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Everything posted by Grainy

  1. I personally do max maple, rest on coal. Still profits, and is consistent - cba checking whether herbs make more.
  2. Not ALL 29 pages, I don't have THAT much spare time haha ;)
  3. As Tsar said, it's a good idea to raise each of your stats to an overall milestone, such as all skills x-level or, x-total-level. In your case, why not aim for all skills 70+, or 1800 total? Good luck!
  4. Nice blog! Great progress with Hunter, I know how boring it can get. |^_^| Edit: I love your layout, and the use of icons! Edit Edit: *steals* :anxious:
  5. Holy ---- 99 Mining, F2P? Beast. Lovely stats, was fun reading your blog! |^_^|
  6. I prefer it with the outline, only because it makes the player stand out more. Good work so far!
  7. I've enjoyed Fishing lately, where are you training?
  8. Fresh start sure does feel good, let's stick at this account then, eh? :p

  9. He certainly is a royal fellow, likes everyone to know their place ;)
  10. Thanks! :) I've made a blog: http://forum.tip.it/topic/317433-grainy-2100-total-questing/
  11. OP completed, feel free to post now - thanks! :) After re-installing back onto Windows 7, beautiful desktop:
  12. Could you please remove both indexed pictures for Mylez, as that's my old Tip.It user and no longer has that display name. :) Could you index this please: and this:
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