17. I own a wii myself and enjoy it when I'm on it. And there are times when I'm really glad that I got it. Even though I have a PS2 and an Xbox 360, i still play my wii sometimes. I own Super Smash Bros Brawl, Mario Kart, and Rockband 2 and I find them all fun, along with tons of gamecube games. So if you ask me I think it's a good console, it provides hours of fun and I'm glad i have it. I hope this has helped. :thumbsup:
  18. Don't forget that the max assist xp is only 30K.
  19. Just dropping by Lowc, maybe i'll see you in my neck of the woods sometime(LRC) :lol:
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