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Everything posted by muggiwhplar

  1. Olivia looks like an old hag. Voted margot
  2. Eh it'd be kind of silly to not live up on the 25th floor of a high rise (or even work in a 25th floor cubicle in a corporate skyscraper) just because of this. If you have no family history or personal history of heart problems and you're healthy, then it's probably safe to spend most of your time in a place like that. I always look at the "2% rule" before I start worrying about something: if something bad has less than a 2% chance of happening, then I don't worry about it and take the risk.
  3. This is true in theory, but I don't think Jagex realizes that people often don't want what they say they want. For example, I remember reading about a large software company that did customer surveys about their product. Almost all the customers said they liked the software, but considered it too "full." The vast amount of features was overwhelming and confusing; they wanted less features so it'd be simpler to use. So the company later called the customers back and asked them which features should be removed to make the product simpler. All of the customers said, "Don't take any features out! Are you nuts?!" In the radio industry, the market research shows that listeners always claim they want more variety in their radio stations... yet every time radio stations add more variety, they lose listeners and ratings drop. So radio stations be sure to avoid variety and play the same stuff over and over, while at the same time advertising that they have "variety." Their listeners happily keep listening to the radio station without any variety. Most political surveys of Americans say taxes are too high. But if you ask them what government services should be cut to reduce taxes, they say "none." As far as RS goes, updates which are universally-acclaimed are extremely rare. Most updates are preceded with "Based on the feedback we got from you guys on our forums and social media, we're proud to introduce you to [new content] or [revised/updated content]!" And these updates are met with scathing criticism from the community that claimed they wanted these updates :P
  4. Changed my vote to natalie after seeing the additional pics, but I'm trying hard to unsee the shaved head
  5. I like how angry half you guys are over emojis, and how defensive the other half are :lol:
  6. i think ol' duckface is probably more attractive than emiliooooo in the pics where she has a full head of hair
  7. The new Dream Theater album looks corny as [bleep]... I can't wait :lol:
  8. she's too stunning and brave for this contest
  9. so is this part 3 of the original quaterfinal series or are we rebooting it for 2016
  10. yeah half shaved repulses me lol. it's way too masculine. she looks great in the 3rd pic tho
  11. Not with the frowny face typo lol. That's always been my Tinder opener though and I've never had any issues with it. Probably 1 date per 10 matches.
  12. Well let's be honest here. In the case of RS, efficiency usually means minimizing time spent doing unpleasant activities. Once efficiency became popular, the playerbase really began to realize how unpleasant most of the activities in RS are. At its core, RS really isn't a "fun" game... It's a game about grinding and goal-setting. Like, if I think about some of the most fun games I've ever played, the last thing I want to do is approach the game in such a way that the game is over as quickly and easily as possible. If anything, I want to enjoy every moment of the game since once the game ends, my fun ends as well.
  13. It's incredibly amusing (albeit unfortunate) when I'm messaging a girl and I accidentally type a frowny face instead of a smiley face "You look like trouble :("
  14. Except they didn't quite give up 9 years. Two weeks prior to release, all the inconveniences of the 7 year old game quickly became apparent and people started demanding fixes which subsequently implemented, and even updates. And now they have a whole new continent which is probably comparable in magnitude of content to Prif.Have you ever played 07? 07 is about as good as RS gets if you were a fan of the game prior to EoC. The only real "problem" is that the community is constantly split over every update. If a new update does anything to improve the condition of a skill, moneymaking method, or combat class, then half of the community immediately flips out and cries about how the "integrity" of the game is being threatened (or something), and how this game is becoming too easy. So Jagex will listen to them and release an update which doesn't improve upon anything, and then the other half of the community freaks out and calls it a "useless" update and "dead content" or "waste of dev time." So then maybe Jagex will go a little while longer than usual w/o any updates... and then the community complains about how bored they are and they want new content. So 2007scape doesn't really have an official "Mission Statement" about what the game's supposed to be about, like it should. The feel of the game just kinda bounces back and forth between the two extremes constantly. Still an amusing game, though I quit once I maxed my combat and got 99 in the stats I wanted banked. I'm too lazy to actually finish training them since there isn't really anything that I actually want to do for fun on the game-- the community's too worried about XP waste to go play Castle Wars or Fight Pits these days :P
  15. You seem mature enough to be capable of enjoying sex without needing an emotional romantic connection... why not just keep having fun with the casual sex until you find someone you like?
  16. But then how are we supposed to tell how many people are still salty about EoC several years after the fact? You know, for science. You check the 2007scape population count for that :P
  17. http://oldschool.runescape.com/oldschool_index There are currently 51595 people playing! http://www.runescape.com/community 95,183 Online
  18. I think eoc has 2x the old school population. On my phone at a stoplight so i cant check :P the main website for both games lists how many players are currently playing
  19. So turns out if you're using the POF app you can send voice messages to people. It sucks because I can't copy and paste voice messages lol So I came up with another elaborate, diabolical scheme :twisted: 1. I record my copypasta on my iPhone voice recorder 2. I playback my voice recording while recording it with my computer microphone 3. I record the computer recording with the POF app and send the message. I can even modify the computer recording to make my voice sound deeper LOL Too much trouble to be practical but it's still amusing to mess around with. Edit: just realized step 1 is completely unnecessary because I'm retarded
  20. muggiwhplar


    Wow, you got screwed! Hahaha... I'm so terribly lonely.
  21. I think this is common sense to everyone. Most people already understand what the "ideals" are for relationships-- don't lie, love your partner, yadda yadda yadda... But despite knowing what a relationship "should" look like, their relationships still end up in the shitter. It's the attempts to apply these ideals in a practical manner which end up confusing and damaging everyone. When it comes to lying, chances are, if you're totally honest and tell the truth when asked, you're still going to be in deep shit and your relationship really won't become any healthier or more trustworthy as a result of your honesty. People are emotional creatures and if the truth offends them, then they will resent you for it. In an ideal world, we could be honest all the time with minimal backlash... But that's not how things work in the real world. Or you could lie, but then you have to keep making up lies to cover your ass. This is stressful and chances are your partner will find out you were lying eventually, and then things will blow up. IME the best solution is to change the subject or don't take the question seriously and answer sarcastically/jokingly. Unless it's really a big issue, they'll leave it at that and won't press any harder. If they insist, then you can tell the truth. Part of the reason I only pursue open relationships is because I would be lying if I told a girl that I could be happy with her and only her and that I'd never cheat on her for the rest of our lives. I think that any guy with a high sex drive is making a mistake by thinking he can be happily monogamous for the rest of his life. Chances are, he will eventually cheat or he will remain faithful and sexually frustrated/bored. It's not necessarily the fact that he cheated that's bad-- it's the fact that he made a big promise to her and was unable to keep it.
  22. muggiwhplar


    I was in LA when Star Wars came out, visiting my brother
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