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Everything posted by Synthox

  1. ok, so I want 99 cook, but I don't have the cash laying around (YES I'M POOR, don't rub it in my face, i'm working on it). So I thought, I have this set of arma d hide. Well, coif (keeping that), chaps, and the body. Ancient is cheaper and will go with my cook cape. However, the arma d hide took a week to get, maybe more, and the ancient will take about as long. However, I will have enough cash for 99 cook if I do it. Is the exchange worth the time?
  2. I vote 67 cons because it's not very expensive, and you are already close. Then do hunt/dungeoneering. Hunt for money, then do 70 pray. OR if you choose dung first, then get a chaotic wep and smash some bosses. Then get 70 pray. 80 mage isn't that important.
  3. How long do you think it will be before Phoenix Odin gets 200mil rc xp?
  4. One day i got a clue containing ranger boots. They looked like green coloured leather boots that sold for 500k. Guess who wishes he held onto his now? #-o I used to be the type that would drop an assignment just to finish a clue. I don't bother with that now. Lol, probably should have held on to them but hey, 15 mil was 2 and a half times what I had back then.
  5. One day I got a clue containing ranger boots. That was 2 months ago. After nearly a thousand various clue dropping monsters killed, nothing. Luck. That's all it is.
  6. I lol'd when I saw that picture. Me and my clan set up a cannon in from of aubury's. Like 7 bots were stuck there. But guys, let it go. We are never gonna get rid of all the bots. Killing bots is like making a cure for the common cold. it just changes too fast. Sorry sword95, if I just crushed your entire existence. Sorry if you found that mean. Just my opinions.
  7. Where to start... Construction skillcapes Herb skillcapes Farm skillcapes...Hell, any skillcape Arma d'hide, except I have that now :) lvl 3 noobs with a construction or herb skillcape (I've seen them) people with great armour at low lvls, aka someone named fishy and a bunch of numbers with his dragon pl8. Also I saw a lvl 39 person with a farseer kiteshield, don't ask how she got it, i don't know people with any more than 15 mil people with partyhats people with divine sp shields... Ok. I think that's about it.
  8. I'm looking to train my lvl 46 free account, with the following stats, goals separated by a comma. Att=40,40 Str=41,80 Def=40,40 Range=24,80 Mage=41,59 I REFUSE to kill spiders, no drops, but if there are absolutely NO other options, I will. Any ideas?
  9. This is what would happen if he turned off chat: him: (skilling) n00b: why are you here n00b: why are you here n00b: are u a bot n00b: reported teh bot This is why I always skill in the GE. It's laggy, but no one can see you.
  10. Any ideas? I'm trying to get 63 summ gaining as few cb lvls as possible, so a low lvl/low hp monster would be nice.
  11. Get what you want. Whether it's bandos armour, or arma d'hide, get what you want. If I had 50mil , first I would faint in my seat(then again, i did that when I got rangers :) ), then I would buy arma d hide (because it's epic, and you know it), a fury and a zerker, and God knows what else. Whatever I want. You said you had the means to make it back, why not put it on hold for a while and get an arcane spirit or spectral? My 2 cents.
  12. Damn, how did you kill people at all? Everyone runs and I'm stuck with the no item noobs.
  13. Synthox


    Forget about me for a sec. When was the last time you had trouble with a boss? As in you finished, and said, "Gee, that was hard." Maybe corp. Or nomad. I know i can't do bosses. God, you people are shortsighted. Did any of you actually READ the post, or just look at the title, then my stats, and said, "Oh noes, he can't do bosses. He sucks and must be flamed because we didn't read his post." I said I was a noob. A lot of the people in the clan that I'm in boss hunt all the time, and it seems like it's just any old training, except for the money and with a lot of potions. Why am I even here? No one will listen to what I'm saying anyway. This has happened to me before, and I can definitely say it's not my fault.
  14. Good luck with your goal. As for the 99 slayer, I recommend you make goals within that, such as 40 for basilisks, then 60 for aberrants (I hear they are great for high level herbs), and so on.
  15. Synthox


