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Everything posted by Krazyck

  1. So im sitting in falador all day buying coal for 170 each. i worked it up to about 16000 coal, when i look at my inventory after switching worlds and lo and behold, I now have 7000. i dont knwo what the hell jsut happened, but it freaking sucks. I am at a loss as to what i shoudl do now, because that just cost be about 1.4 million gp for nothing. Basically, i pretty much feel like quitting now if something like this can happen, so i guess this is just a warning for people to uh... not buy coal. or something. :? :? :x edited for [developmentally delayed] math.. (I WAS ANGRY OK haha..)
  2. Ahaha exactly. especially the last point, playing as a girl character is quite a difference( me being a guy.. ) heh 8-)
  3. Honestly, i would have ran to the busyiest place in rs, kill anyone wih rares as long as they are in the middle of a crowd, that way i wouldnt get caught, rinse and repeat. collect about a billion gp, maybe 2, and if i get banned i qould quit this game forever, live my life and be happy. if i didnt get caught, iwould proceed to reap the benefits of having a boatload of gold. (followed by getting bored of the game, quitting and inevitibly doing the same thing as i would have if i got banned... quit) yup.
  4. Ive seen Krazykc when I was like level 12... this had to have been what... 4 years ago? haha i dont think he plays anymore, but thats pretty much the closest anyone as ever been.
  5. :). biggest edit ever noob with 47 mage you'd be like 30 something hp whats the word?......AHA! FAKE!!! No, in RS Classic you didn't get health experience from training magic And in RS2 it's also possible to use magic spells that give no hitpoints! Isn't it great when people make total idiots of themselves by instantly yelling fake when something they can't figure out is brought to their attention? :lol:
  6. Yep. ive been hacked too. I lost a huge amount of items, which i had bought on the cheap about 2 years ago. basically i lost a green phat, 5 mask sets and 3 extra greens, 10 santas, 30kcoal 30k iron, and the list goes on. I quit for about 2 years, only returning a month and a bit ago... on hindsite, i shouldnt have, because my skills would have been amazing if i stayed. i suggest you keep playing that guy, becuase starting over is pointless when you ahve a guy already. keep at it, dont do what i did and quit like a little girl. :oops: :lol:
  7. Basically, they are people (I think they wear full blue wiz, and runners wear black something like that.. ) who stand around saying "open" in the alter. If you elect to trade them, they will give you 25 noted ess, as well as 2500 gp. Rinse and repeat.
  8. Eh... 1/10? I think I *might* sorta recognize your avatar.. Not too sure tho. :?
  9. Now, I'm not a member and I'm not quite sure how they work over there, but just a few things I noticed. 1. You want someone to wear a white phat and full dragon in the wilderness 2. Killing green dragons, iirc, is one of the big pker hot spots. 3. You aren't exactly the true dragon slayer if you need somone else to kill them for yah :wink: Anyways, I very much doubt this will happen for you, sorry.
  10. No, you haven't heard of spelling :lol:
  11. Thats what I did to go from 71 - 80 mage.
  12. http://youtube.com/watch?v=l3VUBIdBaOU& ... ragonforce I love me some dragonforce ^_^ 8-) :P :twisted:
  13. I love it when crazy stuff like this happens... It makes me wish I was members somtimes, just so i could scam scammers like this.
