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Everything posted by chc05dude

  1. You gain XP instead of wealth when you train most (buyable) skills. XP is just another form of wealth. You can pretty much directly convert prayer XP into cash and vice versa, from a wealth calculation standpoint. Wealth generation is mostly done by the monster killers, the woodcutters, the coal miners, etc. What you are really discussing, is merchants vs resource gathering players. Merchants provide no material wealth to the economy, yet can be loaded with gold. The real world economy is much more messed up than the runescape economy, because those who have cash on hand(and a bank charter) can lend out imaginary money that doesn't exist hedged against the money they do have on hand. If you have 1million USD, you can lend out 9million USD, and on top of that earn interest on your imaginary money. Banking is responsible for most of the cash generation, not the mint. You get into a problem where, if there is ever a decrease in the amount of money lent, the money pool decreases. If the money pool decreases, there is physically not enough money in the economy to pay back all outstanding loans(+interest) unless there is in increase in the rate of lending. So to sum things up, simple.wiki would say "If we lend out less money than we used to lend out we run out of money and that would be bad." Which is what's happening right now.
  2. Jagex is the one and only true owner of your account. You simply pay them for access to your account. If your account were to be deleted or lost for no reason at all, they would be liable for nothing. It's also the main reason you are not allowed to sell your account. Most people say "$150 picture with free runescape account." To avoid legal trouble. Much in the same way people get OEM Windows Vista for free with a $99 cd-rom audio cable at mom and pop computer stores. The only reason they don't delete people they don't like, is that it's not in their best interest.
  3. Do you guys even do GWD yourself? The numbers are completely wrong. First, the time per kill is variable, if you solo sara it is NOT 5minutes per kill. Hell, it's about 2-3 minutes just for it to spawn. Second, the hilt is not the only money making drop. Third, it takes about 20-40minutes to get sara KC. If your going with a group, it takes 20-40minutes to get a group and get everyone geared up, on the same page, and in the same cc. Fourth, you cannot say "You can make 2m an hour, but my friend made 10m! You can make even more than 2m an hour!" The truth is it works the other way as well, but you don't see anyone bragging about their 750 Zilyana kill dry streak. Just as 1 person can make 10m an hour, 10 people can make 1m per hour, using your messed up estimates. Fifth, people die and DC at godwars, it's a risk you take. One death will set you back anywhere from 2m to 10m or so. Even if you get your stuff back, a death takes at least 30minutes of your time. Finally, each invent costs 200-300k. For solo sara, you get about 10 kills per inventory, at about 8minutes or more per kill including spawn. You barely make any money at all. Solo Armadyl is even worse money. I do it sometimes to try my luck, but overall it's not a good method of making money. Grouping reduces your costs, and it's definately the best way to do any GWD boss.
  4. In terms of training, I tend to think the godsword is better for the mobs with high defence, like black demons, abby demons, nechs, etc.
  5. Just document xp/hour markers and compare. Not hard. Where are you getting 0.6%?
  6. That is a different game. Nice try.
  7. 3a was a mistake by Jagex. With the volume requirements for updates on the GE, combined with an ultra-rare item by design, equals a locked price and insane shortage.
  8. The old type of danger was a bad thing. In this game, you could lose lots of time and effort to something completely random, like lag, a bad string of hits, picking up the phone, etc. The game is a mix of lulling you into bordem while you struggle to pay attention. You'll get bored of doing barrows, then the next thing you know your dead while picking up the phone/server lags. Whats good for everyone is good for you, even if you think the updates were only for stupid people, you too, one day, will die to lag, not paying attention, etc. And it's not fun to randomly lose tons of time/effort to something out of your control. A new MMO came out, called AoC. It was SUPPOSED to be a FFA type PvP game. You lose XP on death. Within a week of launch new players were being camped at the graveyards by clans. They handed out bans for it, and had to give more structure to the level of "danger" the game had. Simply because FFA PvP doesn't work. I know you want something crazy and exciting. But the fact is, it doesn't work. I know you want a fair and balanced way to experience "danger". What happens in reality, is that luring, scamming, and different sorts of abuse become rampant. As time goes on, a higher and higher percentage of people participating in those actives are scammers, lureres, abuers, etc. Because the honest players are forced out one devastating loss at a time. That's where the game was headed. At MB, it was one big tagging fest, the clans were getting bigger and bigger, to the point that it wasn't fun. 40 man MB teams, and of course, you had a 1/40 chance to see some action. If you pk'ed with anything less, you got tag banged. I quit MB'ing around 2006. It was 97% starring at the log in screen, 2% "That player is in combat rite now" and 1% PKing.
