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Everything posted by Synthox

  1. Runescape name: Synoxsis I need a member of: Black Arm Gang I need help with Shield of Arrav (lol), and later Hero's Quest World and time: I have school, so I might be on anytime during 3:40-7:00 PM EST (anytime after 7:00 might be too late). Thursday I'm not available from 6:00-8:30 (dinner and music lessons). World 64 please. Contact: PM in game
  2. Holy crap there's a lot of replies on this. anyway, i'm listening to: His World (SSBB version)--Crush 40 Sonic FTW!!!!! Well...unless it's SSBB your talking, then Lucas FTW!!!
  3. I did teak wardrobes from 67-75 over the weekend with a demon butler. He would get 24 planks, i would make 4 wardrobes. He would bring 24 more, hold 4, and i would make 3+1. And so on, 2+2, then 2+1+1. At that point i had 16 flatpacks, so i dropped them and repeated. It worked great, I think i'll to it to 80 when i have the cash. And toad, people did cons over the weekend so they wouldn't have to use more sc hammers. They do take a while to get...
  4. Those, plus: Stratovarius ------- Blind Elvenking ----- The Scythe For any epic battle (Jad, Nomad etc): His World (instrumental version-or the one with vocals, your choice) ------- Crush 40. I know it's from Sonic 2006, but the good version is from SSBB. Open Your Heart ----------- Crush 40 (again, from Sonic Adventure 1) Live And Learn -------- Crush 40 (Sonic Adventure 2)
  5. I'm really clueless here. Should i use wind wave or is their a better spell? Also, should i switch to range for ahrim? Will i make enough money to support construction? I know there's a guide on tip it on this, but i want to hear it from people with experience. I'm not saying the people who wrote the guide have no experience, just people to talk to ftw.
  6. Would you say it's worth a try? If yes, should i range or mage?
  7. Do i have the stats to effectively range/mage barrows? I need an extra moneymaker, the piles are getting small *coughcoughconstructioncoughcough*
  8. Doesn't repairing/blessing use up pray points?
  9. I remember killing goblins because i thought they were great money. Also i killed them because i didnt think my cb lvl went up so imagine my surprise when i looked and saw i was lvl 9 :). I remember buying a black dagger because it was all i could afford. I couldn't find my way out of falador so i killed myself by attacking a guard, same with burthorpe and a soldier. I never had armour because i didnt think it did anything. One day i was at the port sarim fishing store and some lvl 3 noob was killed by the drunken dwarf and dropped 36k. I thought i was soooooo rich. I started my rs career with an account named Ri Swordsman. I never use him now, but he was lvl 75, same as I am with Synoxsis. Oh yeah, ccan't forget the month i spent raising money for a rune long after i discovered keldagrim... Ahhh, so many memories. Ri Swordsman, rest in peace.
  10. Man, where to start. My best drop EVER was a couple of months ago, an obby shield, 146k at the time. Up until then, my combat runescape career was one big dry streak. Then, while training for 60 def on pyrefiends I stumbled upon a lvl 2 clue. I had to do plague city and biohazard for it, but guess what it was? Rangers.
  11. I collect blessed dragonhide coifs. Currently i have red, blue, green and brown. White and purple just won't buy...
  12. Hmmm...I think i'll need to add that one too. Don't worry, you'll be credited for it.
  13. Yeah, i think i'll change that. I also added a new section for those people who run out of a fog bank, launch one mage attack or one arrow, and run back in, and repeat.
  14. Discuss! Sorry i keep adding new questions. It's just that you guys come up with such good ones...
  15. I bought 3k teak planks for the b.e.w (i have my reasons for teak, don't object). I would need to use them all in 3 hours otherwise i might as well be using sc hammers. I plan on agility after my 2x multiplier runs out. But my question is, is it even possible to use 3k teak planks in 3 hours? At 71 i can make ranging pedestals which take 8 planks each like larders, but is it possible to average 1k planks/hr?
  16. Gotta love the att emote...
  17. The fact that 300,000 people are willing to follow that son of a [onion] is really scary. I think i'll move to England, America is dead now. Although Glenn Beck is kinda old. I think i'll wait this one out.
  18. My secondary account killed elvarg at lvl 31 combat and 20 def. I maged, using fire bolt with a full inventory of swordies. Second try i beat him. I recommend getting 35 mage for fire bolt and some def, you should be able to do it fine. I was free when I did this. Because you have membership I recommend getting a poisoned dagger, then maging or if you really want to remove all feeling of accomplishment from it you can poison and run. Thats how all the lvl 6's did it on youtube.
  19. Synthox

    Bonus exp weekend

    Am i the only one who noticed that prices go back to the way they were before the b.e.w? Oak planks: In march, they soared nearly 300 gp, much like now. However, they came right back to 550 gp like they normally are. Personally, I don't see a problem other than the potion inflation. So people are complaining that skills are easier to train now. Those people remind me of the crotchety old person who yells at anyone with technology and says, "In my day..." Change happens. B.E.W's are change. Personally, I will be getting myself a dungeon. If you have a problem with that, in the words of Daniel Tosh, "Make a video of it, and shove it up your ass."
  20. Great guide, just a couple of things: D boots on a ranger is bad. The str bonus (i think theres a str bonus) is useless and so is the extra def if you are praying. But why you would pray on a green drag idk. Maybe because I'm a lvl 75 noob. Guthix d hide may be dirt cheap right now, but the only part of it you really need is the coif. Rune c bow works fine in basically all range situations, no need for zaniks. I'm stunned no one has said that a d plate is a waste of money yet. It is more expensive than a lot of barrows but full drag is really quite good, as well as looking waaaaay cooler than barrows imo. That's all i have to say.
  21. It has to be all pineapples etc for it to be supercompost, sorry. I have no idea how to get to the Harmony patches, I don't even know what grows there lol.
  22. Smithing is a huge money sinkhole unless you make your own bars, so forget about making money. The method you should use to train depends on whether you want to lose less money or get faster xp: Less loss: Iron arrowtips. Because they are one bar each, it's kinda slow, but making plates will NOT use all the bars in your inventory assuming you are only carrying a hammer. Faster xp: Iron platelegs/2h/plateskirt/chainbody/kiteshield. You only need 9 for an inventory, leaves a space for a hammer and uses every bar. Of course, if you really really want platebodies, then bring a hammer and 2 junk items or 3 sc hammers, replacing one with a junk item when it breaks. And yes, varrock is the best place. I admire your commitment. I wouldn't even think about smithing that many iron bars, 3k at the most :). I hope this helps.
  23. Personally, I would ignore range and train cons until the bonus drops below 2x, then train range. You probably won't hit 90 but cons is more worth the weekend.
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