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Everything posted by lorddayu

  1. He wants something to do while he does other stuff, so barbarian fishing is not really an option. I went with monkfish from 85-99 and it took two months.
  2. This is the first time I can recall that i have jumped into this F2P v. P2P argument, but some of the things that I have been reading on this thread and others lately have left me completely befuddled, but here goes: I am P2P and have been for a very long time, here's a few things that I have picked up from my experiences: 1. The people that I LEAST want to post on RSOF are the members who are so closed minded that they think F2Pers who have the patience to get 12.5 million exp are spamming whiny twelve year olds who will make the forums worse than the disgustingly bad state it is already in. I am completely in favor of making a level or experience requirement for all players, regardless of paying status to use the forums. 2. Only extremely selfish people are upset when F2P gets one of its few updates per year. That is like buying an expensive car with a high tech computer system, 500 horsepower and a jet engine, and then getting upset when Toyota decides to give the Camry like three extra cupholders. 3. When F2P thrives, P2P thrives. I'm sure Jagex can attest to that. I know that membership fees generate a vast majority of the company's profits, but pure monetary profit is not the only way to look at it. Everyone's first experience is F2P, the reason that they become members is because F2P is such a good game in itself. Nobody in their right mind puts off getting P2P because they can have teleblock, or they can have adamant arrows, or they can post on the forums. People don't get members because they don't want to pay the money, because they have no means to pay, or because they play enough.
  3. I was able to buy a yellow at exactly it's valley, which felt great.
  4. When I click on Eagle Eye i get the "You need to be on a members' world to use this prayer" message but then it still goes on and my prayer drains, so I'm assuming that is a glitch. Also, I'm 44 prayer on my rune pure and Retribution is 46, and the light is on.. EDIT: pic.
  5. Right as I walked in you got the level on accident haha, grats!
  6. I still have an active RSC account, I log in once every few weeks just to mess around.
  7. He used broad bolts. Congrats! 96-99 didn't take too long, from what I can remember you saying in the TFS chat
  8. ^^ What other person on here can make that claim and have it actually be legitimate haha.
  9. I don't understand why you would be in denial about how famous Zezima was/is. Easily the famous Runescape player of all-time, regardless of how awesome the game was during the 'Golden Age' of RSC.
  10. Your avatar is not of crash bandicoot dancing right now because it is too big.
  11. Now that's what I'm talking about. Best collection I've seen so far on here.
  12. Dragon Pick huh? When's the last timed they revealed an item that would have a huge impact on the game before it was released? The extra 5-10% speed will definitely be worth whatever price tag it has. Also, possibly a new boss dungeon like the Dag Kings with the Dragon Axes? And for the love of all that is good, please please please let it not be sailing.
  13. Reading this thread literally made me upset at how many ridiculously average names get posted by their owners on here as if anyone would take a second glance at them if they passed them in game. I mean come on, I can see someone running into "Lol" in the Edgeville dungeon or seeing "Fist of God" at Piscatoris and doing a double take, but just because a username does not have numbers on it, does NOT make it good. My username has no numbers, and it does have a special meaning to myself, but I don't go around parading it like I did well in some contest. God.
  14. Going on five years now, and it's NEVER been better to play for me.
  15. Jagex doesn't care? Are you dumb? They do everything in their power to stop things like this. I have a hard time believing anybody is ignorant enough to think that Jagex simply doesn't care about bug abuse. Jesus Christ.
  16. I went from 80-99 all on monks, it probably netted me around 28M. I tried going to sharks a few times but the exp rates were terrible in comparison and the profit wasn't that much, if any, better.
  17. I lol'd Only thing I can think of is the the icons around your inventory, most everything has been re-vamped. all the icons have been changed around the inventory since mid-2004 There are still some rocks that are still rocks and not veiny things
  18. good luck! 22k monks is where I first started to get antsy so I sold em all. 99 isn't too bad from here.
  19. Same thing happened to me, whenever I do anything on the computer I click incessantly. Everyone who sees me is like 'what the hell'?
  20. lol sweet, i'm pretty that's the only other topic i've ever made
  21. I started fishing monks at 80 and didn't fish anything else so that comes out to 92k total monkfish from 80-99. I stopped at 90 for a long time (quit for like a year) and then started again in mid-november and fished like 65k monks from then.
  22. I got 99 fishing on December 26th and then decided to trim it by getting 99 Cooking (already had 94) and here I am! The screenshots I took of 99 cooking were all messed up (I only got the background) but I took it out of HD and the screenie worked. HD worked for my 99 fishing screens, not sure why it didn't for cooking. Thanks to Fae Flamable, Wargruntic, Echocut, Ook8802 for coming! (Maybe I forgot someone) Here's what the messed up screenshots looked like. (This one came out of another 99 fishing screen) And last but not least here's my BoB k great
  23. 10/10 Nice bank! I'm also going for the yellow right now, about three forths there.
  24. 9.5/10 on the progress, you definitely did way more than I did in the past year
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