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Everything posted by Synthox

  1. I put 20k red in max after 12hrs. 216 bought ahaha fml. This has nothing to do with chinning, but i put in an offer for 7,000 oak planks. A full day later, 79 of them bought. I'm gonna check again now.
  2. Ok, I'll just use the ones i have now. Thanks.
  3. Can i use sc items with the bonus xp weekend? I think i can't but i can't remember.
  4. Synthox

    Bonus exp weekend

    Wait, there's another bonus xp weekend coming up? When?
  5. How does that work? I mean, lets say someone has a trade limit of 30k. The item being traded can't be more or less than 30k, and if there's junk involved, then it just costs more. Oh wait, i think i get it now. But i'm still gonna get 90 crafting. EDIT: So, what's the street price on an onyx amulet/just onyx?
  6. Actually, it's not. An onyx uncut is 14.8 mil, an amulet is 15.6 mil, and a fury is 16.? mil. I really need 90 crafting for this to work. I think i'll get on that. You understand the notion of street price, right? Yes, but i'm buying in the g.e, where that doesn't matter. Besides, street price can't be an larger than the trade limit, right?
  7. Actually, it's not. An onyx uncut is 14.8 mil, an amulet is 15.6 mil, and a fury is 16.? mil. I really need 90 crafting for this to work. I think i'll get on that.
  8. A while ago i discovered i can make nearly 1mil off buying a onyx amulet, enchanting it, and selling the fury. Only problem is i need to sell my d plate to buy the amulet. Is it worth it? (i can use an enchant onyx tab)
  9. Avantoe (50) is slightly more profit than ranarrs, as well as having a lower investment. Avantoe is really the best you can do unless you have a scroll of life, after which it is beaten easily by snapdragon and torstol. Do not expect to level fast with just herbs. Do the best tree you can, and the best fruit tree as well as sweetcorn (22) (the seed is 15 gp right now, insane deal) and limpwurts (26). Bushes are optional due to their tiny experience. Plant a cactus (55) when you can, its about 6k profit as well as 2k xp (that number might be wrong, I'm not quite sure), also it is very convenient to an al kharid glory teleport. Do Fairy Tale 1 if you haven't, it helps a ton, as well as giving farm xp. I hope this helps.
  10. A fury was worth the money years ago, when it was still 2.6 mil. Now, it's waaaaaay overblown. However, if money is no problem, by all means get it. But really, if you don't see serious monster hunting in your future, then you are better off getting something else. But the fury completes the monster hunter, so if monster hunting is your thing, then get it, without a doubt. Of course, I'm only cb lvl 75 and the highest thing i've killed is the giant mole. So feel free to disregard this completely.
  11. Synthox

    My "luck"

    Your sig says you got ranger boots o.O Isnt that worth like 15 mill? I did, i forgot to edit the post lol.
  12. This may have already been mentioned. It's in the last sentence of step 4. will then sugges t to see Rommik, the Craftsman in Rimmington. There's an extra space.
  13. Dude, learn to spell. It's not that hard. But I do like the chocatrice cape. It would match well with yellow d hide if they ever decided to make that, maybe it would have an 80 range requirement.
  14. How come Npcs attack with the same movement over and over again? Why doesn't the character move the shield far enough to actually block anything? And if it does, then How do we still get hit? Why don't you get any visible wounds? Why can you chop down every oak or yew tree except the one in your house that is actually yours?
  15. I have 39 agility. Where should I train it? I do have access to the penguin course.
  16. I can definitely relate to this. I had to do plague city and biohazard for a clue. Then i got ranger boots. Yup, life is great when you suddenly find yourself with 21mil ;) Before anyone says that rangers are only 15mil, I had 6 mil to start with.
  17. Synthox


    Obsidian is a stone lol.
  18. Synthox

    My "luck"

    I hear ya, kid. My best drop from anything EVER was 146k. An obby shield. Don't even get me started about the other things. Basically, if i want it, i don't get it. Goes like that for me in real life too.
  19. I can only help with the bolts. Addy bolts are wonderful, cheap and hit very hard. However, broad bolts hit the same and are at least 2x cheaper. I can't use them, but you can. If I'm wrong and you can't, then addy bolts are just fine.
  20. I would drop everything and do a clue if i got one, with the false hope that i would get ranger boots. I really need to realize that my luck in runescape is so bad that the best drop i have ever got was 146k, and a tt drop was 500k. But i still like clues. Because even though i won't, i might get 3+ mil. EDIT: Lol, yesterday i did get rangers. Funny how this stuff happens.
  21. Could someone explain the difference between luck and chance? There's a chance you will get a 00 in roulette. You get lucky if you get a 00- in roulette. Seriously, i need an explanation here, Luck is more of a metaphorical term and doesn't exist in reality. It means that you believe that you have more of a chance at getting a specific result. Chance is the more real variable that exists. For example: If you were to roll two dice... if you picked one number only as a favourable result then you would have less chance of landing on it than if you picked two numbers to equal a favourable result. Thanks. I really needed a definition.
  22. The clan chat isn't working either, at least for me it isn't.
  23. Could someone explain the difference between luck and chance? There's a chance you will get a 00 in roulette. You get lucky if you get a 00- in roulette. Seriously, i need an explanation here,
  24. I have been trying to get this into peoples thick skulls for ages. Thanks for saying this.
  25. Synthox

    spawn time

    This is what would happen if gwd bosses respawned in 5 secs: person1: done! person2: a zammy hilt wow person3: ok, were done, lets leave person1: oh [onion] its back again. I want to leave, but i cant just leave it here... At least that is what would happen if i had the levels for gwd. Of course, i'm lvl 1 in boss hunting, so feel free to not care.
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