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Failed Acct

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Everything posted by Failed Acct

  1. I think it was confirmed by mods that they won't do that
  2. That would be the most extreme case of no-lifing I have ever heard of...Especially to keep up that pace over years???
  3. I fail to see how this would be any different than something like fake casino's in arcades. There are tons of arcades in the U.S. which will let kids put quarters into a slot machine, or video poker machine, and give them back tokens which can be redeemed for prizes. Somehow I guess this is legal for kids because they are not being rewarded directly with money, but are rewarded with a token which in itself doesn't have any real world value. I would imagine that gambling in RS would follow these very similar rules???
  4. It's kind of sad that SoA has been nerfed so heavily, especially given the requirements to unlock it. I understand that with the arma staff the damage goes up, but who is going to pk with a 10m staff? Not me... Hopefully they add back in some sort of passive effect like it has right now, or have the base damage scale based on magic level or something.
  5. Am I reading this wrong, or does this mean the screen and rewards of my next spin are determined even before I get a spin ticket / open the interface? That is the way I read it as well...or at least the reward possibilities are populated. It would not suprise me in the least to find out the reward you will get is already determined as well, but his post didn't really make that clear.
  6. This is totally off topic, but when I was reading through the posts on this thread I can't help but relate it to a show I was watching called Breaking Amish. The Amish people basically live in the stone age with no electricity or cars, and if the community finds out that someone among them attempted to be in contact with technology, then they are immediately shunned. I dunno, I just found it funny. I think F2P is the Amish community of RS.
  7. I think as part of the summoning update, all summoning familiars should be spawned from pokeballs.
  8. That is the challenge...you have to train your smithing to that level so you can make addy burial armor in less than 1 day. Lol...j/k sounds like a bug. I would report it so they can fix it.
  9. Err....wasn't the 3x experience coming from your SoF ammy and not the challenge???
  10. Prayer has its own challenges. For example, bury, altar or ecto 5 frost dragon bones.
  11. I am kind of shocked at how varied the bonus XP amounts are between challenges. I wonder what the rhyme or reason is to the numbers?
  12. How does a combat challenge work?? Do you get bonus XP in the skill(s) you were training while doing the challenge, or is it always equally distributed (like controlled style)?
  13. WWorst update ever :( And I was only 28k short of my ROTM Agility requirement :( Went from level 65 to level 76 purely from Head to head and circus XP. Now I guess I will actually have to work for the last little bit!
  14. If you aren't going to do it right you may as well not even do it at all. It's impossible to read in that format, so the information is next to useless. E Trader's format was much much easier to understand.
  15. I don't believe so, unlike the task system you can get challenges repeatedly. You only get one per day though.
  16. I think J-Mods mentioned they were working something so that it would be possible to regenerate health after putting on armor without using food. But I don't think this would be the best solution, it would be way to easy to abuse.
  17. That would be an excellent way to devalue skill level even more than it already is. The real fix is to make your skill level play much more of a role in your DPS...at least on par with weapon damage. except you need levels to use weapons? Personally I don't think that a 29 point difference in max hit between someone using a whip with level 70 atk/str and someone using a whip with lvl 99 atk/str is acceptable. Especially when the max hits are now in the thousands. The thing is, the person with 99 attack has access to chaotics, which are MUCH more powerful than a whip. However, once you hit the highest item tier and you have all the abilities unlocked, there isn't very much reason to keep training. I think Jagex is planning on releasing new items (and maybe abilities) all the way up to 99. Probably through Player Owned Ports. For PVM I think this is true, typically people will use the highest item they can (provided they can afford it). For PVP though, not very many people use chaotics since the cost of losing them is so great. Besides all of this it still devalues strength training, which I also don't think is right.
  18. That would be an excellent way to devalue skill level even more than it already is. The real fix is to make your skill level play much more of a role in your DPS...at least on par with weapon damage. except you need levels to use weapons? Personally I don't think that a 29 point difference in max hit between someone using a whip with level 70 atk/str and someone using a whip with lvl 99 atk/str is acceptable. Especially when the max hits are now in the thousands.
  19. That would be an excellent way to devalue skill level even more than it already is. The real fix is to make your skill level play much more of a role in your DPS...at least on par with weapon damage.
  20. I understand the majority here are probably young and naive with mommy and daddy worrying about the taxes, but saying that this is not a serious offence is laughable. Earning 200k in one year in the united states puts you in one of the top tax brackets, and you can expect to owe about a third of that to the government. The idiot kids probably blew all the money on stupid crap, and if they can't come up with ~65k they WILL go to jail and it WILL permanently affect them. There is a reason for the quote "Nothing is certain but death and taxes"
  21. Yea, I think that is a pretty cool decision as well. Now people can't complain that they have nothing to work towards once they reach 200 combat.
  22. Thats kind of cool. The thread was made in June 2011, so I wonder if that influenced Jagex to create the challenge system. A little over a year sounds about right for a new idea from concept through completion.
  23. Combine herb runs and tree runs. Herb runs will make you some good cash (and some xp), you will lose cash on trees because of seed costs but they give a ton of xp. The herb profits should offset the tree costs, and you will get good xp rates.
  24. Mods have confirmed they won't be supporting seperate servers for current RS and post-EoC RS.
  25. Overall some good updates. I don't like how constitution does not play any role in combat calculation, yet now has a much higher impact on survivability. I do think that armor LP boosts were way too strong, but they need to factor const lvl into the formula in some way.
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