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Lose No Hope

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Everything posted by Lose No Hope

  1. I liked the idea behind the first article, however there are flaws, most of which the author pointed out. Staking and gambling make this invalid. Also, it is possible, albeit rare, for stakes and bets to be one-sided.
  2. It starts over so it would be at 49 HP. The wall becomes a famous singer. 50 HP
  3. The harpies praise the wall and the wall feels good about itself. 99 HP
  4. Went from 85-88 :> I'll probably end up trying to catch those legendaries
  5. When I got white a few months ago, I went through the story line quickly and haven't played since. I probably could/should find much more to do in that game.
  6. Idk, there isn't even a ranking system. It's just fun to explain why we make him clean up the mess left by harpie orgies. I've never had this happen up until now lol:
  7. Greens is, and he smuggles skittles out for me. The last time he got caught he was demoted to janitor, which is still one of the highest positions in ISE.
  8. The wall gains harpie protection. 92 HP
  9. It's not worth getting. Also, ROW doesn't increase the chance of getting a piece.
  10. Perhaps the Bulwark Beast or Runebound Behemoth? TzTok-Dill or TokHaar-Dill And no, there is a specific list of tags. I think the EP made the tag list actually. Yes. They were made near the end of my time on the EP.
  11. Beautiful. Simply beautiful. 11k/10
  12. I give the wall a taco. 84HP
  13. I got bored at the end so I ended that round a bit early :P
  14. lol at the chat going on during the video. Very nice kiln run m8
  15. *insert subtle sexual joke here* l2spell silent "b"s in english can suck my white nuts. kthxbai. loldontlieurafemale y u lie im obv female N0u
  16. Harpie anniversary. So many random yet [bleep]ing hilarious memories here.
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