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Everything posted by Quest_Cape_K

  1. define:you firetruckers The ones that went "Oh, vote to enable us our nostalgia trip! There's no downside to it" I hate who started it up. I hate who vehemently pushed people to vote. I hate Jagex for promoting this nostalgia circlejerk. Grow up, seriously. They wouldn't pull people from the team that are making the quest because it wouldn't benefit anyone. This 07scape has no effect on the development of the quest.
  2. Having 07scape updated would not be the 07scape that everyone wanted, take it as how it is and it shouldn't be updated imo.
  3. RSOF are usually not very good teams but some accept void with maul/rxbow. I don't see why people don't accept void since it is much higher dps than Torva.
  4. Clearly didn't see/ignored me saying we'll nex after, which was in like 20mins.
  5. Based on that would would be the bare minimum for stats and gear? I'd assume someone with stats like mine would be okay? If you bothered to read, you would see the OP's stats and the comments on those below it, from there you can see that your stats are fine.
  6. Did a bit more Nexing today, usual team wasn't on so Me/Tans/Jason did a few trios. First split was pernix gloves. Then as I conVINCEd them to stay for 1 more kill (like with the Zbow), we get this sexiness.
  7. If you don't have 99 in everything relevant to combat and enough cash for full Torva and twin Drygores, forget about Nex. I don't think you have nexed with teams if you expect that to be the standard, stop being so elitist. Void is perfect for Nex and also has a higher damage output, tanks should prevent you from taking too much damage. You could get onto some teams with war tort+unicorn with royal xbow/maul and void. Main thing holding you back here is the lack of overloads and potentially not 90+ range.
  8. 2H has higher damage output. Dual weild is easier for shield abilites.
  9. What about the people who can't be bothered to vote due to it not affecting them? The voting system this way allows for those who are interested to vote and those who aren't, don't have to do anything.
  10. More splits Trio Pern Gloves, I died at some point. Can't be bothered to find pic. Just got this Ended trip without anymore drops + 6.7m in other drops. Still a good day for bank all together. Eque died like 50b times on Shadow phase today
  11. Dibs on causeway! Baby monkey [x2] Riding on a pig Baby monkey Baby monkey [x2] Backwards on a pig Baby monkey The world has gone insane And you don't know what is right You've got to keep on keeping Get on that pig and hold on tight Baby monkey [x2] Riding on a pig Baby monkey Baby monkey [x2] Going backwards on a pig Baby monkey, hey
  12. May Mojo RIP http://www.atlnightspots.com/boy-dies-after-masturbating-42-times/
  13. Todays loots: 3-4 man throughout + 4 man torva legs and vgloves.
  14. Fed up of this pissing contest on this thread, get out of your asses and accept the fact that other people have different views to you.
  15. Why even bother selling anything in months when they will be worth nothing :P ? Unlocked Ox today, hopefully will be able to hire 2 on rerolls (passed barmaid tip and adventurer resource voyage with merchants :D ). Having lots of issues to load the game :S , anyone else having this issue? May as well get some money due to Ports not seeming that useful for much after the armour. Scrimshaws are a nice bonus though.
  16. -10mins/day -no gp needed -halfway to 99 in just 3 of the 25 skills If that is too much for you then have fun in you're black dhide. Judging by the way people post, a lot of people are fine with complaining in dhide. People measure herb farming in gp/hour only counting the time in which the herb run is done. I don't see why it doesn't apply to POP as well, sure it may be a bit more difficult, but it can be done roughly.
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