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Everything posted by Synthox

  1. Synthox


    I like. I thought that already happened lol. Maybe because i ignore somebody, then go to a different world. But, let me (not) be the first to say that the OP has identified a nuisance. Not a problem, just a nuisance. Like how mining and firemaking isn't afkable. That kind of nuisance. All you have to do to make them go away is take them to deep wildy or all the myrad of other reasons people specified.
  2. experiments are terrible, no salve, no charms, no slayer mask, far apart, crowded with pures, bleh. Right, thats what I meant to mention. High exp, but all they drop are bones. you'd be better off killing level 2 men. Hmmm. Where have i heard that before lolol
  3. Now it goes in this order: Snapdragon Avantoe (slightly more profit than ranarr, i believe, although it is really close) Ranarr I hope this helps.
  4. Tbh, all of those are pretty repetitive except for combat, and in f2p that's still repetitive. Your best bet is to avoid mining at all costs (recently i ground for 60, most boring weekend of my life), but train all other skills to a rank in the high scores. Having a goal really helps. You're going to hear that alot from teachers if you are still school age, actually you probably already have heard that too many times. But it works. With my goal of 99 farm i managed to get to 70, in bursts of 15ish levels. You can see in my sig that i can never focus on a skill for a while. Because of that, you get a well rounded character, and you don't get bored. But don't mine. Spare yourself the boredom.
  5. waitwut? Why are you ranting at somebodies opinion? It's their opinion... Everybody has different opinions... Oh no...no update. Gahhh!!!! Now we will be forced to use the other million lines of code. Oh, the horror! But, jagex really shouldnt say it in the bts unless it is 99-100% complete. The treasure trail update includes tons of new items and stuff. In all likelihood, one of the items was animated wrong and the end off the staff or whatever went into the player when it was used in combat. So they fixed that, saw another problem caused by the fix in the code, fixed that, and it snowballed from there. I've been building roller coasters and the like out of knex and that type of thing happens all the time. Sure, they intended for it to come out on that week, but [onion] happens. Suck it up. Actually, i'm not sure if that had anything to do with the topic but im too lazy to rewrite it. Oh well.
  6. Tbh, i think most of those "bots" just have public chat off.
  7. ikr? I started runescape when i was what, 8? All i had to do was click a button that said that i was 13. Bam, i'm in. It's not like they have a brain scanner that reads your age.
  8. Pretty long ad, but looks good. I'm in the registering process as i write this. See you soon!
  9. I am a lvl 71 member, with my skills listed in my sig. (my attack is 60, str 38, def currently 55, training for 60 atm) I hit 210's with addy bolts and a rune crossbow, and have about 3 mil. A relaxed clan would be best, something where i can opt out of combat related things if i want to. Any ideas? EDIT: I have already registered for irenic, so nvm about this. EDIT: Ignore the top. I'm with trr now
  10. Do this. I did it only from 80-82 because my attention span is about 2 seconds. Anyway, you get like 1k profit off 500 bows. It's really really tiny, but it's something.
  11. Good try, my_eggs, but it looks like i won. Logic: Your tests mean nothing because you used different equipment, have different stats and used a different strategy. I got 45k at men. I got 66k at cave slimes using the same equipment, strategy, and attack style. Of course, you have to subtract 3k because i used 2 doses of my potion. That still is 18k more than men. For people who are my level (or who have 38 str lol) cave slime is the better option.
  12. But men have less HP than cave slimes ... and less defence... ...and are more money per hour... ...and have less xp...and ruined my harmless point... and proved nothing really...