  9. With stickies such as [L=This Bloated worthless thread]http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=710789[/L]. Why even bother to have forums? Ever broken that rule? LoL.
  10. Thats right, medical advice on a runescape offtopic forum. Just like the tons of "my neighbors house is on fire what do i do guis?" The thread is in that category. No, not special, the stickies here are worthless and bloated. http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=561170 Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 1:21 pm Post subject: Trivial youtube/google video links to be posted here 389topics in 14 months. 10,282 views in 14months. Worthless Sticky.
  11. Explaining the link, you obviously didn't bother. It's in reference to the other issue I brought up, randomly locked threads in general for "lack of discussion value." Then I linked a total failure thread in terms of worthwhile discussion. No youtube links on offtopic is just another one of the silly rules, like randomly locking threads in general. It was in reference to the latter. Didn't really sit down to plan this thread out, I know its not that reader friendly, but your referring to the wrong thing. First, I'm not from 4chan. Second, its not a meme. Third, you consider this worthy of server space? http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=731424
  12. 214,000 views, video is not in english, but is posted on American youtube. What? I guess you'll find this interesting. http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=731424 Go flame him, then. Actually, you already posted there, and you lol'd. Good fight. Wrong guy, lol, he posted earlier. I'm doing this with like 30seconds of effort.
  13. Quite the opposite, like the link I posted above the picture. Claiming the Zamorak warriors were wearing a dragon plate, and dragon kite shield. The idiots of this forum are the ones failing at making discussion topics to fit the moderation criteria. If it's not funny, it gets circulated off the first page and into the abyss. OH MY GOD THE HORROR. Guess tipit just doesn't have enough traffic that threads get bumped off the first page, so instead they have these ridiculous rules?
  14. You're an idiot. If you bothered to read Sticky titles, you'd find that you can post Youtube links, in the sticky. When was the last time you checked it. Probably a long time.
  15. At least something is going on now on the forums amirite?
  16. This is off-topic, how can I not post a youtube link, seriously. Serioussllllyyyyyyy
  17. I love that one. It's enforced via lottery. A fresh level 70 can make thread not knowing wtf he is doing like http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=731973 THAT guy. Yet, 1 of 3 posts get locked. I mean, really? 1 of 3 topics people make get locked (I don't even bother making topics anymore, and I'm sure others don't either, since the same threads float around for days, yet the forum gets alot of traffic) Seriously? The moderators know better than me if those threads are worthy of my discussion? This place.... Why do I bother.
  18. lol screw it. lame forums, wow. no lulz here at all. lulz or gtfo.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHx2vM4a ... re=related 99 summoning would still be more frustrating.
  20. http://hiscore.runescape.com/hiscoreper ... ight_zaros Where is your 99fletching and 99cooking?
  21. So I get the feeling that you are more taken aback by the thought of having to level this skill by yourself. I've finally decided that fook-a-ji is the worlds most sly troll. I wish there were a way to ignore his posts. He takes what he has learned in his 2,000 posts, and tries to get a rise out of people in the most stealthy of ways(no direct insults). Well actually, he directly insults, just doesn't use flaming words. Ah well. WTB ignore button. He switched stances in this thread a couple times just to poke at peoples nerves.
  22. They did stay. Masks never surpassed they're 2006 high. For the first time, rares actually went down about 2% over a year. A YEAR. Construction was easy to pass up as unnecessary. But a counterpart to prayer is hard to pass up, people pay about 50m+ for prayer, but that stays in the economy. So summoning, because its combat based is in way higher demand than construction. It's simple, the value of the GP is rising, the items aren't necessarily crashing. GP just buys more. Then everyone panics at the falling prices and the price goes artificially low, and it goes back up, but with the value of the GP raising again with this skill update, it won't be as high as it was. I warned people not to buy santas after the xmas crash :x
  23. I have about -40m saved. Meaning, I'm going to power-grind summoning materials, hopefully about 40m. Because by 2009 it'll be like "race to 138combat what?" And it'll be old news. I'm in no rush what-so-ever. I rushed construction up for my 15minutes of fame on the highscores before stopping at 72 as the skill is worthless after that.
  24. Guess they will finish up the diaries after Mournings end part 3. sometime around 2023.
  25. Wait a couple days. I was going to buy some monster drops because I knew lootshare would screw over the supply, but decided it was too risky with summoning on the horizon. With lootshare failure messing with supply, the price rise isn't suprising. I can see jagex having to adjust prices individually for items with low volume, like blue party. IMO ags will come down if the situation is as you explained.
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