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Lose No Hope

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Everything posted by Lose No Hope

  1. I'm new to the FF game series so I couldn't give you a knowledgeable opinion based on that. The combat format is new to me but I like it. I haven't gotten very far into it due to being busy and spending most of my spare time playing the other two games I got.
  2. Either that or they tried to crash your spot in [insert skill] and are resorting to whatever they can to try to get you to leave. I've been reported and threatened to be reported if I don't leave hunter spots. I personally find it amusing.
  3. Don't worry about it. Jagex won't do anything because an idiot accuses you of botting.
  4. Got 3 games I had previously wanted to get but had never gotten around to it. Fallout: New Vegas, Saints Row 3, and FF13-2.
  5. He's obat. Logic and common sense do not apply.
  6. This. Range and mage will dominate slayer after the eoc update.
  7. Why couldn't this be 400m :( Eh... I don't mind a free 1m though.
  8. I might sound ungrateful but this could have been 400m :(
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKCasTWjzEg
  10. I went through the whole game primarily relying on my starter. I picked up a few higher leveled pokemon near the end but didn't bother training them at all.
  11. Dear Mr. Darth Sith Lord Obt Sir, POST MOAR Love, LTK
  12. 5/10 I took wyvern's advice and changed the pic.
  13. I think you misread the drug labels. He bought prescription drugs for people who couldn't afford them. He's now considered a loving hero by many. 50 HP
  14. The wall still has money from album sales. 50 HP
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