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Everything posted by phreaknet

  1. Alright, then forget the Tux and the Wedding Dress. You could get married by the Kings of Varrock, Falador, or Lumbridge castle. A civil marriage...
  2. So? RuneScape already excludes certain religions. Think about it... who are the only religious figures in RuneScape? Monks... and where are those monks located? Churches... I don't know about you, but I've never seen a Mosque in RS. Plus, All religions and cultures have some sort of marriage. I can't think of any that don't have a formal process for marriage of two people.
  3. I like all three of those idea's (merging the two bank idea's; don't worry, i can count :D ) But, I agree with Feuerflieged that your anti-censor idea is never going to happen. Your first idea would be nice, but it would take to long to implement. And, in a twisted sort of way, I don't Jagex really wants you to know when your next level is coming up. The bank idea has been stated numerous times before, and I stand behind it 100%.
  4. Exactly, so it would be realistic. :D No, they wouldn't be able to take their partners stuff. Obviously, this is something that would take a while to get right, but I think it would be fun once Jagex did.
  5. These special pizza's would have to heal alot. Otherwise, people wouldn't bother. They would have to heal more then sharks for anyone to really care about the quest.
  6. I think the Zammy leader should be a lower level. Think about it, when you attack the Kalphite Queen, you usually bring friends. But if you are doing a quest, you normally do it alone. And even a level 126 is going to have a hard time fighting a level 267.
  7. No one would do it. It would extremely tedious.
  8. I agree, the balance is a huge issue. I also agree with your idea for the flag stealing, but I think it should be lower then 3 minutes. I don't think it should any more then 1 minute As for the catapult, it is underrated. But, it is too slow, as you said. I think you should be able to just click on the map where you want to fire, but you have to wait like 5-10 seconds between shots (they could have the catapult slowly resetting to do this). I also think it would be cool if you could shoot at the enemy castle and eventually take out a wall. Of course, it would have to have really high defense, better then the wooden door in the front.
  9. You mean like barricades in Castle Wars? That wouldn't work at all... I can just see someone with a full inventory of them in the Wild. They would do exactly what they do in Castle Wars, go into a narrow area and then drop one. Then the person could run away and they couldn't be followed. There is a reason barricades are only in Castle Wars. I'm sorry, but this is a horrible idea.
  10. Have you ever heard of punctuation and grammar? I couldn't understand anything you just said.
  11. No offense, but I think it would look stupid. I mean, when you see movies like LOTR, do the elves ever wear white during combat?
  12. Its a status thing. What they should do is give everyone like 2+ months to sell off the Masks and PHats and everything else and then make them all untradeable. If you lose one due to PKing, it's gone forever. Then, after like at least 6 months, Diango can start selling them. But, not for 100gp. It would have to be AT LEAST a couple hundred thousand. Maybe 200k so then people would still have to work a little bit.
  13. If people with xx thieving level were allowed to raid the houses, no one would use them. I'm not going to store my outfit worth 500k in there if some lvl 90 is gonna come steal it.
  14. OK lets get one thing straight. Despite our reputations, Americans are NOT stupid and calling us stupid only angers us and shows us that you actually believe stereotypes about our culture. And FYI, Halloween was originally a Christian holiday. It used to be called All Saints day. It then got mutilated and turned into a celebration of Pagonism. Hence, we now trick or treat and wear masks depicting monsters and ghouls and things. So, actually, It isn't an American holiday at all. It only seems like it because America markets it the most with children's toys, candy, and other assorted holiday items.
  15. Of course, you could also argue that holidays like Chrstmas and Easter are religious holidays (Christian holidays) and in many countries, the majority of the population is not Christian (Such as Iraq or india). I am an American, but I wouldn't mind at all celebrating St. Patricks day or Bastille day. :D
  16. That's exactly what I was trying to say. :cry: But you told me that I was wrong just because I was never hired to Jagex. Huh?
  17. If you really want new quests and all the other perks of being a member, just shell out the $5 a month. Jagex will NEVER make new f2p quests unless it gets to the point where litterally almost all f2p users have completed all the quests and they start losing mass amounts of users. I don't want to sound harsh, but it boils down to Jagex really just cares more about the opinions of members because we pay $5 a month. Jagex is just a company, all they are really interested in is money.
  18. Yeah but they could do it like eBay where you have to wait like 30 days before you could change it again. I know it would get confusing, It's just that I hate my name. :cry:
  19. Really? Thats interesting. I have a friend (Who actually is a girl and whose character is as well) and she is constantly being bugged by guys. She is only lvl 48, but a really good miner. So, she'll be at the mines and every time at least 2-4 guys come up and say she looks hot and ask if she wants to be her boyfriend. While you may think it is somewhat flattering, she certainly doesn't like it. She ends up giving them long lectures on why they can't fall in love with animated characters and then if they persist, I come and tell them I will beat the cabbage out of them if they don't leave. They are usually lvl 30 or below so a lvl 72 with full Rune is somewhat intimidating. :D
  20. While it could make things very confusing, I think we should be allowed to change our names. The thing is, I don't really like my name anymore. When I made my account, it just had more significance for me. Now, it's a burden to carry such an odd name. I know many people feel this way, especially those who foolishly chose to put 123456789 at the end of their name. I think we should be allowed to change, but with restrictions. Like once you change your name, you have to wait x amount of days before being able to change it again (Like on eBay). Who's with me that we should be able to change our names? P.S. If their actually is some sort of name changing form that I have completely missed, please point me in the right direction.
  21. I have one girl character that I made kind of just for kicks and because I wanted to do tutorial island again because I was bored. But, I have many accounts (roughly 8-10) and I think that that is my only girl, and, seeing as I myself am a guy, I would never have a girl character. Not that I have anything against women, I just think it would be creepy to be a guy and have a girl character. It would kind of make me feel like one of those internet pedophiles...
  22. I don't think stalls would really be necessary. It would just take up space. I think you could just have your shop "open or closed" and then they could add a window where you could right click on items and have them go into your shop window. Of course, they would still be in your inventory for immediate access. The only problem is, what's to stop someone from making the price for like a tinderbox 100k? Then someone who has, say 300k in their inventory comes and needs a tinderbox for a quest or something so they go to this persons shop and just instantly hit buy now instead of checking the price first. They assume that the person would only make it like 5gp, but if they really made it 100k and someone wasn't paying attention, well... that would be really horrible.
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