  13. How about you do 20 min like i did? Then maybe we can settle this. Don't forget that currently I'm training def, melee is my worst stats. So i will get less kills than you in everything. Cave slime was a harmless suggestion. I compared them to flesh crawlers. Yes, there is a guide on cave slime already, i did not know about this. I stumbled on cave slime without any help. But come on, you and all these other people seem to know way to much about the fastest way to kill men. That does make you a murderer, doesn't it? Guess what? Green drags are better money Abbysal demons are better money All monster hunting is better money See how this means nothing to this thread? Racheya, do whatever you have to do, because this thread is just a forest fire now. Oh, and my eggs, I don't give a [onion] what you think. We are 2 different characters with different stats. Of course data won't be consistent. I'm off to do 20 min at cave slime. If it beats 50k, then I win, and there's really no argument against that.
  14. Is trolling now against the rules? I lol'd. I sure hope not, otherwise there would be bans happening left and right. Um... I'm pretty sure trolling was always against the rules. It's like a ticket, you get it, but almost no one (in boston at least) pays them. Any way, I have my wasted 20 min for you. Looks like I know luck when I see it. Its true, 1 test is worthless. But i do believe that this, together with your finished one (four 20 tests) will be conclusive: Using my evidence I would make about 135k per hour killing men, only a little more than half of what morningrise said. Face it people, you're not going to make bils with cave slime fleshes or men. 120k is only 15k less than 135k. Now, I'm going to kill cave slime for 20 minutes. Feel free to join me and post your results. I am fairly sure that i will get more money in swamp tar than i did in the entire 20 min of men. Happy hunting, or popping...or whatever you do to cave slime. Warriormonkx was right. I was only surprised that cave slime were worth something, and that next time you got cave slime as a slayer task you wouldn't be so dissapointed. I can't believe I have to fight this this hard, but i will. Ok, theres just so much wrong with this post I don't know where to start, but I'll give it a shot. First off, I can't see your pic, you should really learn how those work. EDIT: It's working now, but it just raises further problems. Did you see the loot I picked up? See how it differs from your loot? I didn't take the absolute garbage that wastes space and makes for unnecessary bank trips. If you just take bones and herbs you can keep killing them at a faster rate. Also, my guess is that you killed one man, waited for the loot to spawn, picked it up, moved on to the next, and repeated. Am I close? Because for efficient killing you just go through slaughtering the men and pick up the loot as you run past it on your way to the next man. Second, I didn't do four 20 minute tests, I did the first 20 minutes, got bored, then came back and finished of the last 40 minutes of the hour. Third, you don't know luck when you see it, because had the first 20 minutes been luck like you said, how would I have continued to keep said rate of profit and even get more? Luck doesn't work like that. What happened was consistent data. Fourth, you are the ONLY person in this thread that says men aren't that much money, and you only have tested it for 20 minutes. See something wrong with that? That's like me going to cave slimes, killing them for 1 minute, getting 1k in loot, and here by deciding your testing is worthless, (even though you'd have done more extensive testing than myself) they are only 60k an hour. Do you see how that wouldn't make sense? Because thats exactly how your test on men looks. Yes, it is. I understand that. I killed 90ish men. Using your method i might have killed 40 more. Still, that would have come to what, 60k? The majority of my drops were coins and stackable items. And don't forget that i only have 38 str (yeah, str fail i know) and i was training def at the time so i just meleed them. With range i would be able to kill almost double what i did. But it still would not have come to 340k. But you and everyone else is missing the point so badly it hurts. It"s like watch 5 (or 50ish) drunk guys play pin the tail on the donkey. You all are still missing the point. Cave slime is just something different, something unusual that i discovered as a viable money source. You could say that green drags were better money here and it would do the same thing, completely steer this thread off topic. Oh yeah, did you actually kill any cave slime before you made blunt assumptions? morningrise, did you? No. I could go into the senate, yell some crap about someone, give false reasons, and leave. That is what you are doing. Neither of you have ever done cave slime. Either that or you are just a flamer and i should ignore you. (lol i said you should do cave slime like a drug, didn't i.) Tbh, i was killing cave slime for a combination of money and xp, just like anyone my level killing flesh crawlers. Oh yeah, there is something called luck multiple times in a row. I thought the first 20 was luck. Then you showed me the rest, wow. That is a combination of skill and luck. You must spent your free time in runscape dreaming up ways to flame people for their harmless opinions and ways to kill men faster. Have fun being an axe murderer!
