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Everything posted by dfmolly

  1. Gratz gladz! You had some excellent tribrids-I think farsuo, pie, and a lvl 126 with a 'U' at the beginning of his name were the most prominent from what I saw. Your binds were superb, and your rangers cut through our prayer like it was butter! Awesome awesome job gladz, nothing but good things to say about warring you. On the other hand, we warred really weakly and I think a few of us were maybe intimidated by your levels and warring skills. Nice job gladz :)
  2. Good job guys, GF FF. I coudn't come cause I was shopping :D
  3. Jerk. :( Demigod said ya'll pulled 52 too so yeah I believed ya :( I had to log out 5 minutes before the war..my mom decided at that very moment she wanted to do her bills..WTF! Gf t0 see ya later today ;)
  4. Goalies do own :D Hey, I like you. My dad actually was in LA for a business trip and he went to the hotel the hawks were staying at and met big buff, hossa, coach q., keith, and seabrook. LOL he gave coach q. the birthday card I made patrick kane so he's gonna give it to kane personally :) Yesterday's game for the hawks was horrible..huet played pretty solid but the hawks had too many bad penalties and couldn't seem to catch a pass or give a pass.
  5. To start off, I'm a girl, and yes, I play ice hockey. I play hockey on my high school team (all girls) and I'm the goalie :D My favorite team is the blackhawks <3 Patrick Kane is my love ;) I think the hawks, avs, or flyers will win the cup.
  6. O.O STUUUUUUUUUUU! I'm not very high-tech so I'm just gonna say join Downfall :D #downfall s1.zetaboards.com/rsdownfall
  7. - How long have you been clanning for? Since July 2008 :/ - Since joining clans, how do you feel you have changed? eg: maturity, humour, knowledge etc I've gotten more mature and more knowledgable about RS. - Who or what clan, if any would you say caused these changes? Downfall - Has any of these changes carried over into real life, if so, how? Nah. - If you could start over clanning again, what would you do differently? I would start clanning earlier, before I quit before the wilderness was removed...I hadn't even thought of clanning then, but I wish I would have. - Do you have any goal or ambition to do with clanning, if so, what? Not that I'm aware...just furthering myself I guess? - Do you have any regrets? Just not clanning back in '06 when I first started scaping..I played for 2 years then quit a few months before the wild was removed and trade was gone..
  8. nah 48 ml lock ftw<3 lololol Downfall SCARED? nah, we actually declined horatio because he's a divine forces fa. so he went to dv instead.
  9. Some of my pics of the war/random flames I didn't appreciate that and it's funny 'cause we weren't the ones who failed today.
  10. Good fight DV. I survived with no food or prayer :o but I think your lack of binds and a main pile really affected you guys :/ but you had some pretty good snipers. Props to machamp and blueguy..they were pretty decent snipers.
  11. hey loligo. I'm a leader of Downfall, a lvl 105+ active warring clan. We aren't mostly female or only female, but I know we have at least 10-15 girls in our clan. I'm actually a girl myself, and we have 2 council members who are female. Being a girl I make sure nothing is inappropriate or disrespectful to women on our site or in our chat. Feel free to register on our site rsdownfall[LikelyScam] I hope you find a clan that best fits you!
  12. RuneScape Name: Floginmolly7 RuneScape Clan: Downfall
  13. yeahh i'm central. and i'm in high school :S I just take a junior's math class that counts as college credit..basically ap..then theology is required since it's a catholic school. :D you're in aa? :o
  14. nice job tko. better luck next time cr ;)
  15. Hmm 2est? That's 1:00pm central..so i was...in theology class then college algebra/trig honors. sorry i couldn't come guys, i can't just leave school in the middle of the day, nor could i access runescape at school. :D good news is I brought all my grades up to A's ;) Looks like our gmt-ers and college students got some loot. I don't see how Downfall called another clan? The leaders of D0 decided to have a pk trip...we've done it before so no big deal there. 50ish opts isn't bad for the middle of the day...next time get it around 5est so i can come after school and drivers ed please :) DV gained some rune as well i believe, so nice job getting out in pvp by yourself for a little while. Get your levels up, and you can definitely do very well as a pk clan in your timezone. :thumbup:
  16. So it's not our fault that you've been able to mass 47 out of 85+ members in your ML. Also, just to let you know... DF outlevel us heavily as you compare both clans ML. DF had 55+ 110+ at war vs DF while DV just got around 35 110plus members. Average F2p Combat of DF : 116 Average F2p Combat of DV : 112 Due to some reason, you have just 60 members in your ML now BUT at war vs DH and even DV, you had 85+ members in your Memberlist. Moreover, you're the TOP Clan in TWR, isn't it? o.O In Dv vs DH, we were also in the situation where it was 26 vs 26. So, we have right to compare that fight. And Good Luck in pointing out DV mistakes in each war though the portal :thumbsup: Anyways... GF Dragon Hunters. Thanks for a clean fight! Good luck for Future Wars. A great pleasure to fight DH in Classic. Hope we have a RM soon :) Nah. Oh, it's called an activity sweep; something you should try ;) I am quite intrigued though because DV has done pretty well lately. Keep it up?
  17. good fight DH. DF-Nice try guys :/ Better binds and tanks next time I managed to do my signature stand-still tank.
  18. Na molly is just high on tj's weed Idk what she;s talking about. :P Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Everyone gets koed once in a while. That was like my first ko in a while. :wink: Haha, I take back what I said after I hear that Hit got koed :rolleyes:
  19. GF godz And only 1 person from downfall (pheonix1099) got koed..and killerred got koed too..i think they were arguing over who was koed faster? idk but try to find the similarities besides the "DF" similarity :)
  20. Well you know, rune may say you're blacklisted..but I'm willin to give you one more chance. DF vs DV in pvp? :D I think TPR vs DV could still work out since you guys have the numbers though..as Downfall will pull even or more than you in pvp. Good luck :)
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