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Everything posted by Stommel

  1. Why couldn't they just use your personal slot in the dungeoneering tab as a 'view key inventory' thing? All it says when you click on it at the moment is 'look in your own inventory'.
  2. £200 is 1060 SoF spins - (14 of the 75 spin packages (@13.99) and a 10 spin package (@3.50)......you even have 64p left over!!!) EDIT: I saw somewhere else that it may actually be $200 a day (750 spins)
  3. Hey, I was just looking through my junk folder and noticed an email from ''[email protected]'', and tested the link (which went to a similar to RS site with two different letters). It's quite clear that it wasn't from Jagex, so why does the email host (Hotmail in this case) say that the email is from them? Surely instigating something preventing this would be of high priority in the current spam/phishing climate
  4. Runecrafting, but only if he started it soon. And farming potentially, but unlikely unless he focused farming training (tree runs+cave crawlers anyone?)
  5. Lolwat, the netherlands has more maxed accounts then Canada? There are 898 Maxed players atm, and in that pic there are only 179 maxed players. You cannot really know which country has the most maxed players, unless every maxed player votes. OR unless half+1 maxed players vote for the same country :P OR the number of max players voting for the country must be more than the second most voted for country+remaining votes............
  6. In w148 you're looking at 1.5m-2.5m a floor per leech, so once you can key sub 40 floors with a leech that becomes good money. Once you get to a high standard at keying leech floors you can join a cc and make 4m+ per leech per floor
  7. I made 4-6m an hour doing leech floors. With 99 dg (which is very fast in the grand scheme of things) making 2m+ an hour is easy on w148, and if you get a good trio team together you can make more
  8. I spent way too much time playing over the last couple of years so I ended up quitting this summer. I think the key for me was finding another game I enjoyed more, and could play less (Starcraft). Runescape is a (realistically) never ending game which meant even if I accomplished my goals there would be something more to strive for, and I got extremely bored of everything but Dungeoneering. Once I got 120 it meant I could continue dungeoneering but it wouldn't contribute towards maxing, or I could train other skills, which for me was a waste of time. Ironically if it wasn't for dungeoneering I probably wouldn't have had this realisation and would still be playing
  9. What were you training with/where were you training? I went 89-96 in just over 5 hours (mostly with extremes and juju pots though) in lumbridge cellar. Wasn't actually expecting 96 though, just kinda stretched to it
  10. Sneaky mention of bxp weekend :P Slayer dungeon and the tower sound interesting, the tower at least looks like it's due in September, and the rest should be within the next 3 months
  11. Not hard since the max xp rate is 675k (would be "infinite" if he was doing it while wcing). I'm pretty sure that the 'infinite' fletching rate whilst wcing can't be interpreted like that
  12. I seem to remember opening up a mining room door (the one that's shaped like a cross with minable rocks blocking the way and constructable struts to hold back the falling rocks) and getting the boss, so that's a disprove. Hmm, maybe they didn't (forgot to) add a code to suppress boss rooms after that specific puzzle room. Either that or the chance of a puzzle/skill room leading to a boss is much lower than a gd/key door
  13. Efficient dungeoneering doesn't mean completing the map, or getting the maximum amount of xp from a map, it means aiming for the best experience per hour (or minute, or any tiime unit). Sometimes a room like a merc/ramo/ghosts will appear towards the end of the map, which only contains a small branch, and would take the majority of the team to complete, risking deaths and taking a non-negligible amount of time. For the best experience rates these rooms would normally be left. If you come across the room earlier in the dungeon but it only leads to a dead end some keyers would try and get it done asap during idle time, and others would wait and see if it's needed (at the risk of it being on the critical path) so as not to waste unneccessary time. Getting 5+ deaths when you're aiming for xp on the otherhand isn't great. Alot of that can be combated by experience and knowledge of combat mechanics, although some bosses can be life leechers (gulega, trio, geo etc)
  14. I'd advise practicing a few dungeons following dgs' guidelines outside of dgs before using the cc. First impressions in dungeons are very important and being forced to change virtually everything round instantly sounds like a recipe for disaster [minus the useful gloves]
  15. I've seen these being done too, and it can be used to further the abillities of the keyer/soloer. But I'd assume the banning of leech floors in the cc is based on several factors, the main one that stands out to me is that if these floors are advertised in the cc it would attract people to the cc who are going against the clans aims and objectives (striving to become elite dungeoneers etc). With solo larges there is no payment, so floors are often done among friends who are established in the cc and known to be following the clans ethos, and in the long run the experience each player earns for the others (over many proper floors, and the occasional solo large) becomes balanced.
