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Everything posted by muggiwhplar

  1. muggiwhplar


    Pretty sure I've read about a few posters meeting up over the years. Seems like a couple met up like within the last few months but I could be wrong
  2. IIRC maria had another TIF account called Lover Sexio (which is banned i think), who was notorious for trolling the 200m all thread. You guys are getting trolled again :P
  3. If a girl asks you why you still live with your parents, tell them what you just told me. Maybe shorten it up a bit though. :) You should have a response memorized and you should be able to say it confidently as if it's no big deal. Practice it in front of the mirror if you have to.
  4. I didn't know the answer to that so I found this for you http://www.pua-zone.com/showthread.php?4324-Living-at-home-w-parents-(early-20s)-and-its-influence-on-the-girls-you-can-attract-amp-quality-of-your-seductions&p=39299&viewfull=1#post39299 If you decide to "make it work" while living at home just do some searching around for how other people in your shoes made it work
  5. muggiwhplar


    Download the free geocaching app and go nuts!
  6. I've used 2 pics for the past several years. My 1st pic shows my face and body and the 2nd is a trashy body only pic
  7. Ehh you really only need 1 good pic. More pics = more chances of her seeing a pic she dislikes and losing interest
  8. muggiwhplar


    Dont forget about the [hide] 14) Cantina scene 15) Infiltrating death star and later being betrayed/killed in front of your friends (ben kenobi in IV, han in VII) [/hide] I enjoyed it overall. Not my favorite though
  9. Either have a female friend pick one out for you or just change your pic every couple of weeks and see which one gets you the most dates. A good pic is the most important part of Tinder
  10. It's a mixture of #2 and #3 Did she text you or message you at all after you gave her your number? If they go silent after that, it's usually a sign they're not gonna show. Yeah go ahead and start texting them 24 hours or a couple of hours prior to the meetup (depending on how far away you schedule the date). I just say "hey just confirming [location] at [time]." Keep it up, what happened to you is completely normal
  11. Add me if you wanna play dom sometime: da whitey I've got like 1k dominion games under my belt lol
  12. NopeIs this 100% related to happiness issues that arise with monogamy for you? Not trying to re-raise old convos, but I'm curious. Is it purely biological? Like in layman's terms, you're not happy nailing one woman?It's because monogamy is too big of a threat to my long term happiness. The odds of either of us eventually getting bored/resentful of one another and wanting to see other people are too high for me to commit to it. I can't really think of any advantages that monogamy has over polyamory other than the occasional minor jealousy.
  13. Good. Though don't be surprised/disappointed if she flakes or reschedules... About 1 in 3 girls will bail on me :P
  14. I have no filter on my age range-- it's 18-55+ for me lol. That said, all the girls I've dated and match with are around age 20-28. I set the maximum distance to 35 miles because I don't want to drive any further than about 30 minutes to meet someone. If you match with a girl that's super far away, they might've swiped right on you while they were in town or something. Or maybe they're paying to use Tinder and they set their location as your city... but I think it tells you when they're doing that. If you match with a girl and she's far away just ask her about it. She might just be out of town for the weekend.
  15. Yep that's usually what they ask. I usually just skim through their profile and respond with something generic and stupid about something that stands out about them. "Girls who like [something from her profile] are always trouble. :)" or "Red heads are always trouble. :)" or "[her occupations]s are always trouble. :)" Arrive 5 minutes late and pay for everything unless she adamantly insists that she pays. The nice thing about arriving late is many of your dates will be free because she'll have already ordered something by the time you arrive :) I usually arrive near the bar/coffee shop on time or 5 minutes earlier but I just wait in my car or go for a walk until I get a text from her saying "I'm here." If I don't hear from her I just go in after 5 minutes anyway. Also regarding bots... clues that the profile is fake: - she has a weird/foreign name, or even a man's name - she doesn't list her school or occupation on her profile below her name - she only has ~3 pictures - she has an empty profile or a very vague, non-descriptive profile - she has her phone number on her profile Clues that her profile is real: - you see pics of her wearing clothes related to your city or local school - her instagram account is connected to her profile - she has her occupation and/or school below her name on her profile - you have mutual interests from FB
  16. Reading between the lines is just an intuitive skill that you'll develop over time. Though, if you have any specific conversations that you're confused about, then post them here and we can try to interpret them for you. But a lot of it relies on reading body language and other subtle cues-- cues which are off limits when it comes to online dating and texting. That's why I follow a system which makes such cues sorta irrelevant. If you're genuinely enjoying having personalized, individual 1-on-1 conversations, that's good. But keep in mind that it's not very "efficient" in terms of developing your dating and social skills. After all, your #1 objective while you're on Tinder (or any dating site) is to get the girl to meet you in person. That's your absolute #1 priority-- higher than getting a girl to talk to you or give you her phone number or have a friendly conversation with you for a while. After all, what's the point of investing your time on a girl if she has no interest in meeting up with you? At the risk of complicating things, I'll try to explain this via a sales analogy. In the sales world, when we're looking for potential clients, we classify each client as either a "yes," a "no," or a "maybe." Others may call them "greens," yellows," and "reds." At my first sales job, I had to approach about 100-150 strangers a day and pitch my product to them. Since I only had a limited amount of time before the day was up, I quickly learned to minimize my time spent with people who were a "no"-- that is, people who weren't interested from the beginning, and had no use for my product. If a client seemed uncomfortable around me or they seemed like they wished I'd leave them alone, I'd bail ASAP and look for a client who was receptive to me. If I were to spend 20 minutes on a "no" instead of 2 minutes, that's 20 minutes that could've been spent looking for "yeses." Now, when it comes to online dating, the same principle applies. There's a ton of women online who: - have no interest in meeting anyone but just want free attention to feel better about themselves - are bored and are just seeing what's out there - just wanna mess with guys because they're rude and immature - have boyfriends but they're currently angry at them etc The bottom line is, no matter how charming or attractive you are, some women will never want to meet up with you... but they'll still act as if they're interested in meeting up with you because they want the attention. So this is why I follow a system which minimizes time wasted on uninterested girls. I made a flowchart of how most of my Tinder conversations go: Following this, I never really have to get stressed out over wasting time with girls who were never interested to begin with. If a girl wants to meet up with you, she'll agree to meet up with you and she won't make it difficult. However, for this system to work, you need to be putting in a lot of numbers. I've never really kept track of my Tinder stats since it's too difficult, but I'd say I go on a date with maybe 1 in 10 matches? Give or take a few. So that means I'm getting rejected 9 out of 10 times :P That's part of the reason why I said you should try to become comfortable with rejection and not expect success with every girl. Also note that online dating's very seasonal. October and April are the best months. November and December are some of the worst months since girls have already found their temporary boyfriends to bring home to their families for the holidays... and logistics are a pain to deal with due to the holidays. Things slowly start picking up again after New Years. Anyways, keep up the good work. Let us know if you have any more questions.
  17. muggiwhplar


    You should just get a sales job and get rich the easy way :P You seem like a social butterfly-- you'd probably be really good at it naturally
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