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Everything posted by aznmidget448

  1. People in rs usually marry/become bf/gf for money/items. I find it really stupid and pointless. Well, I can understand the free items, but i don't understand why you would become married/gf/bf for it.... Half the girls in rs are males who just want free stuff. I hate it!
  2. There were a couple gramatical errors, but i could still understand the story. VERY GOOD STORY! I was sad when Thomas died :cry:, lol. I figured out that the names from this story were tweaked a bit onto "The Legend of the Dragon Sword." I knew i saw a similarity. Well, overall great story. I enjoyed reading it very much. I hope you finish your sequel soon :D
  3. Read "Assassin" and you will understand. :) Excellent work, Necro! Am looking forward to the next installment. 8) Oh, lol, kk
  4. Read the beginning part of the new story. Liked it alot. But this story is long... 81 pages in word... If you haven't already guessed, i like to read things printed out and i'm not sure if I really should print 81 pages.... Well, i'm sure this will be just as interesting as the other story u wrote. I think i saw some faimiliar names when just looking over it. Not sure as of now tho...
  5. I'm a bit confused, but i like the parts i can understand. Very nicely written...
  6. OMFG! THAT IS AMAZING! Love the story. Finish it soon :D can't wait till ur done to read it... 13 pages in Microsoft word to be exact
  7. ummm... Ummm.... Nice story :D I liked it. Fun to randomly read stories, lol Hope u write a sequel
  8. I really hope this helps. Remember that every one of u could make a difference (people aren't gonna see this post cuz it's way at the bottom, lol) :lol:
  9. That's the first sig i've ever made. Can some1 give me a price that it could sell for? I might end up selling it if it's a nice price... Also, how do u make it so that you don't get scammed when u trade it to some1 if they buy it? Thx in advance...
  10. too much supply, not enough demand
  11. yeah, my friend helped me out when i got hacked :D yup, there are still good peopple in rs... it's rare, but they're there
  12. Well then, i can't help u... ur problem is beyond my intelligence lvl :cry:
  13. lol, go to the wrench screen (right of the logout screen) and turn "sound effects" on. That should fix ur problem. by wrench screen, i mean the screen where ur inventory, stats, and other things are. This screen also controls the brightness and how loud u want ur sound to be.
  14. Evil Bob sends u to fishing area... very bad if ur a pure trying to keep all ur lvls at 1... Normal bob is members only....
  15. Very Nice guide... very helpful. I like to chop yews while doing my math homework or reading my history book, but never thought of doing that with fishing :D
  16. i got red Looks like most people got green, then red, then blue
  17. Well all i know about the wise old man and the bank robbery is that he robbed the bank with saradomin strike, and is aimed at wizard tower next. He's "running out of runes" and thinks the wizards won't be nice enough to lend him some, so he's aimed at destroyinng the tower for the runes.... I think from runescape history, zamorak destroyed the wizard tower long ago becasue it had too much information or something... So could that tie into the wise old man?? - i forget where i read that....
  18. Found out from a friend who was bored and looked on forums... wish he never shared this game with me. Once i started playing, my grades started to slip...
  19. you were and elk, but you got shot and eaten, Then you were reincarnated and became a turtle. I wish.... If i say it, then it won't be a wish, but a selfish desire :D beat that :wink:
  20. stopping a "free armour trimming" scam in draynor jail... lvl 18... calling me... a... noob.... for saving some1... from... a... frigin.... scam.... :evil:
  21. Mime: Killing Moss giants in varrock sewers Freaky Forester: Never Frog: twice, Karamja fishing area Evil Bob: Once at karamja Maze: First time was when i was doing goblin village quest. I was heading back to goblins and accidently attacked one. I got the maze from that. Another two Lessers pit. and one in varrock sewers. Drill Demon: never Quizmaster: Once fishing in karamja
  22. I got 2... both in the moss giant caves... none when fishing...
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