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Everything posted by Ammako

  1. I can help, probably. Never done it so I have no idea how well I would do.
  2. I ended up going "screw this", clicked Buy Now. Then I entered 0. Then I was like "nah I can't do that", changed it to 5. Then I was like "5 is too few" and changed it to 10.
  3. I think he's entering a cheat code Never seen a controller with a L4 button though
  4. I'd probably just do Aquanites, easier to just mindlessly stand there and one-hit everything in sight, and the occasional clue scroll to break the monotony if I get bored.
  5. Ammako


    I need to do something. Okay I'm done
  6. I'd rather do that than regular farming, seems easier. Or that along with regular farming. Would be like 43 hours of killing Aquanites assuming 130k exp per hour, chances are I'd be getting more than 130k exp per hour. And like at least 14m Ranged exp
  7. Karamja was always the large island, Musa Point refers to the small "village" with the banana plantation.
  8. Wouldn't it be easier to write that in your in-game notes thingy Or is yours full already
  9. I'm glad it's an update to existing skills instead of a new one. And finally, signatures on RSOF. About time.
  10. https://virt.bandcamp.com/album/shovel-knight-original-soundtrack I want to buy this, but I would really rather not spend my money if I can help it, but I don't want to be cheap and pay 1ยข for it, but I also don't want to pirate it.
  11. Because people don't see your stuff when they're in your gravestone.
  12. Also, gravestone timers are temporarily increased (like, tripled) until they release the new death system.
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlh2CaXOadA
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