  14. Heh, awesome.. these are exatly the type of answers i was expecting. Some people with a reason for the numbers (age, birth year, grad year etc) and some with "I dont know what the crap I was thinking." Lots of people with no numbers in the name, good stuff, and just to clarify, I don't instantly hate anyone with numbers in their name Its just annoying. Pretty much all of my friends are annoying for some reason, but its not exactly hard to look past that. Hell, if the number is there for a good reason, I think its great... Its just when the person is too lazy to get the name of choice and they MUST have it so they randomly slop a few numbers on the end that irks me... Actually, i have a few characters with numbers myself.. Krazyck - Main, all round feel good movie of the year. Krazyck1 - Failed black pker, inspired by the pking video "Resurrection" featuring the Iron Maiden song, "Dance of Death" Krazyck2 - First "fun" character, wears full rune with chain at lv 18. Krazyck3 - Second "fun" character, wields rune weaponry at lv 15. Krazyck4 - Third "fun" character, used to wear full rune with plate at level 23 on rs classic, was messed up by the update.. Now lvl 33. Krazyck5 - Second pker attempt, 1 defence low level pker. (28ish cmb) Krazyck6 - Third and best pker attempt, was extremely low level pker, using both strength and mage to mess up people at low level wild. (9 cmb) Krazyck7 - Placeholder haha.. just incase sort of thing. Im not too sure beyond that. So, as you can see, I too have the number game going... Anyways, keep it up guys, I love the different responses that are being generated by this thread :P
  15. Wherever I go in this game of ours, there is one thing that constantly annoys me. People with numbers in their name. Now, a 1 or a 2 in there might not be so bad, but when i see someone with the name like "Dude1247821", you cannot possibly tell me that you are the 1247821st Dude, dude. . SO, fellow board members, tell me. Why exactly do you have numbers in *your* name? is it because it holds a special meaning? Were you really the 1247821st dude? were you to lazy to make a name other than killer, and just took jagex's suggestion of killer297553? Enlighten me! (and everyone else :P)
  16. "Hey man, jagex is so cool that i passed the word around and now everyone on my block plays! Yeah... good intentions, but probably wouldnt work :wink:
  17. You can try and buy the plates in mass numbers, usually people will sell them for about 1k each, give or take 100 gp... you can lessen/cut your loss this way ( if you buy plates at 900 each, its free exp, but people wont be as eager to sell. if you buy at 1k each, you dont suffer that huge a loss, but it will be easier to buy them) Most people on members alch bows, but being a fellow f2p, theres not much we can alch for minimal losses or even gains... good luck with it though!
  18. haha sweet, going with option number krazyck eh? good choice :D yeah its great cause of the auto cast, you get lots of forum browsing time and you can afk to a certain extent, so its good times all round... theres lots of safe spots on karamja, i tend to stay behind the bushes there, but you can find your preferred way.. bring lots of natures, of periodically kill mossies when its slow or you get bored, its nice to have a change of scenery and the pray exp is great.... i went from 50 pray to 60 there, and hardly spent any time killing mossies... it cost me 59k strikes, but hwen you look at your options, its practically the cheapest( save for fails) and its auto, plus you can actually kill the lessers. It got my vote :wink: have fun :P
  19. That would be Prayer and Runecrafting, both at 60.. Not counting all members skills at 1.
  20. haha thats a good idea too... im actually more inclined to do this one if theyre dropping lots thanks :P
  21. well, the 300k was from the rune meds/mith junk that i alched along the way using nats i picked up from mossies.. its probably mroe than 300k with the runes i got and such... i crafted 205k air runes first, which helped :P and yeah bought the minds.. the 300k is just from the drops tho.
  22. This sound slike a good idea... im gonna hve to check that out, thanks :P
  23. Im a girl in rs (long story) but a d00d irl... Its crazy how many people ask me out of the freakin blue to be their girl friend.. Personally, I don't care whether or not people in this game want gfs/bfs.. some people even get married, and in extreme cases, they get married in real life (holy crap.. anyone remember that one?) But yeah, its no different than walking up to a random person saying can i have a free 100k because i love you? Its just a lot more elaborate.. If you have a friend, and they ask you to have/borrow 100k, would you consider that scamming? Same deal. So I hardly consider the whole relationship thing scamming. (Although I am not so ignorant that i cannot see why some may consider it scamming)
  24. Haha awesome video man.. i never knew castle wars was that cool.. ( almost makes me want to be members... ) good music choice too :wink: SOAD rocks :P
  25. So ive dedided that for an easy skill like firemaking, 73 just isnt cutting it. SO i am now looking for some advice on the best way to level up firemaking! i plan on getting between 80 and 85 depending on how easy/fast it is, and would like some tips on getting there... I dont plan on spending much money at all, if it can be helped, but i may put out a bit of change for it.. :P thanks! :)
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