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Everything posted by Synthox

  1. What if you are already in a clan and just want to war? That's what I like...
  2. I can honestly say if this idea was implemented into the GE I would quit runescape. I really think using trading sticks and tokkul any more than they are now is stupid. Just wanted to give it to ya straight.
  3. Fletching: Maples longs to 70, then yews are the right way to go, or stick with maples if you are really short on cash. Firemaking: Yews again, maples again if low on cash. Smithing: Not sure, I don't have 71+ smithing Cooking: Surprisingly enough you don't need swan song for monks, although you should stick with lobs because you will burn less of them. Hope this helps! :thumbsup:
  4. I was running around with my new arma d hide like a month ago when I decide to kill some demons, just like you. So i afk for a bit and i come back and i have 70 lp left 0_0 But i eat and I live. Someone in my clan was pvping and lost a chaotic maul and 40mil in items. But then he got 99 dg and all was good. But i know how you feel. Stuff like that has happened to everyone before.
  5. Ahh, I almost forgot i had this so i missed pics for lvls 91, 92 (halfway), 93 and 94. However I will have a pic for 95. Upper stats updated.
  6. 24 ping? damn lucky you, my ping is 139... :angry: 24 ping? Wth? I get 83 on the lowest ping world if i'm lucky....
  7. On my f2p account Wels Catfish, I decided to get one of 2 things: A gravite wep or a tome of frost. My dg is currently only 24, so it's a long way to go. Which should i get?
  8. These topics should just be condensed into one topic: OMG BOTZZZZ DIE And all the [developmentally delayed] bot hunter will go in there and say OMGZZZZ LOOK AT MAI L33T BOT KILZ Seriously, these topics are a waste of time. If you want to rant about bots, use an existing topic.
  9. Yeah...I'll get a pic when I get halfway to 99 though, that's in like 1 mil xp, so maybe next Friday.
  10. W000000000000t First skill to 90!!!!!!!! Sorry I'm missing a screeny but it should show up in my sig in a little while.
  11. Lol, your birthday is on Christmas. So do you get more presents or what?

    If your Jewish and this doesn't pertain to you I understand, so am I.

  12. Hello, It's me, your friendly neighborhood Cyan Yoshi. A while back (2006 to be exact) I was wandering around Yoshi's Island with the rest of the rainbow when i found a laptop, and an open tab of Runescape. I tried it out and I was hooked. Now, I am combat level 76 with a total of 1518, and only 2 breaks. Yeah, not much to gawk at but I'm working on it. My total level that is, not my combat. My main goal is to be the first person in my clan to 99 construction. However, I have no cash, and I'm currently taking a detour from it. So I set 99 cooking in my sights, and set off buying sharks. PROGRESS REPORT: Cooking: 87/94/99 Farming: 71/71/99 Fletching: 82/82/99 Construction: 75/75/99 Magic: 65/67/73 I'll post pictures of levels when I get them, so expect a cooking picture later today, maybe tomorrow (still 300k xp off). Anyway, It's my turn to ferry Baby Mario through the next level (he finished with this in 2002, don't ask why he still needs it) so I need to close this before the other Yoshis see it. And yes, there are outlets on Yoshi's Island.
  13. 85 rc is more impressive than 99 mage nowadays imho... Still, 10/10, because 99 mage is still cool.
  14. I actually saw that 120 skill thingy happen

    Sometimes when i log in and switch to the skills menu

    it shows all 120's for a sec

    it used to show all 99's

  15. There is someone in my clan (TRR) whose username is MstrMonopoly.

  16. Ok. I understand. Just that nowhere in the op did you say that you only hated lvl 3 skillers.
  17. Errr... People can get an hp cape eventually through normal combat training. It is possible to completely avoid fishing. So yeah, fishing is better :) Yes you can avoid combat too, i know.
  18. Once i saw Poliwrath. I was so pissed. But at least it wasn't Politoed or Magnemite. If it was, I would kill myself. Actually, I think both of mine are pretty good. Wels Catfish is one of the biggest freshwater fish in the world. It lives in the Ebro River in Spain, and is about 8 feet long. They are very hard to catch, making them a respectable game fish. Ice Yoshi, is well, anything with Yoshi. I'm surprised no one took it as an alternative to White Yoshi, which is one of the 2 secret yoshis in Yoshi's Story.
  19. Why are we still talking about bots? They suck. We know. Move on for God's sake. We are never going to kill all the bots. Period. It's like a vaccine for the common cold. Ain't gonna happen.
  20. This isn't about getting pked, it's about pking... everyone runs. Everyone. Seriously, the only people that don't are the no itemers by lumby. It's ridiculous. There. That was the millionth time that has been said on these forums.
  21. Does anyone else think tip.it is advertising a bit too much? I mean there is an ad on every page. It's just another way to get money. Get google chrome, and the addon adthwart. It works wonders, i tell you.
  22. Waaaaaa....Ima tell daddy you made fwun of me!! Then u go tu da hell! New question: How many people does it take to [bleep] me for saying that?
  23. I think I will. Thanks.
  24. I want 99 cooking mainly because it would look good with an ancient set. Also I'm already close. I was asking if it is worth the week-long wait for the ancient body+chaps. Wow, is it really that much? Good thing I have all the coifs, gonna have a fortune on my hands with the arma one. Oh, you are talking about the arma one. Since I got it it has risen 200ish-k. Good investment, i must say.
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