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Everything posted by Synthox

  1. To me, the only thing that matters about a cape is the way it looks. Sure, it has nice def bonuses (and prayer on the trimmed) but if you wanted those you could just buy an obby cape. To me, these are the best looking capes: Farm Herb Agility Firemaking (the orange looks cool with gilded armor even though its yellow) Fishing Attack Dungeoneering But the best is Slayer Also, has anyone else noticed how many capes are white or off white? I mean, look: Summ Prayer Runecrafting Hitpoints Four white capes and not a single yellow one. But i digress. No capes are really noob because it took a couple of months to get it. Of course, feel free to disregard this entire entry as i have no capes...yet. Herb cape, i'm coming for ya...eventually...
  2. You lucky little [cabbage] why can't I ever pay attention long enough to get that herb cape? Oh wait, its cuz im a noob and have no money. Oh well 11/10
  3. I have 60 att and 38 str (lol str fail, i just really wanted dragon). I'm not a def pure (see range pray mage and summ). So like no special pots, just stuff i can absentmindedly kill. Like Cave Slime with an antipoison++.
  4. I'm looking for a monster with profitable drops that doesn't require a lot of equipment. I'm doing cave slime right now, which is a guarunteed 340 gp per drop. Is there anything about that level that is better than cave slime? I'm making nearly 120k per hour with cave slime (hard to believe, but true). I think flesh crawlers are 100k per hour. At least from my experience.
  5. Could someone please tell me what the difference between barb heavy rod fishing and shilo fishing is in xp? Everyone seems to recommend barb fishing but i found that the fish give the same xp and you can make a small amount of money from shilo. So why would anyone do Barb heavy rod?
  6. Are they good exp? If so, what are the exp rates per hour? Thanks :)
  7. Anyone know the xp rates for lobs AT CATHERBY? If it's better anywhere else, please tell.
  8. I did that to 80 recently and made like 500k cuz mahogany logs were so high. I would fold origami stuff while i did it. But if you don't want that, cannonballs are good too. Decent profit there, about 300 gp per bar. I've done school projects while doing that, it's like 2 min an inventory.
  9. Synthox


