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Everything posted by aznmidget448

  1. Hang on, wasn't there demonic symbols added recently in the lesser member only pits?
  2. lol, thanks for the tip. it'll save a couple people from this scam attempt.
  3. I think of doric when i see a man in the north... but he was a dwarf... who else would buy chisels and hammers? could this be why jagex changed the doric's quest a little? To make it suitable for W.O.M storyline? Okay, so i was wrong. As i continued reading, i learned... I continued reading... So they just found out about talismans and runes and lastly.... That's one of the first quests we did. The... forget the name, but where we're the messanger running around and finally have access to rune ess and runecrafting. That's the quest where they found the power of rune ess...unless they knew it b4 and lost it to the zamorokean mages who destroyed the wizard tower and now after a couple years, we have retrieved to information again...
  4. Might that help a little? It explains a bit about the wizards tower and zamorak destroying it... I'll get my spade and dig through some more things...
  5. i'm currently f2p, but i highly doubt jagex would put anyting out there. I doubt it because they don't seem to put things out before they decide to update. When they do, most everyone will be able to see it. I have a feeling this all connects to runescape history. As we all have heard before, History is destined to repeat itself. I think the Wise Old Man, a saradomin follower, will have something to do with the original runescape history, like when zaros was defeated or something. I'm not sure, but that's my thoughts. I don't understand something tho... If the Wizard tower is devoted to saradomin's secrets etc, and the wise old man is saradomin's follower, why would he attack his own god's tower?? I hope this plot unfolds a little quicker. I can't wait to see what the real plot is. Also, i want to know who will take over wom's job if he dies/gets removed. I'm guessing it's Miss Schism. Any1 else have a thought?
  6. I do! Those extra 5 minutes could save 5 months+ of your work... The number is 119846514876... wait... it's only 4 numbers :P
  7. The more inactive you are, the more randoms you get :D Just to put that out there... i had like 3 frogs, 2 mimes, and that's about it... :cry:
  8. Noob (yet higher level than me at the time): I know how to duplicate items!!!!! Me:How?!?!?! (i was a noob... sue me!) Noob: Drop your items here. Then hold down Alt and then hit F4. =) look at all this essense i duplicated! Me: Okay, so here? Noob: Yup Me: Okay dropped. Now for the keys (of course i knew alt f4... closes window, duh... I don't drop items... report the noob... i wait for the computer to autolog me off... Then I wait like a couple seconds and log back on... He's still there...) Me: Are my items duplicated yet? Noob: Hang on, don't pick them up yet. You need to wait a couple seconds after you log in Me to myself: -.- noob.... WHY WAS HE STILL WAITING THERE?! WAT AN *&*&*!!!
  9. lol, nice :D I'm gonna go try that out later... If you have ur str/atk low enough, lure the mugger over into the store and keep the door closed. the autoers (lvl 3-4s) will get attacked and will die! MUAAHAAHAA!
  10. dat's sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet :D
  11. I'd buy a ton of phats, santas, pumpkins, easter eggs, masks, dragon full, barrows, and everything rare/costs money to get. Then i'd get nats = amount of items i have... withdraw everything rare... Start recording with hypercam... Press low alch button... click... click... click... click... EAT EAT EAT.... click... click... click... EAT EAT EAT! click... click.... click.... EAT EAT EAT! yeah. Then i'd paste the video here and on google or wherever i can. Then i'd go up to that really annoying _________ in my classes and show him the video and tell him to leave me alone :D Yeah, that's crazy, but hey, it looks fun. Of course, i'd keep a set of phats, masks, a santa, an easter egg, a pumpkin, and other rares. One of each... in my possession. Another thing i might do id take all the rares.... transfer to another account... then cancel that account, ruining the runescape rares economy. Everything would sky rocket and i'd laugh *evil laugh* :twisted:
  12. 2-3 hrs on monday, wednesday, thursday, and friday 1 hr on tuesday around 0-10 hours on weekends... It really depends.... So oeverall like 9-24 Not much really... Oh wait, that doesn't count my time on tip.it. My tip it time spans from 0-8 hours, lol... Per day... sometimes more if i'm bored and have nothing else to do
  13. I'm f2p, but i woulda came... But CONGRATS! jeez... i'm falling behind.... :cry: Lol, good job :D
  14. I'd live in a log cabin chopping trees and fletching bows. Then i'd leave them unstrung and sell them in the market when i had enough. On my free time, i'd go hunting with my friends and sometimes maybe fishing.
  15. Now would be a nice time for members... just to avoid all those zamydam noobs.... UGH! I hate this. I'll have so many noobs on my back while chopping away at the yews...
  16. WOODCUTTING! and that fletching part... nice bit of cash when members
  17. Nice guide. I was gonna suggest to make bigger pics, then i realized if it was bigger, it'd be too big :l Off topic: where'd you get your sig? copied or from a site or made yourself?
  18. If everyone told their secrets of getting to 1 mill+ gp, then the prices for items would rise and other people would be put in the "poor" category. I hate people who ask how to make free money.... Well, one way is trying to level your skills. Another is to merchant. Those are but a few ways to make money... Ya think? I KNOW THEY ARE!
  19. I probably gave out more than i received... Well, when i was around level 30, I was scammed and lost my addy legs (which i found after someone died in the zamorak wine area). Some guy came up to me, after hearing me curse like for 5 minutes... He brought me all over runescape and bought me full mith :D What a nice guy.... He's inspired me since. I've given away some bronze/iron armour to newcomers in all worlds. Some people need help? I help :D to the best of my abilities, lol. Some person complained about dying with their items in lumby (as i was giving away my cheaply smithed items)... I felt bad and handed over my b-axe, haahaa. Haven't gotten one since. But all this payed off. One day, my account got hacked... i was very sad :cry: lol. Well, some friends who i had given the free stuff to helped me get up and going again with FREE STUFF! So i guess if you treat others the way you want to be treated, they'll do the same :D lol, i don't think this should be under this topic... kinda got carried away... woops :P
  20. Flier for bob, charcoal (for nonmembers)
  21. *sigh* it's always at 6:00 for me and i'm never home then.... Aw well, hope you guys have lots of fun out there. Burn some logs for me too :wink:
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