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Everything posted by arizark

  1. HAHAHAHA that picture looks like a dominatrix beating a naked man :XD:
  2. haha sorry couldnt resist but thats a hilariously hypocritical rule for a wrestling thread
  3. WOO finally got my level 60 epic marshal bow haha in retrospec it wasnt really worth all those long AV matches with half the idiot turtles on the alliance side but it just looks so hawt, i don't know how people can stand doing AV all the time i really hate it
  4. Bill Hicks. :XD: how did i know you would be the one to catch onto that haha
  5. i dare someone to try do one for me :P
  6. i don't really consider myself a atheist because i believe something created us but i don't believe anything else Christianity or catholicism preaches. one flaw i usually like to point out is the wearing of a cross around your neck as a symbol you follow jesus and god, because if jesus someday returns i think the last thing he would want to see is a cross wouldn't you agree?
  7. Fifa world cup 06, I'm still trying to do this one last challenge to get a achievement...... its been a bloody year already!and it took me about half a year to do this other challenge >.< DOA4.....the last boss you gotta beat in time trial in junk = irritation incarnate she can teleport and take half your health with one hit, it some times took me a hour+ to beat her with one character and i beat her with all the characters.....
  8. hah this thread reminds me of Bill Hicks when he said "Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is mearly energy condensed through a slow vibration, we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, life is only a dream and we are the imaginations of ourselves. Here's Tom with the weather."
  9. my mother for some strange reason filmed it. i was like are you ever going to watch that.....?
  10. i had to add this one my brother made :XD:
  11. Illidan - (warcraft)one badass guy for sure. favorite thing about him is in WC3 when you control him how cool he sounds "I'm blind not deaf" Arthas (warcraft)1 word frostmoure XD Seymour - (ff10) he looks sooo cool with that hair but on another note when i versed him i got yojimbo to do that move where he automatically kills anything XD Renji - (ff7) sure he isn't as strong as sephiroth but still is really cool Beserker - (gears of war) i almost wet my self when that thing burst through the wall
  12. Scythe, yoyo and rubber chicken wooo veteran ftw
  13. reminds me of the flash "the end of zi world" haha
  14. get some BEEEEEFFFCAAAAAKKEEE(south park reference if your wondering :P)
  15. 6/10 i usually see you around off topic because thats the main forum group i use
  16. Sliver_Vulgar word removed-Q.V. Tip Mod/ XD my name gets badly typed in any game so i doubt ne one here can come up with something original
  17. they are one of the only bands these days that have a cause and stick to it, while sounding unique still i dunno whats your problem buddy.
  18. gotta be my mate Ningods, he has always been sooo much stronger then me because when i 1st met him he was my clan leader but eventually became good buddies, we always killed boss things like chaos elemental and junk and since he is really high ranked on mage high scores pking with him was awesome :D
  19. arizark


    dont just go jumping huge gaps and stuff straight away, observe the jump or stunt you want to do, weigh all the factors and then do it. when i used to do parkour i made that mistake early on and really injured my ankle :uhh:
  20. having a homosexual brother(i'm serious) really conflicts me on this. pretty much aslong as i don't see it i don't care, its pretty much the same as fat people having sex to me....but he has always acted the same. people who say that people who are gay are born that way are correct he hasnt changed since he was 3 wearing my sisters dresses :XD: i say if your homophobic your as good as a racist because they cant exactly change it. well thats my 2 cents
  21. Master of Puppets - Metallica BYOB - System of a Down my favorite 2
  22. She deserved it! all the times i have been doing my schoolwork to only be distracted by some other person who was distracted enough to draw on the table. lock her away and throw away the key i say! :roll:
  23. nah it should play in media player its avi and the episodes on the other disks work on WMP its odd
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