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Everything posted by aznmidget448

  1. heehee, looks like lots of fun... people will pass and be like "wtf?!" I know I would.
  2. I think that because we have more players on now, Jagex thinks that if we respawn them quicker, then people won't have to wait around... I think it's just the ratio of players to the respawn...
  3. I attacked a guard and then transformed into an egg... it still attacked me back.
  4. The more crowded the world, the quicker the respawns...
  5. yes, diango replaces zombie heads... You can get multiple pretty much everything... Even christmas items...
  6. There's a new guy in draynor who sells and buys wine and jugs... :) sorry if this is an old update... I just went there expecting bunnies with diango, but I was wrong *sigh*
  7. Yep, had that problem when I was a member... If they expect us to do quests and build skills, we need the space... F2p needs more space too... Especially with all these new randoms and the zombie outfit...
  8. If you go south into the Rimmington mine area, there's a spade stuck in the ground there. Not many people use that one and i've been picking that one up and handing it out... It's usually there... just takes a while to respawn... Please do not sell these spades...
  9. That's a nice guide... I did it without the guide and the guide's pretty accurate... Maybe add pics of step by step... Nice job... Happy Easter Everyone!!!
  10. I helped do that!!! Except it was the one in the mining area in Rimington... people were really mad at me :oops: ... but I made other people happy that they didn't have to spend 5k for a silly spade... I guess the spade market went up yet again for the holiday, lol
  11. This is a sweet holiday gift. I love it. (Eat the "magic" egg and then use the ring when you get small... If you click at the just right time, you can make you in egg form walk a distance... People were all like :shock: when they saw this, haahaa...)
  12. http://www.runeweb.net is also a good site for a stat sig
  13. I hate it when people do it. I personally don't do this. People just want to show off...
  14. Actually, yes it has... I'm guessing that the reason for this is that I have to stick to a schedule which will keep my grades up. I find that since playing runescape, i have become more organized... could the rs bank be affecting me to do that? Also, I have found that before runescape, i didn't have "fun", but instead, i was cramped up studying (once in a while going out with friends and what not) but now I guess the fun helped bring my grades up. The brain needs a break every now and then. Overall, Runescape has made me a better person and I will make sure I never forget it.
  15. The music in Runescape is pretty good in my view. I don't listen to it too much since my computer is pretty slow. It doesn't get repetative for me so I'll listen to it whenever I play on High Detail.
  16. It's mainly because it's a "random" event. It comes randomly so you will never know what you get. I haven't gotten the zombie random yet, and some people have got it 8 times already, but i have gotten the frog 8 times... it's all random. I wish you good luck on getting the gravedigger...
  17. I'm guessing that since you were doing the exact some process over and over again, someone reported you, thinking you macroed... Jagex doesn't have enough time to look at every single report, so they just decide to ban you... It's happened to many other people.... My suggestion to jagex is to hire some new people who will help the banning process so that people aren't unfairly banned... Personally, I'd rather have the unfair banning stopped than new quests every week...
  18. Jagex would be forced to get more adds to keep runescape running... Fire some staff, and eventually, if they didn't have enough money, close down runescape or make it members only
  19. You mean like rotten tomatoes? That would be cool indeed... I like the idea of the cracker like ones, but I don't think that would be very magical... I would say healing eggs, but i doubt they'd do that... I'm want an egg hatches into a bunny... then you can talk to the bunny, lol. After talking to the bunny, you can learn your emotes and i'd be happy :D I doubt that will happen... oh well, I just can't wait to get the emote and make fun of people who didn't get it, just like how i missed the rubber chicken... lol, jk
  20. For the lower levels, i find that mages with nothing else (hp of course...) own build up a skill to buy the runes... ranging is also good... 40 atk and lots of str is also a nice pker... I personally like defense pures, heehee. It makes the enemy really mad, but you really can't do anything... with 1 atk and str...
  21. Either lag, or you need to update some software, or you need a new computer, or you need to restart your computer... I've had these random problems, and they all get fixed from a simple restart (I usually hibernate my computer because it takes forever to log in)
  22. LOL I don't think anybody "believes" in the RuneScape gods... You DON'T???? heathen, the gods will punish you for that! jk, im thinking that the gods of runescape are like the roman gods, they all rule a specific thing, zamorak the god of evil, guthix of balance, saradomin of good, but what does that make zaros? Zamorak is Chaos Zaros is evil. Zamorak backstabbed Zaros and tookover both chaos and evil from all the stories I have read...
  23. Gotta love remembering the noobish days... santas were 200k :x i sold mine, lol, still regret that day
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