    It seems like nowadays there is really one boss: Nomad. All the others are mass hunted for items, even Corp, the one that was supposed to solve this problem. Jagex can release new bosses all they want, but if it really is going to be a "boss" then, at this point, it needs to be like lvl 1200 and hit through prayer or something like that. rate, hate, people probably won't do much else cuz dis n00b maed a post about bosses, on noes. I might be a noob, but I'm entitled to my opinions. Let the thousand-post flamefest BEGIN!
  16. Well Well Well, considering that I have a higher total level than the OP, I should buy him as a slave and rename him imAn00b. This is a waste of my time, why am I here?
  17. Why do people even say this? Let's face it, I'm twelve. But I try to type correctly, I try to be nice, and generally I only post like this because something really annoys me. Guess what you did. I would insult you with something, but for lack of ideas, I say only this: You're a fat nerd no-lifing nub, kid. But I see what your saying, for the most part. It is a waste of time, and if it offends you to the point where you rant about it, than either: 1. You are a fat nerd no-lifing nub, and you cry because it's true, or: 2. You are a nice and considerate person who defends the other guys. You choose who you are. Please choose 2. People may find problems with this post, but to be honest, that was the worst thing I've heard all day. And I'm going to bed in half an hour. Maybe I'll watch the news, give you the benefit of the doubt. People should never go to bed being the worst thing for someone that day. Damn, I really feel philosophical right now :)
  18. Synthox


    Damn, how did you do that? Getting my rc to 50 nearly killed me as is...
  19. Waiting for what item to update? how did you make 24 mil like that?
  20. Are there any ways to get 1 mil an hour with my stats? Please only say combat related items if there are none else.
  21. Where'd you get this? Your ass? That is RICH. I'm quoting that.
  22. 287 I know, my slay is 40, my combat stats suck, but hear me out: Personally, I believe slayer is like the lottery. Slay=lottery. My Lottery level is 40. Your opinion on slayer depends mostly on what tasks you get. I got ice giants, so I quit slayer. I HATE ice giants. I would love a drag task or two. But I never get them. My opinon, however, is neutral. Here's why: Slayer is like runecrafting. It seems like a worthless piece of crap until you get 91 for double nats, or 60 slay for aberrants, or 85 slay for abbysals. You need to get it really high for it to be worth your time. But once you stomach the countless hours, your effort is rewarded. I have a very short attention span, which explains my lack of skillcapes. Because of this, I can never get a skill high enough to make serious money, exception farming. Many people enjoy slayer, and I understand why. The variety is a much-needed thing when training combat. And who doesn't want free levels with their combat? It seems like a no-brainer to train slayer. The money, the variety, the free levels. Why not? Here's why not: There's really no money until 60, aberrant specters for herbs. In the time it takes to get from 1-60, you could get nearly 70 in almost any other skill. The variety---well, you could do that yourself, and spare yourself all the bad tasks. Sure, you can cancel them, but it takes a while to get all those points. Once you get past those, slayer seems like a worthwhile thing to train. But some people, myself and the OP included, can't get past these things. So he doesn't like slayer. But I like the variety, even though i sometimes lose the lottery. Damn you, ice giants!
  23. You know you've been playing runescape too long when you find someone if your seat or any spot and you think, I'll just world hop. I'm sure someone already said this one. I actually thought that once. @svs my god, I had one last night. It was weird. For some reason, they always involve yellow blessed d'hide (i know there isn't any), a hunter skillcape, yellow vestments (again, i know there isn't any) or a dragon chain. Oops, double post.
  24. You know you've been playing runescape too long when you find someone if your seat or any spot and you think, I'll just world hop. I actually thought that once.
  25. i wonder how many people read all of these... can anyone else thing of a bigger waste of time?
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