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Everything posted by Ammako

  1. Nice to meet you, kind of concerned. You aren't going to get banned just for having exp only in Woodcutting. They have much more intricate ways of checking if somebody's botting than just looking at their exp.
  2. I was saying mostly because current Runescape client has the game data on Jagex's servers and you have to load the data for new areas whenever you go to a location that hasn't loaded yet, but if the game was downloaded on your computer (standalone downloadable client), then you wouldn't have load times as areas would be able to be loaded before you even get to them.
  3. I think it's pretty reasonable to assume a standalone downloadable client would not have load times for moving between areas.
  4. If you heat them enough until they're elastic, sure. Would probably burn yourself wearing them though.
  5. Ammako


    Yeah I'd give her one chance, but personally I'd rather not be with someone if that person needs to change themselves in order for you to like them, it's better if it comes naturally without having to ask.
  6. My reaction when I saw that the 2-doses from QBD were 4k each.
  7. Oi, I make bank by alching other peoples addy baxes at abby demons... If they arent using/dont have spring cleaner they should just quit Speaking of which:- GOML. yomi pls 2nd to last item I had coal, addy ores, bars, and rune ores as well, but I didn't bother screenshotting them before I sold em. You're lucky I liquidated all of my loot tab except some recent stuff, and this: So I will have to raise you my Onyx collection: That was onyx-pected.
  8. So somebody has opened the Mystery Gift. As expected, it's Chromatic partyhat. Except it's literally sitting upside-down on your head.
  9. Well that link seems to work fine for me.
  10. Wait what's wrong with this one? That bow-sword doesn't sound safe, I see that person cut their head off with it.
  11. Well at least now there is a reason to use bronze.
  12. Ammako


    I wanted to go outside but it was like at least -20c
  13. A quest is what worries you? There are worse comp reqs :P
  14. I promise we're not going to try our best to get thousands of people to visit your DeviantArt.
  15. When I teleported to Lumbridge yesterday, stepped off the Lodestone and the player with the name "Satan" was standing there.
  16. Then when people ask you where you got your info, you can tell them "I reddit on reddit"
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