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Everything posted by arizark

  1. because it was the 1st version and a lot of the veterans like me find it nostalgic, well thats why i think its good anyway
  2. hmm cant find the video your talking about :?
  3. you only like their old work right? because this song sounds like a lot of their new work
  4. whats the best way to get rep for another city at level 54, because i wanna get a elephant mount for my epic just dunno what would be the fastest way of going about it
  5. I guess since SOAD are my favorite band I can't really see any flaws in them.
  6. I guess it is sort of missing the lyrical depth SOAD usually has i guess Daron is a better writer then Serj but i still like the sound of the song, could really just be another SOAD song dunno why Serj had to go solo for it. either way it made its way into my playlist. and i don't know how you don't like his singing that much Nadril :?
  7. i can launch pens and rulers extremely far with just my stomach :shock:
  8. Thanks a bunch exactly what i needed
  9. 1st problem, i have some full metal alchemist episodes i burnt onto some dvds disk as just data right, i try to rip them back to my computer and it keeps saying parameter incorrect but its only 1 of the 3 disks i burnt the other 2 rip fine and the episodes on the dvd that wont let me rip its files work but they wont play on windows media player though any way to fix this or is it a problem with the disk? 2nd problem, i downloaded a song and it is much quieter then all my other songs so when it pops up in my play list i have to turn my sound way up, is there any way to make the song louder like a program or anything. thanks in advance for any help
  10. I personally liked the bad guys better then the good guys they just seemed so much cooler, like that bad version of captain planet just so cool back in the day :thumbsup:
  11. was everything i expected and more, my personal favorite 2 parts are when homer is nailing in the tiles in his roof and somehow gets the hammer in his eye and when that general dude throws the binoculars at the car ah thinking about that makes me laugh out loud :XD:
  12. could you please elaborate on whats wrong with the song?
  13. another rule would be when your girl asks you to go out or come to bed or something don't say hang on i have almost got this level on WoW/Runescape hahaha that got me in aloooot of trouble
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSe2SJ-EKo8 what do you think i personally love it, clip and all i can wait for his album to be released. reminds me of the old SOAD days when daron didn't sing so much.
  15. well bohemian rhapsody would be my pick i love that song so much
  16. :D its my Birthday too happy birthday mate
  17. Some great picks. I love the songs 'Across The Night' and 'After All These Years' by Silverchair. Daniel Johns has such a good voice (although I can't speak for Silverchair's newest album; I've only heard 2 songs from it and already I'm not that fond of where they are going with thier style). And @ Lateralus, awesome pick for long night alone - 3 Libras is perfect. yeah their new album isn't as great as they used to be but its still ok the songs on the album that aren't mainstream are a lot better like i hate straight lines but an alright new song is "If you keep losing sleep"
  18. arizark


    me and my friends used to do parkour a lot its great exersize. but we all got our share of injuries i guess thats why they say don't do this at home haha. i was never good at it but one of my friends was amazing at it but we are over that faze now
  19. Opening credits: Aenima - Tool Waking up: Chop Suey - System of a Down Average day: Pet - A Perfect Circle First date: Shes Like Heroin - System of a Down Falling in love: Across the Night - Silverchair Love scene: Its Tricky - Run DMC :lol: Fight scene: One Winged Angel - Advent children soundtrack Breaking up: The Noose - A Perfect Circle Getting back together: Without You - Silverchair Secret love: Gimme Gimme Gimme - A Perfect Circle Life's okay: Forest - System of a Down Mental breakdown: Psycho - System of a Down Driving: Highway Song - System of a Down Learning a lesson: Innervision - System of a Down Deep thought: Imagine - A Perfect Circle Flashback: Master of Puppets - Metallica Partying: Obscure - Dir En Grey Happy dance: It's Like that - Run DMC Regreting: Streamline - System of a Down Long night alone: After all these years - Silverchair Death scene: In This Twilight - System of a Down Closing credits: After all these years - Silverchair dang that took alot of thought haha
  20. last time i saw home alone i wanted to gouge my eyes out and stuff my ears with my gouged eyes :wall: :-X
  21. King Kong, i walked of the cinema out it got that damn stupid. oh and Eragon was [developmentally delayed]ed too my mum hired it and i watched it for like half an hour and thought it was too stupid and left. umm I walked out on daredevil and elektra too they were just that bad. horrible acting, the directors killed the semi alright concept
  22. Halo 2 hands down best in game music ever. the music sets the tone always and makes you feel part of the game. oh and also doom haha that music is just nostalgic beyond belief to me i used to have just the music on my computer
  23. this month might be a great month for me to come out of hibernation by the looks of it i have always wanted my character to look better and god dungeon sounds ownage
  24. trust me on this use the "i got lost" excuse a lot for a few weeks gives you time to get a drink and stuff :wink:
  25. when i was 8 my mum had a heart attack so i don't remember it too much but she thought it was heartburn when she had a massive heart attack, so make sure your alert when ever she has any pain might be a problem but she should pull through good luck
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