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Everything posted by Ard_Choille

  1. We realize that some (if not most) of what's been posted since the application was announced is tainted with "Pick me, pick me!" verbiage...no matter how subtle it may be. :ohnoes: #-o - Ard
  2. I can't begin to explain how much I appreciate this sort of response! - Ard
  3. We anticipate that tipitchat will fizzle out because enough players will create their own clan chats without needing Tip.It Staff to manage one. After all, we are not Jagex staff and we have a chat function here, within our control. We know there are trolls out there just aching to hop on our chat and annoy us all. Please refrain from naming names though, or this thread will need to be locked. - Ard
  4. We appreciate your interest in the process and for you all taking the time to send in your application. Close to 300 applications have been submitted and are in the midst of the review process. During at least the next two weeks, the only notices going out to applicants will be decline notices. So, "no news is good news" if you don't hear from us right away. We'll do our best to keep you posted as we continue this process. Thanks! - Ard PS. Please do NOT send messages to inquire about your application. Nagging or asking staff members to put in a good word for you will be grounds for immediate rejection of your application.
  5. If an applicant has been declined, we are sending out private messages with the reason(s). You've all taken the time to answer our questions, so it's only fair that we give you a reason for being declined. Since we have yet to hit the official deadline, we are currently conducting a preliminary review. - Ard
  6. I wish you success with whatever you take on next. I know that Tip.It is near and dear to your heart and that departing is difficult as it seems to be closing an important part of your life. I wish you luck in finding your next great adventure and that it is as rewarding if not more so than Tip.It has been for you. Thanks for everything and take care. - Ard
  7. Thanks for posting! I agree on the pepperoni impression that one image gives. It was my first attempt at Bryce5. I'll have to tear myself away from Apophysis to try it out again. - Ard
  8. Moderator Application Discussion Thread --------------------------------------------------- Update as of October 24th, 2007: --------------------------------------------------- It is imperative that applicants check for private messages. We have a number of responses sitting in our outboxes. We'll do our part and move your responses to a safe place but you need to check your Inbox or you may not ever know the result of your application when the Nov 1 Message purge hits. Again, if you haven't received a message about your application yet, you are still in the running. - Ard --------------------------------------------------- Update as of September 21, 2007: --------------------------------------------------- We're still reviewing applications and nobody has been offered the position as of yet. No news is still good news! \ - Ard --------------------------------------------------- Update as of September 04, 2007: --------------------------------------------------- We appreciate your interest in the process and for you all taking the time to send in your application. Close to 300 applications have been submitted and are in the midst of the review process. During at least the next two weeks, the only notices going out to applicants will be decline notices. So, "no news is good news" if you don't hear from us right away. We'll do our best to keep you posted as we continue this process. Thanks! - Ard PS. Please do NOT send messages to inquire about your application. Nagging or asking staff members to put in a good word for you will be grounds for immediate rejection of your application. --------------------------------------------------- Original Message Posted August 25, 2007: --------------------------------------------------- Click here to read the announcement in it's entirety. Please use this thread to post any questions and comments you might have. Do NOT post your application here. Send your application via private message to Staff_Applications if you wish to apply. Applications will be accepted until September 3rd at 5pm (17:00) GMT. Applications posted on this thread will guarantee rejection from the program. Sincerely, Your Tip.It Administration Team
  9. Miscellania Seed Nest Count 74 total including... - 17 Acorn - 14 Apple - 8 Banana - 6 Willow - 4 Calquat, Curry, Maple, Pineapple - 3 Orange - 2 Magic, Palm, Papaya, Spirit, Yew
  10. We can always lock the postable thread if we need a new one to take seniority. - Ard
  11. Female Administrators unite! Seriously though, it's great to have you on the team! - Ard
  12. Announcement forum threads are now open for replies by registered users provided the thread is not locked. The projected use for such replies are for staff-promotion announcements and possibly site modifications. - Ard
  13. Personally, I don't consider private messages of congratulations to be spam but this idea is worth considering. The forum is only open to Administrator posting currently but maybe we can tweak the permissions a bit if the Administration team is in agreement. - Ard
  14. It might be worth posting up a question on the gallery forum to see if the audience there thinks it's a good idea. If you care to, feel free to scan the forum for the high-postcount threads to get an estimate of how many gallery blogs we have. - Ard
  15. Yes, we are aware of the new link. It will be addressed as soon as Albosky can get to it. Threads merged. Thanks! - Ard
  16. If you'd like to advertise your site on the forums, please feel free to use the Advertise your thing here sticky thread. - Ard
  17. I've not used Paint.net enough to make an accurate comparison. I really stick to GIMP for post work. I know a ton of people who prefer Paint.net over GIMP though. The Heroes sig was revised in June. I use it on the Heroes site but pulled it from rotation here. Here's the latest: "Ard Choille" (the wooded height or high wood) is the war cry of clan Gregor. The Gaelic pronunciation of Choille is khull-yuh. Thanks for posting! - Ard
  18. Yikes. I'm sorry to hear that your hard drive got crunchy. I've not heard of Apophysis having that sort of impact. Maybe you can play with it again one day. - Ard
  19. Check out the new Clan Chat Directory on the General Discussion forum.
  20. For those of you creating Clan Chats with the new RuneScape Clan Chat system, post your information here. For ease-of use, please provide the following: Chat Name: Primary Use: What type of discussion takes place? (ie. General discussion, PKing discussion, etc.) Additional Comments: To learn more about Clan Chat, check out the Knowledge Base. Thanks! Your Tip.It Administrative Team
  21. Moved :-) As for the posting of multiple articles within a day of each other, it was a simple miscommunication/timing snafu. We weren't about to pull an article once it was posted so you all got a two-fer. Replies made that are not directly related to the content of this article have been removed. Please stay on topic. - Ard
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