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Everything posted by Mementh

  1. or maybe both? in other words, auto look up at like once per day or even once per week, so it wont eat up much bandwidth... at the same time, have a button to update it manually as well (such as you have up a lv and want to show off) exactly a long term between auto updates or a manual button :) thats all that i hope jagex wants
  2. I hope you get your fans working man.. i check mine quite often to make sure they are good :)
  3. I thought it was ok to look it up.. just not have a AUTO lookup... IE if you have it lookup when you go to a site and tell it to update specifically
  4. ACIO CHEESE Runs and hides the cheese in the mirror of erised so that only those that want the cheese but not to use it or keep it or give it away or sell it can get it
  5. i completely agree with the problems they have.. Now i think it was stupid to have auto updates when lvls don't change all that much`
  6. its a good scenic area.. i would like to see more of those :) very aw inspireing
  7. fisher mark should be the poster child of banned people... HE ADMITTED to cheating
  8. how much are you thinking it will go for? Any chance we can bid remotely or something?
  9. i like the fact the back ground does not take up the entire sig.. you have some transparent areas... its more original IMHO the content is moving..
  10. well i asked him to go by a original sig for face/body.. i am big.. i am fat.. so :/
  11. Uses a telegrab spell as you dissappear and then puts up a shield
  12. good coloring and they are scanned in very good
  13. I might be biased... but 10/10 Everything looks GREAT to me :) Very soon that will be used in my sig only once i get the lvl (only 306k more exp to go to 85)
  14. looks refreshing I like it.. its clean and clear to look at.. its not a abstract (they hurt my eyes sometimes)
  15. I am still looking for a person who would be willing to do this :) I am not sure what i could do to show gratitude
  16. Ok.. a LONG TIME AGO.. when buying sigs was marginally allowed i bought a sig from The_Jeppoz I am looking for a new sig.... A pixel one for sure.. but of me (that is a honest recreation of my face in that sig) mining a rune ore... I don't want a "Dark" scene.. so i am doubtful a Wildy area would be right.. nor a cave. More along the lines of a Field with a few rune rocks in it.. and i am mining it.. I would be wearing one of these two outfits: Ghostly Robes (semi transparent, but this might be too much to ask for)... Or my preferred clothing set, my Granite plate, dragon helm, dragon skirt, rune boots, dragon square, glory, Quest Cape (pic has obby because i have not done the fremnick isles quest yet) Barrows gloves. On either i would like you to put my face on :) Is there anyone that would like to take up this quest?
  17. It IS a religion.. if you consider JEDI as a religion then ANYTHING can be a RELIGION lol Actually it means the opposite because its open source.. once a bugs are found ANYONE can fix it..... that means that its easy to get a fix!!! And.. also a issue.. no sources but IE was MORE UNPATCHED (A exploit was known to be wild) then Firefox... This is part of Microsofts not caring since they have 85% and slipping :) The Windows "client" uses IE's rendering engine
  18. just disable javascript for that site.. it wont bother you again
  19. Well i want to state my opinion on this.. I believe that there should be a change in the law.. All people are allowed to marry. There should be the same rights for a male/male couple or female/female couple as there are for male/female couples I also believe that if you happen to be lucky to find more then one partner that you should be allowed ( male/male/male male/male/female male/female/female female/female/female ) and so on.. I think a change is needed.. For a marriage, it should be a length.... IE 1, 5, 10 years.. This would allow people to grow more and learn to choose wisely IMHO
  20. videora words wonders.. i would also keep a lookout on the Handbreak for windows (its a mac program being ported to windows) which does great for tv shows and such
  21. *followup* I belive if you had a snow forrest (snow on the ground) it would look better.. more winter like? but still :)
  22. Do you have a link for that? Sounds interesting thats all. Might encourage me to play on my "main" a bit more. i know the age issue is not gonna happen.. at least not for people like me they did not start keeping good records till members came out.. but i started in may/june of 01.... Reguarding the names.. they have a sticky widget.. they can't change the name because its linked to the account name for billing they have to find a way to remove that... or move the billing name from the account name.. :(
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