    Everyone has been called a noob at some point. What is your definition of a noob?
  10. Lol Exaggeration most likely, and even if it is true, if you had killed only monsters that dropped dmeds, you would have like 26 by then. Svaac, I just don't give a [cabbage] that I own you in combat. I also don't give a [cabbage] that I have a higher level, or that you have more total experience. I legitimately wanted to know how/if you killed a boss with unranked melee stats, but whatever.... you know, theres a thing called range. Maybe you could look at that sometime lol :) the giant mole is not a boss. You could mabey get 1 zil kill, but you dont have the agil level, thats about all you can solo with your stats. @the OP, you made enough for 2 visages off bones, and anyway thats like 5-10 hours at DKs, l2makemoney. Well it's lvl 230 and there's a tip.it guide on it, and there's only 1. To me that's a boss. and i got 3-5 kills off 1 trip with 35 agil. For gods sake, everyone needs to stop assuming that because i'm lvl 71 that i can't do anything. Grow up, people.
  11. What makes you think that because i have low combat stats i wear full rune? Fyi, i wear RED BLESSED D HIDE most of the time, something i only see lvl 80-100+ people with. For a lvl 71 person who makes all of their money off skilling, I'm pretty rich. It's all about perspective. But come on, 500 gp (based on what you said) per SECOND? that means that in the time it takes me to write this, you have made almost 150k. Yet, I, a lvl 71 with fair stats, would have made maybe 10k. Like Danqazmlp said, why should skillers stay poor, when monster hunters have made tenfold the money that they used to? Technically, we own you. If every skiller decided to stop making potions, for example, then it wouldn't be long before the potions price would soar due to the only income being drops, and you would be forced to either skill or else monster hunting wouldn't work. You are at the skiller's will. We can stop making food, stop pots, stop bow and arrow and bolt production, stop rune production, and you would be screwed. That simple. Of course, this is all hypothetical.
  12. In a recent Runescape poll, one of the questions asked was, "what do you most look forward to in a new quest?" 66% (2/3) of the people said the rewards, and only 28% (2/7) said the storyline. What happened to appreciation of quests? Is all we care about the rewards? If Jagex threw out a quest with a really stupid objective but great rewards, would you do it? Actually, sorry, stupid question. Based on the poll, you would do it, mostly for the rewards, some for the quest cape. I, for one, would to it too. I would want the rewards, and wouldn't pay attention to the storyline. But then Jagex give out a quest like Cold War, with a really interesting and mysterious storyline, and only okay rewards, the main being the agility course, and it doesn't get a second thought. So what i'm getting to is, ???????. When did the storyline only become important to 28 percent of the runescape population?
  13. Lol Exaggeration most likely, and even if it is true, if you had killed only monsters that dropped dmeds, you would have like 26 by then. Svaac, I just don't give a [cabbage] that I own you in combat. I also don't give a [cabbage] that I have a higher level, or that you have more total experience. I legitimately wanted to know how/if you killed a boss with unranked melee stats, but whatever.... you know, theres a thing called range. Maybe you could look at that sometime lol :)
  14. Why not use emerald e bolts to poison then use whatever to finish off? Great idea, but arent those like 600 gp a piece right now? and noble_aloof, it isn't a pointless post now. It's just that i said not to say that ranging is a bad idea, and you went ahead and did it anyway.
  15. Why? Because you want them to be higher? If you are woodcutting or fishing for money, you are doing it wrong. Neither has ever been an even halfway decent way to make money. Hell, even hunting chins to 99 hunter only makes what, 30? That is 2-3 DKS trips. Raw materials being higher would result in buyable skills costing even MORE. More people would be spending money on herb/pray etc. Personally, I don't see bots as a major problem. ahhh...here we go again. Another blunt statement assuming everyone is lvl 130 something like you are. I am lvl 71. I keep a constant 3-4 mil by skilling, i.e. fishing while growing herbs, etc. I disagree with the graph, and i want the raw material prices to be higher, because then i would make more money, and then boss hunters like you wouldn't be making about 1000 gp per SECOND. The math: Let's say you make 2 mil in half an hour. 30x60 is 1800 seconds. 2,000,000/1800=1111.11 (repeating). That is about 1000 gp a second. And that is ridiculous. No one should make that much money. EDIT: Actually you would make the same, just with more initial investment.
  16. Thank you for completely ignoring the question and making a pointless post. not a pointless post at all. 98% of people you talk to will also suggest diamond bolts, ranging potions, and maxing out your range attack, which is what i CLEARLY stated. your only going to get frustrated if you don't take my advice. you said that it was a bad idea, which i CLEARLY stated in the topic not to say, only to, given the forced choice, what you would choose.
  17. Uh You're unranked in attack, strength, and defence...................... How much boss hunting can you do? If the most money you've ever had is 5m, you're very poor tbh. And basically, your post was just stuff that everyone else knew already.... meh. He's speaking metaphorically. It's disgusting how you perceive his judgment based on his stats. On the second reply: Actually for a lvl 71 guy i'm pretty rich. I'ts happened more than once that i have been mistaken for a lvl 90 guy because of the red/blue blessed d hide i wear. If you want tosee you can check out my blog. On top of that, i have 60 att, 38 str (lol str fail :)) and 46 def. Really, the point i'm trying to make is that more than likely he's looking for the instant 25 mil. On the third reply: Thank you for acknowledging this. It IS disgusting how much crap lower leved people get on these forums. I don't boss hunt, but i have killed the giant mole a couple of times, so i know kind of what killing a boss is like. Pray and wait, drink, wait, drink, eat pick stuff up, attack, drink, drink... Oh, and ragdazzle, you are 30 lvls higher than me with only 80 more total lvl. Really, for my lvl, i am really really good. 1424 is the kind of total that lvl 85s have. Also my total xp is like a million xp higher than yours :).
  18. Try just south of Mort'ton. But north of burgh de rott. In between there. EDIT: Oops. I meant south of west ardounge. But the top place is good too.
  19. Thank you for completely ignoring the question and making a pointless post.
  20. Should I use a c bow or throwing knives? I'm leaning towards c bow for the extra power but the throwing knives have the speed factor. Any ideas? Also, don't try to tell me that ranging the sea troll queen is a bad idea, because it's the only thing i can do effectively.
  21. If you plant with super compost, as you should, and use magic secateurs you will get the minimum of 5 herbs per patch. Snapdragons are 69.3k per seed and grimy herbs are 15.9k each. Assume average of 7 per seed like you were and you get 111.3k back per patch making 42k profit per patch or 210k profit per run. Avantoes are 8k per seed and grimy herbs are 6k per seed. Assume average of 7 per seed and you get 42k per patch making 34k profit per patch or 170k profit per run. 40k profit more per run from farming snaps. Not including the money you make by getting more snapdragons back without buying them and them planting those for even more profit. Ok, lets see the math again. Snapdragon: 70k seed. 16k herb. 16x7 is 112. That comes out to 42k per patch like you said. Where you get the 210k i don't know. Maybe you farm more patches than i do. Avantoe: 6k herb, 8k seed. 6x7 equals 42, minus 8 is 34k per patch. So i suppose you are right, but only if you are willing to risk the money and you actually get 7 herbs. If you get more, great. But if you don't, then you will find that you make a lot less money. Even with magic secateurs i still come out with 5 herbs sometimes. If you do, and it happens more than you think, then you only make 10k per patch. And that sucks. Avantoe is a safer and similar option that for a person who is lvl 71 and maxed out at 5 mil, works just fine. I'm not willing to throw down the big bucks for snapdragon seeds. you and that other guy are probably two lvl 100 something guys who squat on a huge heap of money all day and walk around with a godsword and 3rd age all while boasting about the money they have. I'm not. For me, and everyone else, avantoe is a safer option that works just fine. If this was written 3 months(ish) ago, then there would be no argument for snapdragon-wergali was a safe option that actually was better net profit. Even though the seeds were hard to get, i made 5 mil in 2 weeks doing nothing but farming 2 herb patches. You can talk about snapdragon all you want, but avantoe works for me, and because the other person didn't have a sig, it might work for them, or snapdragon might work better. However, Avantoe is my choice, and i was just trying to recommend it. Suck it up. By the way, look at my sig. See the farm logo? It says 70. I know what I'm doing.
  22. Synthox

    8th pair :D

    wow. Why don't I ever get good drops like this...my best is a obby shield...sad fail...
  23. It's a bad idea. The starting seed price is 80k, and the herb is 16?K. Therefore, you have to get 5 herbs for profit, which means that you will only average about 30k profit per run. However, avantoe herb and seed price is 6k. 6k x 7=42k, minus 6k for the seed = 36k, 6k more profit (and a lot safer) than snapdragon. Ranarr is the same deal. 8k herb, 32k seed. 8k x 7=56k, minus 32k is 24k profit. (for all of these examples i assumed you get 7 herbs.)
  24. There's really only one kind of bot that annoys me: autotypers. They are SO obvious that it's just painful. Basically, if you see someone typing impossibly fast, saying the same 3 things about a merch clan, its a bot, feel free to report them. And if they arent, then their ads wont be clogging the chatbox anymore. It seems like every merch clan has a couple autotypers these days, and the only last about 15 min before someone reports them.
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