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Everything posted by aznmidget448

  1. I like your idea. It would be nice to see which clans are better :D It would be awesome if someone could make this. It could be a place where all the clans can come together, plan wars, chat, and do things...
  2. I like killing zombies because they sometimes give you bones... Back on topic... My best tip is... cut through draynor mansion when going from draynor bank to Varrock... I don't know how many people i've had to tell to stop going through fally or lumby to get to varrock...
  3. walking around fally trying to find the meaning of life... and killing lots of white knights...
  4. I like the original rocks because it was easier to tell if they had the ore or not... I guess it's either to resemble actual mining better or to mess with the autoers.
  5. Maybe they're picking up something that they think is a macro thing. Maybe limewire or something you use to listen to music? Just a thought...
  6. Getting scammed and hacked is not a good reason to beg... Nothing is a good reason to beg. The only person i can think of who could start out at a high level (not sure if he did, but he could) is Andrew. :P Begging shouldn't be banned in rs... If it was, then most of us wouldn't be here because most of us probably begged in our lower level stages... I know i did. Begging isn't bad... It's just annoying.
  7. I think it's easier to mine rune at lvl 3 because there aren't as many pkers in the wildy who can atk you when you're at level three. Either that or they are all autoers...
  8. I think it's just you.... I've never actually payed attention to this...
  9. I bet it is possible to beat him with mage. You just need a good defense and a good mage level. Just make sure you have enough runes, teles, and definately the shield. I don't see why it wouldn't be possible. It might be hard, but it should be possible.
  10. I think this is one of those "On the line" scams. It's not exactly a scam, but if think about it, it is... I can't really give a direct answer...
  11. Happy B-day TOMORROW!!!!!! Sadly, i won't be there :( But i'm still gonna wish you a happy b-day :D
  12. er... not exactly the most fashionable clothes... if i got them, they'd be in the end of my bank collecting dust :P Oh well, I hope i get the emotes. They look pretty sweet.
  13. HAHAAA PHR33 ST00F PL0X!!! lol, that's a pretty nice fake, though that person had too much stuff to really scam someone. No one would believe that... If it was real, I'd say that the person had no life and has spent too much time as a slave to runescape.
  14. Including stuff like rubber chickens? Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Unitedite meant things like santas, masks, and phats. Things that are discontinued and are tradeable. Rubber chickens aren't tradeable and therefore are going to be sticking around.
  15. pfft, i own all of you! I can kill.... a... RAT!!!!!! heehee But seriously, anything with 18 hp, I can kill with r2h if i get lucky. Not sure about dragon items because i haven't been a member forever...
  16. Woodcutting at 91: 1) When I started, there weren't as many autoers cutting trees. It was usually less than two people in lumbridge. It was great to make money at that time. Now i've stopped chopping as much because of all the autoers. 2) I've always wanted one skill at 99. It's been a dream ever since I started runescape. I chose woodcutting since it was the way I got money when I was a newcomer. When I first got in, I was chopping logs at lumbridge and selling them to the general store. I have almost 1k!!! 3) I enjoy the fact that this is an afk skill. Not needing to be at your keyboard 24/7 is great because I can do my homework, chat with friends, and do other things. Woodcutting is a very nice low maintainance job. 4) This is also a great way to chat with friends. You could chat and chat while just clicking every now and then. Overall, woodcutting is a low maintainance skill that I actually enjoy doing.
  17. Read all the guides you can find and try their strategy. Take one at a time and keep an eye on your health and prayer level (when you're using prayer) Keep trying different tactics. Don't always stick to one because there are many other ways to get a fire cape. Don't get fustrated if you die. You didn't lose anything. Patience is a virtue. I wish you luck and I know you can do it :)
  18. I suggest be a member if you're bored of f2p. Otherwise, stay f2p. You'll save lotsa money :P
  19. (t) (g) and god armour are all f2p (h) and fully guilded armour are p2p only.
  20. Try searching google... Personally, i use rsdemon...
  21. I've had my character for around two+ years. My recovery questions have been changed last month along with my password :) (i decided to try and be safer)
  22. Lol, i remember that... My cousin and I were f2p pking... we walked out and i had it but he didn't... heehee, it was great.
  23. I saw 2 monk players roming the wilderness exactly the same, except they're names were just a little different. one was like M0nk 13461 and the other was Monk 13461... or something like that. It was pretty cool. But the chances of meeting one that had the same name as you is very slim... :?
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