  15. Is trolling now against the rules? I lol'd. I sure hope not, otherwise there would be bans happening left and right. Um... I'm pretty sure trolling was always against the rules. It's like a ticket, you get it, but almost no one (in boston at least) pays them. Any way, I have my wasted 20 min for you. Looks like I know luck when I see it. Its true, 1 test is worthless. But i do believe that this, together with your finished one (four 20 tests) will be conclusive: What's that in the air? Is it...a dry run? or maybe the smell of extreme luck wafting off of your test lol? Using my evidence I would make about 135k per hour killing men, only a little more than half of what you said. Face it people, you're not going to make bils with cave slime fleshes or men. 120k is only 15k less than 135k. Now, I'm going to kill cave slime for 20 minutes. Feel free to join me and post your results. I am fairly sure that i will get more money in swamp tar than i did in the entire 20 min of men. Happy hunting, or popping...or whatever you do to cave slime. Warriormonkx was right. I was only surprised that cave slime were worth something, and that next time you got cave slime as a slayer task you wouldn't be so dissapointed. I can't believe I have to fight this this hard, but i will.
  16. Is trolling now against the rules? I lol'd. I sure hope not, otherwise there would be bans happening left and right. Um... I'm pretty sure trolling was always against the rules. It's like a ticket, you get it, but almost no one (in boston at least) pays them. Any way, I have my wasted 20 min for you. Looks like I know luck when I see it. Its true, 1 test is worthless. But i do believe that this, together with your finished one (four 20 tests) will be conclusive: Using my evidence I would make about 135k per hour killing men, only a little more than half of what morningrise said. Face it people, you're not going to make bils with cave slime fleshes or men. 120k is only 15k less than 135k. Now, I'm going to kill cave slime for 20 minutes. Feel free to join me and post your results. I am fairly sure that i will get more money in swamp tar than i did in the entire 20 min of men. Happy hunting, or popping...or whatever you do to cave slime. Warriormonkx was right. I was only surprised that cave slime were worth something, and that next time you got cave slime as a slayer task you wouldn't be so dissapointed. I can't believe I have to fight this this hard, but i will. Dammit, i did it again. See the one below tthis, i actually has the image
  17. That, my friend my_eggs, is something you may be unfamiliar with. It's called luck. It;s what gets people d visages at dragons. You know that? Tommorow i will try men at edgeville and show you what I got. If the are close, then you won, case closed. Cave slime was a fleeting thought that i was comparing to flesh crawlers. I could go on a thread celebrating green dragons and spout some crap about daggonoth kings and it would do the same thing. Tommorow I will set my watch timer for 20 minutes, and see if our stuff is close close together. If it's not, then you got lucky, and your proof is invalid. But it's 11:30 here on the eastern coast of the US, and i really can't argue this any longer tonight. Tommorow is judgement day, i suppose.
  18. I got your name wrong. Whatever lol. I don't think I've ever seen level 2 men in Edgeville packed. You get herb drops AND talisman drops quite often, which adds up very fast. Level 2 men are actually a great way for new accounts to make a lot of money quickly. I'm a little curious as to why a level 70+ would even consider fleshcrawlers, much less cave slimes. Armored zombies are surely better. 1. If they aren't packed, the is it just a coincidence that 30 people know about them...? 2. Armoured zombies are level 85. Too high for me to train on effectively. I haven't even done the quest, so... 3. I was in the area and it was a fleeting thought to do cave slimes. And it works for me. If it doesn't work for you, then [bleep] off. (lol) 4. I see level 80+ people with high level equipment killing fleshes for the herbs all the time.