  16. Mountain Dew in the UK has none of the chemicals that the US one has (and therefore tastes terrible). Some friends at uni used to buy it imported, a few crates at a time, you could look into that :P
  17. Great to see Zezima max again! He was just going on primal plate hunts so maybe he's carrying on dg (or he could just want to fill his binds).
  18. Contrary to popular belief, his magic attack is not as bad as everyone makes it out to be. It's irritating because it drains prayer points, but I believe it can't hit above 400. So unless someone is a complete derp and makes him mage several times, making him mage isn't the end of the world. Obviously it's important that you do your best not to make him mage, but that mistake is more forgivable than getting dragged or blown up. Not really. Not only does causing him to mage mean you lose attack turns personally, it often kills those who entered the boss on low HP. Coming closer is by far the worst, though. It is really annoying when i start to do thund with 0 food and <600 hp and get killed because of people getting me maged when i shouldn't take any damage at all in that boss, if you can't do thund, don't tf. This. Thundy is meant to be an extremely easy and quite quick (under 50 pp in 5-man team) boss, which is why some people do all their occs as tf. A large part of the easiness is the fact you don't need any food, and so, besides praying, there is no boss prep req (boss prep being looting food etc). The mage attack completely negates the no food req, and makes the boss alot more annoying
  19. On a note totally unrelated to the drama, this has reminded me of something which I don't know whether it is common knowledge or not, but you can make a gatestone once you are over halfway through the teleport animation, saves time as you don't need to do it after you've teleported. I didn't actually know you can make them before finishing tele animation :P Also, a good way of making gatestones and eating food virtually losslessly is to eat during key unlocking/door opening animations/lag, click the food a couple of steps before the door, or as you start unlocking the key
  20. Yeah, as Tui said using all 5 f-keys is useful -my main uses for combos are below: f3/f5 - switching attack styles while pray flashing/switching f4/f1/[f4] - making a gatestone, dropping it [and ggsing] quickly [f1]/f4/f2 - switching from melee to csb [with 2h or staff] [f1]/f5/f2 - switching from csb to melee [2h, or with staff] individually they're all great on their own too, if you die and want to ggs quickly or want to open a particular window fast EDIT: I should note my mouse isn't great, so not only does it save me moving my mouse, it stops the risk of me misclicking too
  21. Hey Digital, I would've explained in dungeon, but I was keying so let the others tell you (didn't want 3 people saying the same thing to you). Basically I said it because we'd just opened a dead end and didn't have any useful doors nearby, so mgtgd meant move ggs to a gd if you have one gated, i said the gd bit because i knew someone had said they had a gd gated. I could've said mgt, which would just mean move ggs somewhere useful (like a puzzle, mono, emotes, ramo, merc or gd). It can also mean move the ggs to a gd you're in at the moment, because the ggs might be on the other side of the map, and the keyer wants it moved somewhere useful (for this they could also say 'drag gtgd')
  22. Tbh we got Ballaks no lie Also how much different is abd1, actually? abd1s do not have easier/low level monsters, the only difference is the bosses. tbh horde takes longer than ballak anyway Whats the reason for them being much faster than abd 2s? cursebearer floors? In c1s at least monsters get much harder as you do higher floors (warped c1s are annoying.)
  23. Keying a sub 20 full map on abd/occ/warp is a good floor. Keying sub 16 in dgs when you're not a rank is a great achievement, no matter the floor type. Just gotta go for sub 15 now Stan :P
  24. We got a blood neck drop almost the exact same time :P Think our one went to Mach One
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