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Everything posted by ColAvanor

  1. I know what you did last summer! or at least you did something very similar to it!! haha!... :twisted: :twisted: Yep, tutorials are your friend. I used dinyctis' from devart. Actually I've fixed the atmo since that version. Much smaller yet it's still blueish. (I want the planet to seem habitable...so I can move there you know :wink:) PS Oops almost missed Despaxes' comment. They look downright terrible? yeh, I'm not excatly psyked about them either. Though the worst pun in history was referring to the lakes already existing...they used to be "empty" as in more brown! PS moi L337
  2. Carlos, do shut up when you don't have a clue. In "the first" there was only one resource used and that was the texture for the planet. Everything else was hand made in Photoshop. In the more recent planet I used a few photos from mayang. Despaxes... what is wrong with it? :cry:
  3. You are right on the emboss. It's a shoreline that's 10km high. But I like how it looks however unreal. Three posts..grrr..
  4. I remember a time when one could recieve feedback on things that weren't pixels made by drawing-challenged people. When did it end? /rant Thanks for the comment....though I don't know what you are on about. The crack? the water? Please excuse my poor English skills. Made it during a beautifull sunny day and it shows. After relooking at it in the evening I can see it's way lighter than I ment it to be (sunny day = glare and lack of contrast). Have to make the shadow darker. I'll probably only be using the upper half of the planet in the up coming scene so it doesn't matter that much. Anyway, comment on it or the bunny gets it! (can't post the picture of the bunny...darn .jpeg)
  5. I decided to make a planet. A few hours and tries later here it is. Tell me what you think. I added that "lake effect" in the end. Is it good or bad? Like it or not? http://www.elias.pietila.fidisk.fi/planeettavesi.jpeg Remove the "e" from .jpeg to see the image. 900kb png here http://www.elias.pietila.fidisk.fi/planeettavesi.png For comparison...this is the 2nd planet by me and here is the first.. http://www.elias.pietila.fidisk.fi/thefirst.jpg
  6. I think it would be much better if the guy on the left was fixed. His right arm looks...eww.... and his head is a little odd too. Otherwise it's great!
  7. I disvalue monotonous space scenes quite a bit and think that this is definately an improvement. Still, I don't feel for the nebulaes. Perhaps they are too grainy and sharp I don't know excatly. The lack of outer glow on the planet makes it seem a paste-on work, I'd concider adding one. The text...my god. Remove the "pill" or whatever? please? It's definately the low point on this one. Anyway, the thing I love...Colours! I really dig diverse colours and IMO they work quite well in harmony. (I don't have a clue how they "actually work in theory" ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬ÃâÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ãâ good vibes that's all) Rather nice siggy. Keep it up! PS the compressed one is horribly worse. Fix that over illumination.
  8. six hours? You sure have a slow computer rendering the "cutout" filter.. :wink: :roll: The same astronaut twice on the shirt? I don't quite get the picture... What is on the shirt and what is not?
  9. Yeh well I am using the Professional Photoshop 13.0 turbo which I hacked from Adobe's website! :roll: :?
  10. That's pretty cool 8,75/10! /sarcasm It's ok, but I don't think the whole composition of CWR is working. I'd suggest making the Online a bit darker from the rest of the globe to stand out a bit better. And well...I'm a total sucker when it comes to gloss. Anyway. Here are my thoughts in a more visual media. I hope you don't mind?
  11. Her right leg is a foot longer than the left. :? It's hard to draw without any reference but I'd say the bare portion of the back seems "odd" too. Sorry, but this time, nope, no cookie for you. PS I miss knees. I like knees. :wink:
  12. I'd say it's very over done. Oversaturated and overcontrastic. Try to make things look good without piling it up from things like that. :)
  13. I didn't figure out how to kill the red ninja the first time around so I went for the good old trick. (die, right click flash, select "play, get skipped to ninja's death). Pretty cool. :wink:
  14. Heh, I wish they had had a news piece like that on april 1st. Or perhaps like "All rares made untradeable". Nice Idea. :wink:
  15. Excellent comment. Thank you. Helpfull (and positive). :wink: Guys. 90+ views. I spent 2 hours on it for evey comment I've gotten so far. Did you like it? Throw me a bone. :(
  16. It's fully done in PhotoShop 7. Thanks for compliments. Anything seem odd or out of place? Why does it not look like professional work? ( or does it? :wink) More comments please! :)
  17. No you cannot make flash documents using paint. Even if you could, you couldn't use them as sigs here.
  18. (end of the post for the right link, but do read on). A rather long taking project. Hours and hours wasted on this one. It is a comic in the style of http://www.joyoftech.com/joyoftech/index.html which is a remarkable net comic. I hope I don't get sued for the name? :wink: (it's in the honor of those fellas really). Anyway, those of you not aware of the "sudden motion sensor" need a little briefing. It's a gadget in the newest Apple Powerbooks that raises the HD reader when it detects high acceleration (a free fall). So when the laptop crashes the HD won't break caused by the pin piercing the disk. The comic here is a 50% version (no, it's not fully vector) so if you are interested in the real thing, check it out here. http://www.elias.pietila.fidisk.fi/joyfinalfull.png (warning it's over 1 mega in size) The comic is for my brother's blog but it is in Finnish so it's only interesting to a handfull of you. (JCP = junior content provider = my alias on the blog). Written and drawn by me, I present "Joy of Mac" (vol. 1 :wink: ) I decided to link it and not IMG it here. So click it! now!! http://www.elias.pietila.fidisk.fi/joyfinalsmall.jpg PS You need to watch the final episode of "Friends" to know what a filangi is.
  19. Funny you should mention the curving. I was just wondering how that happened. I made the drops by using the line tool and then erasing at will. They shouldn't curve but I agree they seem to be. Must be caused by the fact that I distorted the rain layer a little to make it a little less uniform. Oh and yes, got a tablet since '95. :wink:
  20. I usually dislike abstracts, but this is a clear exception. Mucho good. :D
  21. Oh goodio, comments! and positive ones! :wink: Erin mentioned the text. It was in my intention to make more detail to it, but I had to reconcider after it looked like bulldozed over by horrible .jpg packing. :shock: Thanks for input.
  22. Fixed the text for the sake of it. The "moon crater" thing was a part of a building up close but it got cut when I cropped it sig size. Back to drawing board it seems... Thanks for honest feedback. :D :oops:
  23. Well, I can smoothen out the text, but it is not low quality. (the sig is made in douple res). 50 views and 1 comment? Sure w/e, thanks a lot. :?
  24. Had a sneak peek on the new movie "Sin City" and I really enjoyed the style they were going for. I made a signature trying to mimic the apperance. I don't know if I pulled it off, but I'm semi-pleased. Gimme your thoughts.
  25. Die with pistol (try to shoot) and right click the flash. Select play and you skip to death scene with m16. 8) :wink:
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