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Everything posted by Ammako

  1. How many tops do you have? We must get to the bottoms of this!
  2. I thought it was ForsakenMage When I see "FSM" that's what I see every time.
  3. Ammako


    Last night, I dreamed that I did a clue scroll and got 3a mage hat.
  4. Ammako


    Unless you love your job, in which case you will never be worgen a single day in your life.
  5. "There'll also be a selection of rewards normally only found on Treasure Hunter. These will be limited in availability, so get them while you can!" If that doesn't mean that they would all be in limited supply, I don't know what it means. Maybe ambiguous wasn't quite the right word, but you get the point.
  6. They aren't. Skill outfits are limited Jagex being Jagex as usual, and being super ambiguous in their news posts.
  7. There you have it, folks. Here we thought they would be making Silverhawks available via gameplay, but it sounds like they made them limited supply.
  8. Ammako


    Can you buy more bikes? I like rain.
  9. Ammako


    But Construction costs millions of gp
  10. Attuned crystal weapons don't take too long to get either, and they are, for the most part, better.
  11. Ammako


    I'm so proud. Nice to meet you, so proud.
  12. On the contrary, if it was an actual pet rock, the joke would be even funnier.
  13. Ammako


    You're telling me you didn't get the joke? :o
  14. Ammako


    Did somebody try to milk your teats?
  15. I hate when I go outside and a velociraptor throws bananas at me.
  16. Ammako


    What the hell, I must have missed something in the last few pages... Probably a good thing I did
  17. Ammako


    Everyone like, "I'm dropping out of college" and "I just finished college", and I'm over here like, I applied to college in Psychology and got accepted. I applied on second round so there were only 5 places left; I'm not sure how many others have applied for second round too, but since there were only 5 places left, I expected I would be denied and would have to apply for next winter instead. I was in Computer Science for like three years and a half, but I never actually liked it. I picked it because I had to pick something and Computer Science seemed okay, and the field just keeps expanding so there would have been plenty of people looking to hire for an IT job and plenty of money to make, but a year or two in I figured I didn't really like it, but I had nothing else to turn towards so I continued. I did an internship last summer even, and I really didn't like it, ended after six weeks when it was supposed to last six months lol. But Psychology I'm 100% interested in, and I'm even looking forward to going to class and having homework to do. Which is different, because I loathed having assignments to complete in CS, and I'd just procrastinate as much as possible.
  18. I don't feel like they're more difficult than Hards either. Way less tedious to do :p
  19. Ammako


    I've noticed that... oh boy, the type of advice I've seen given in the relationship advice thread... *shudders*
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