  19. You never looked at my stats, did you? I could kill daggonoth rex like once if he was in a room by himself. Good suggestion though, if i get higher combat i might use it. But you were probably being sarcastic...
  20. I got your name wrong. Whatever lol.
  21. Hmmm... The same men that are in edgeville are also in lumby, except there's always 5 noobs occupying each one. So I'll get a kill a minute. And I'll get 250k an hour from that? That is so sad that i really did laugh. All i did was make a suggestion, and I got flamed for it. Is there no freedom of speech in the tip.it forum? Must I act like an arrogant monster hunting [onion] like you all are? I said that cave slime is an alternative to flesh crawlers. Men have nothing to do with it. How many times to i have to hit this nail into your thick skulls? How hard is this to understand? Hahaha, funny bladewing. Did i ever say that this was the holy grail of moneymaking? No. I was just very surprised that cave slime were worth anything. 120k an hour is the same that one would get with my levels at flesh crawlers. MEN HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS. You could have just said, "kill green drags for $$" and it would have done the same thing. Cave slime vs Flesh crawlers. I can't believe people who are posting here can't read, because obviously they can't. I specifically said that this was about perspective, and that this was comparable to flesh crawlers. Not men. They can go [pick onions] for all i care. Still looking for that men proof. Or all you people still too stupid? And for the like 2 people who have actually backed me on this, thanks.
  22. And how would i go about doing that? Picking up bones? Sitting around hoping for ranarr? You're better off just saying phr33 mony pl0x. At least you'll get 10k per hour doing that lol. You're probably in disbelief that something makes money that is lower leveled, hits less and is a perfectly viable alternitive to flesh crawlers. Did you even read the post or just scan for the amount of money i'm making? Perspective, people. Learn to read. Ummm, no, have you seen Morning's stats? Pretty sure he knows what he's talking about, he's put his fair share of time into the game. Killing men in edgville is atleast 250k an hour, more if you decide to bank the bones too. From what? Bones are like 200gp each. Swamp tar (100% drop from cave slime, 1-9 of them) is 345 gp atm AND it stacks. Getting iron boots (22k) from cave slime is just like getting ranarr (8k) from men. Oh yeah, don't forget the uncut gems on both, and the chaos talismans (6k each). If you buy 8 antipoisons++ (about 40k) then you can be at cave slime for what, 6 hours? If you could explain to me how in hell you can make 250+k per hour at edgeville men (always crowded with noobs, how would i look with my red blessed d hide in there lol), maybe i would believe you. Most of the time, you get 3 gp from men. 3+200 is 203, which, i believe is less than 345. Yes, i know that you can kill men faster. Well, until you run out of antis, you never have to go to a bank with cave slime. Better xp. Oh yeah, didn't i say this was a viable alternative to flesh crawlers? If men were better, then there wouldn't be anyone at the flesh crawlers ever right? Getting iron boots is like getting a ranarr huh? Care to show the drop rates on both of those? Pretty sure they aren't the same seeing as how I can get 5 ranaars at men per inventory, but I've never gotten iron boots from cave slimes... And you make your money at men from the herb drops. It takes maybe 5 minutes to get a full inventory of herbs there. And its full of noobs? They're just trying to make money like you, so don't be so full of yourself. If people trying to make money is nooby, I guess that'd make you a noob for considering 120k an hour good. :rolleyes: Hmmm. When i was lvl 30ish i killed the men by lumby. Took me an hour of paying attention to get an inventory of crappy herbs. Face it. Men only really drop 203 gp and cave slime always drop 345 gp. Do the math. All of you who are going on about men are completely missing the point. I'M COMPARING THESE TO FLESH CRAWLERS, [wagon]ES. Not men. Read, stupid people. Oh yeah, i just realized that this thread is basically pointless because morningstar or whatever the hell he is decided to turn this into a "troll the noob" fest. Hmmm... Care to ACTUALLY GIVE PROOF ABOUT MONEY FROM MEN? When i did it a while ago i thought it was crap money because it was. Now, go on and tell me you guys are still bothering to troll me? I'm comparing these to flesh crawlers. I don't care if men are 1b per second. This is about CAVE SLIME=FLESH CRAWLERS. This must be a mental problems convention for people who cant read. Now, if you will excuse me, i'm going to wait for a thread that morningstar makes and troll him and see if he likes that. All i was trying to do was say, "hey. look at this. An underrated money source." All all you people decided to troll me...(cries)...lol i cant believe that the tip.it forum population (or at least the people here) can't read. Amazing.
