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Everything posted by Nunquam

  1. NOooo, my Giants lost. :( Totally destroyed by the Panthers... Oh well. They'll be back next year.... For the Superbowl, I'm guessing it'll be Colts and Seahawks.
  2. Autoers are gaining a few combat levels now before they start to auto. The ones I spotted recently in the fishing guild were around level 15. I guess they assume that if they're higher than level 3, they won't be suspected of autoing as much.
  3. Okay, I think I understand it now. People, thinking prices will rise at Christmas, buy Santas months beforehand and then when Christmas actually comes, attempt to sell them at high prices, only to find that everyone is selling them. Demand is down, supply is up (due to everyone selling at once) and prices fall.
  4. Still have 12 and a half hours to go where I am.
  5. Hmm...can't decide. Among my favorites are: Ocarina of Time Sonic 3 and Knuckles Goldeneye 007 SSBM Super Mario Bros. 3
  6. Sorry...needed to bump this funny thread with something. :D
  7. Hello all. I decided to track the price of Santa Hats in December to see how they went up in price. Well, my results were a little different than expected: As the graph clearly demonstrates, Santas went straight down. They're still going down and I'll continue to track them. But I wonder though: what's driving them to go down, especially during the holiday season when they supposedly increase in price? What do you guys think?
  8. My prediction is Seahawks vs. Colts. Though, as you can tell by my avatar, I'm a Giants fan so I hope they get in. Manning vs Manning...that'd be an awesome game.
  9. I'm sorry, when was it scientifically disproven, would you mind showing me the peer-reviewed scientific journal which disproved it? Every experiment since Louis Pasteur's has shown that life can only come from life. This is a FACT. If random proteins were able to place themselves together in the right order and create life, don't you think scientists should be able to replicate this in their experiments?
  10. Agreed. Just look at Terrell Owens. $7.5 million a year wasn't good enough for him so he wanted a new contract. I think I'd be perfectly fine with $7.5m. :roll:
  11. I'm 16 and I can nearly grow a full beard...I pretty much have to shave every day, it's annoying. I always cut myself, even with a Mach 3 Turbo. I guess I have really sensitive skin....
  12. Since abiogenesis is scientifically disproven, life couldn't have formed from non-life. To say otherwise when there is no evidence supporting it, is not being scientific, is it?
  13. Santa's not real?? :shock: Seriously though, I probably stopped believing when I was six or seven...I never really believed that a fat man in a sleigh pulled by magical reindeer could travel to millions of houses in a single night...or maybe I was just a dumb kid. *shrugs*
  14. I was bored, so I decided to write a poem...I'm not very good at writing them, so tell me what you think: A Little Newbie I will tell you of a tale About a little newbie Although his strength was very frail His courage you could plainly see It all began in Lumbridge His adventure started there At first he lacked the knowledge And knew not what was prayer Soon, though, he was taken Into a world of joy Let it not be mistaken For he was just a boy He traveled ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¹Ãâcross the lands so vast And anywhere he went He improved his skills and very fast His heart was filled content His adventures abruptly stopped When a level 93 was seen He wished to trade and so he swapped A sword for some GP Our little newbie friend Noticed something very strange He took one look into his hand And saw what he exchanged He had been scammed and very badly Surely, he hadnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t missed What he had traded, but, very sadly He needed to persist ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅIÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢ll get you one day, mark my words!ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ
  15. Don't worry, I've taken care of it. :P
  16. I don't find anything wrong with the death penalty...it definitely protects society against killers and also shows people the consequences of wrongdoing.
  17. Nunquam


    I love DDR. :D I have DDR Max 2 and DDR Extreme. But, unfortunately, my metal pad broke so I'm forced to play with the controller. :( Anyway, I can complete all the heavy songs but three. My favorite is Can't Stop Falling in Love (Speed Mix). I've gotten AA on that song with only 5 greats. I've only gotten two AAA's and both were light songs.
  18. I've never been seriously injured. Never broken a bone, never fractured one... In fact, I think the worst that's ever happened to me was when I got into a fight with my sister...I was about 8 or 9, I think. She thrust the end of a broomstick into my forehead and for some reason, it gave me a really deep cut. It only missed my eye by about a half an inch. I'm 16 now and I still have the scar. But besides that, no serious injuries...I guess I should consider myself VERY lucky. :D
  19. I didn't really like Brian Goes Back to College; it hardly made me laugh...but Fat Guy Strangler was pretty funny. *all the fat guys begin a round of flatulence and belching* I haven't seen the Courtship of Stewie's Father yet...
  20. Haha, that's hilarious. Especially the Bohemian Rhapsody one. Watch out, Weird Al, you have some competition. :P
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