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Everything posted by Jdprs

  1. my 1st thougt was what blazer said. The fact that there standing in perfect poses, look straight forward makes it really lame. And the lack of shading is bad too. Also it looks a bit rushed...
  2. Sorry alex, i posted before you could "DOUBLE POST". Anyway good luck find one
  3. Your making pixel? Abstact? both? You should specify so people know what to request..
  4. Weird that that forum still allows sig trading though its against the runescape rules...
  5. Thats fine bloodveld, your forgivin because you have a cool site and are good at fakes
  6. Here you go! It took a lot of work to make it a sig. Enjoy 8-) Omg hax! You totally ripzored me! :evil: Really though, try not to spam. No matter how much fun it is:P
  7. Much better now...Someone already said they were going to color it so im not going to bother Ps:(not spamming) Just didnt get a chance to say that nazgurl owns! http://img259.imageshack.us/img259/5447 ... 2811sl.jpg :)
  8. I dont mean just paste it in there:P! I mean use it as reference and pixel it... Thats what i always do when making a pixel. I take reference screenshots And gold.. This one looks awsome: http://img65.imageshack.us/img65/5425/tgtthingy9jd.png but i dont like the text, please fix it
  9. you know its bad when komodo flames you! Hes like.. nice... all the time....
  10. I remember the sig and the contest. If the topic got deleted that might be why no one can find it. I think it was made by a girl but i cant remember her username, it stands out in my mind because she always did cutesy stuff and the sig is pretty dark.
  11. Background looks like crap, but the character looks pretty good, his whip looks really good, just stand at that angle in falador and prtscn then copy that
  12. Jdprs

    A new sig

    thanks for the comments
  13. I made this for a contest a while ago but never gave it away. It fits your specifications so i hope you like it [img=http://img159.imageshack.us/img159/4108/jepa7vd.png]
  14. Banned for having a name made of only numbers
  15. Just randomly thought it up.. pretty striaght forword.. you post two people and the next poster says who whould win(in a fight) Give a reason why if you can think of one:P so....who would win a fight? Micheal Jackson or Prince!?
  16. By the looks of it that seal wants to be more then just friends. But if sharky doesnt want too....
  17. That's the shirt :P Oh... maybe it is.. in that case the inside of the shirt shoundnt be the exact same color of the couch:P And does the dress have an aperin thing? Cause that would explain the non-blendyness
  18. No.. Did you read my post:P? Its the fact that Jesus is in the sig that people will be offended by. Take jesus out and put in somthing else... Ps: alex owns! The new sig is sweet:P
  19. Haha, no... its not, i never saw it that way before though:P I dont have a problem with it. Its just Jesus getting mad because he lost a game on the xbox? But the inclusion of Jesus in any ummm.. inapropriat setting would upset some people. And you have to respect other peoples beliefs. People will find this offencive and this topic will soon get locked. Dont bother posting it again
  20. Pretty good but there are some problems: The dress should blend better.. and the couch bumps when when it really shouldnt
  21. you posted this before and some people got offended. I beleive the topic was locked... so whyd you post another one?
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