  23. And how would i go about doing that? Picking up bones? Sitting around hoping for ranarr? You're better off just saying phr33 mony pl0x. At least you'll get 10k per hour doing that lol. You're probably in disbelief that something makes money that is lower leveled, hits less and is a perfectly viable alternitive to flesh crawlers. Did you even read the post or just scan for the amount of money i'm making? Perspective, people. Learn to read. Ummm, no, have you seen Morning's stats? Pretty sure he knows what he's talking about, he's put his fair share of time into the game. Killing men in edgville is atleast 250k an hour, more if you decide to bank the bones too. From what? Bones are like 200gp each. Swamp tar (100% drop from cave slime, 1-9 of them) is 345 gp atm AND it stacks. Getting iron boots (22k) from cave slime is just like getting ranarr (8k) from men. Oh yeah, don't forget the uncut gems on both, and the chaos talismans (6k each). If you buy 8 antipoisons++ (about 40k) then you can be at cave slime for what, 6 hours? If you could explain to me how in hell you can make 250+k per hour at edgeville men (always crowded with noobs, how would i look with my red blessed d hide in there lol), maybe i would believe you. Most of the time, you get 3 gp from men. 3+200 is 203, which, i believe is less than 345. Yes, i know that you can kill men faster. Well, until you run out of antis, you never have to go to a bank with cave slime. Better xp. Oh yeah, didn't i say this was a viable alternative to flesh crawlers? If men were better, then there wouldn't be anyone at the flesh crawlers ever right? Oh, and cave slime have the same(ish) defence as flesh crawlers, hit less, and THE SAME HP. Therefore, they are the same xp, the same money as flesh crawlers, never crowded, and the most profitable item stacks. Hell, I've been killing cave slime like 3 a minute now for 3 hours and i have made nearly 400k. Now look me in the metaphorical eye and tell me that isn't a viable alternative to fleshes. Perspective, perspective, perspective. I've noticing that no one arguing against me is around my level? Oh wait, thats because i'm like the noobiest person here. Oh well, noobs deserve some representation on these forums.
  24. And how would i go about doing that? Picking up bones? Sitting around hoping for ranarr? You're better off just saying phr33 mony pl0x. At least you'll get 10k per hour doing that lol. You're probably in disbelief that something makes money that is lower leveled, hits less and is a perfectly viable alternitive to flesh crawlers. Did you even read the post or just scan for the amount of money i'm making? Perspective, people. Learn to read.
  25. Ok, i just finished tears of guthix and i thought, well why dont i go kill some cave slime? Iron boots are pretty high right now. So i got the stuff and i quickly realized that these were level 23, only 17 slay required (easiliy obtainable from quests) and I could make a minimum of 340 gp per kill. Guaranteed. Every time. Without fail. I couldn't believe it. Now, all you monster hunters are going to say, well green drags are only 79 with a guaranteed 6k. Think about this for a second. Cave slime are LEVEL 23, and barely hit ever. So now i'm training def to 60 making 120ish k an hour. From a level 23. Even flesh crawlers (about the same money) hit more damage than these do. Stunning. Keep in mind that before you flame me for this, these guys are level 23 with a low slayer requirement. Wow... Edit: It's all about perspective. I know people are going to say, 120k an hour? Your rolling in it now! But i'm level 71 and these are level 23.
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